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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by 10pointer

  1. we sell em through my work, and can get alot more than whats listed on the website. Get one made with a heavy denier 1200+ which will toughen it up and prone to less punctures etc.
  2. When i set people up at work that arent very skilled fisherman, i use the nail knot 20#amnesia with the perfection loop. I just suggest it to new folks that could get confused with all the knots, etc. The easier the better for someone getting into the sport and loop to loop connections are gravy.... On that note i also use the ?amnesia? on my fly lines. The gpx started to do the sink but i forgot to add the glue to seal it up: . Now that its sealed it works like a charm.
  3. Missouri trout fishermans association tournament at montauk is september 16th and 17th. Theres the kansas city area mtfa "state derby" at bennett May 20th and 21st. Ill be down for both. Went for the state mens trny at montauk a couple weekends ago and won that with a 5 1/2 lb 23" rainbow. It was lots of fun. IM not really serious about winning the tournys but they are a ton of fun to me. Im heading to montauk this weekend and hopefully the weather stays nice, but next weekend it looks like the water may be dirtied up with it raining quite a bit next week. I cant wait, if the waters un fishable theres always the bar-b-que, beer, and card games!
  4. our guys trip is the same weekend down at montauk. My dad, his cousins, their kids and his friends, we all go down twice a year once in april then once in september for the mtfa tourny. Its always alot of fun and theres about 20-25 of us in the group. We got 6 or 7 cabins rented and it oughta be a great time. Only bad part is its looking like rain next week down south so hopefully the water stays somewhat clear and not like it was a couple weeks ago. good luck!
  5. ya i had a great weekend, the water cleared up considerably in the few days i was gone. I caught a 5 1/2 lb rainbow in the park for the mens tournament and won the tournament with that fish. It was alot of fun and i wanted to hit the blue ribbon but we ran out of time and headed for home about 3 pm. I was very relieved to see the water clear up a bit because im deadly when it comes to sightfishing, and when its murky im just as good as the next guy like most folks are. Only bad part of the day was i broke one of my Loomis ultralites in half...no worries because i talked to our rep and its getting taken care of for free and i dont have to pay the $50. Hows the water this week, have you got a chance to sneak a peek at the river? Ill be heading down next saturday, so i may see ya there!
  6. Theres plenty of good ultralite reels out there, and heres my list of the best ive found and also by the amount of repeat sales. 1) Pfleuger president 20, or 25 $49.99 for the 20 and $59.99 for the 25. 2) Shimano sahara 750fb $59.99 3) Quantum Kinetic kt10 $59.99 (2005 model) theres a myriad of other reels to choose from but these i have found to be the best. If you are able to visit the st.charles area you should stop in and i could give you the in's and out's of every ultralite out there. Choosing a reel isnt always about price but those up there that may be a little higher than you were wanting to spend would be well worth the extra money because you would go through several other reels before these reels would croak.
  7. well i won todays state mens tourny...caught a rainbow that weighed in at 5 1/2. This is my first lunker of 2006 during catch and keep season. I will be back down in a couple of weeks for the womens tourny weekend to see if any monsters are in the water. One title down several more to go this year, with the rose holland and bennett state tourny etc.
  8. sounds like a fun day at least, a bad day fishing is better than any day working. I went thursday down there to the park and the water was up and murky. Did you get to go to the river thursday at all? If so was the river alot clearer than it was? Im leaving in a few hours to hit the mens tournament down there and hopefully the water will be alot clearer in the few days ive been gone. What do ya think, will the water be significantly clearer tommorrow for me than what it was?
  9. so whos all going to the men's tournament tommorrow at montauk? Ill be down there with my dad and i know serveral other people going down this weekend. I went to montauk on friday and the river was higher than its been but the murky-ness was going away as the day was going on. I hope that 36 hours since i left will really clear it up i hope. If it aint sight fishing im just as good as the next guy Hopefully its clear and i catch a biggun'. Ill let everyone know how it went when i get back tommorrow night.
  10. http://justtrout.netfirms.com/index.html its going to be may 20th, 2006 this year here's a link the people that run it sent me to. They came into my work to pick up a bunch of prizes for the kids day and are great people. I plan to be a stream walker and help the kids out if my schedule stays open like it is now. Last year i heard there was a turnout of 1800+ kids down at meramec. The kids day down there has quite a bit of sponsors and alot of prizes and things to be given away. Karen and her husband who runs the kids day came in and picked up about 50 rod and reel combos from my work. It sounds like a fun day for the kids and im looking forward to helping out. Also they asked if anyone would like to volunteer they are more than welcome to.
  11. up at work (stcharles bass pro) we have the gloomis streamdance glx's on clearance now. If you are a fan of loomis or those rods in general then this would be the deal to get. They have a regular price of $600-$630 and they are marked down to $388, so its atleast a $200 savings. I have a 9' 4wt. in the streamdance glx and i like it alot. This is just a little heads up for some folks that may be interested. If i wanted to get the rod through loomis, id get it for much cheaper but for you guys that dont got that resource this would be the time to buy one.
  12. i got mine at reed's also down at montauk. I got one heck of a deal and i paint them myself. Its hard to find the 1/32 jig heads with a small enough hook....most places sell them with too big of a hook on em. Art or kelly will set ya up with whatever amount you want em in. good fishing Jason
  13. how was this rubber laid...in the "four leg" way coming off like a spider of sorts, or were they just the "tail" and laid over the top of the chenile from the head and extending out after the turn in the hook? I tie up some similair to what you are talking about im thinkin but i was wanting to be sure. Im gonna be going to meramec on the 16th then montauk the 18th for the men's tournament down there. I cant wait
  14. my family has stayed at reeds cabins for 25+ years or whenever they opened. Art and Kelly the new owners have done an excellent job with renovations and have a nice in ground pool, pavillion for fires and get togethers and have an overall excellent place. The rooms almost all have double beds full kitchens, dining areas, and a full bathroom. The price is well worth the cost compared to the other area cabins etc. They are located at the top of the hill you go down entering the park at montauk. That puts you within 1/4 mile from the water. You can walk the trails down to the river or drive the shortshort distance. the lodge has nice cabins but i dont think they are as nice and cost more and are smaller than reeds. The folks at reed's have all the amenities one could need and are happy to help you pick out the best stuff in there store. tell them jason gramann sent ya www.reedscabin.com
  15. My favorite by far is montauk. Ive been to bennett and maramec and they are just too crowded and commercialized throughout the whole place. Ive caught a TON of lunkers at montauk and know all the good holes throughout the place to find a lunker, but i just dont know where they put lunkers in at bennett. I also have a question about bennett...do they give out lunker patches like montauk does, or do they even have a lunker board? Im saying this because ive only been to bennett a few times and never really paid attention. Im going down to bennett for the "MTFA 60th state derby" since im a member of MISSOURI TROUT FISHERMANS ASOCIATION. I never been to a tourny at bennett, so wheres the best spot to look for lunkers. Ive heard there is more of a concentration in zone two. I know a buddy of mine kevin "rudy" is probably the best fisherman to grace the waters at bennett from what i know. Whats the wading restrictions at bennett? Ive never really fished much there, so i hear there are restrictions on which bank you can be on? Is this true?
  16. do you think it was on purpose? I wouldnt doubt that some people would have the guts to do that junk. I bet it ruined the whole day for the poor kid and most likely his outlook on trout fishing. If i would have seen that occour and knew they did that one purpose i would have emphatically let them know what they did and how they should feel after doing it to that poor youngster. Theres been many many times when a fellow trophy hunter has hooked a fish before i get to it at the whistle and i respect them and wont cast until the guy breaks off of lands the fish. I have had people cast around the lunkers ive had hooked and they either werent aware or were just jerks. Ive seen and been involved in my fair share of unsportsmanlike things happen to me, and it makes ya sick to think that people are just that ignorant. Ive had people cast over my shoulder and the whole nine yards. Its sad to see an event thats supposed to be fun turn into a bad day for some folks. Ill be down at montauk for the opener but ill be in a spot thats hard to reach and wont have as many people on the side of the stream im on. I usually use 1# and 2# but for the opener i'll use 4# and hope to horse a big one in as fast as i can at the whistle before the other fellow lunatics mess it all up. good luck everybody.
  17. i can help ya out, im down there all the time and know alot of folks down there. just let me know what ya need me to do
  18. you can use this one if ya want to phil. I had a bunch of montuak pics until our computer crashed last summer and i never backed them up on disc.
  19. i spent almost every friday down at montauk during catch and release. I didnt notice any changes that werent already in place in 2005. I will be down there for the 1st and 2nd and then that opening weekend. From the early expectations the mdc doesnt expect as many people ive heard, since the opener is smack dab in the middle of the week. I havent been to an opener in years and hopefully it wont take its toll on me this year good luck to everybody thats going! Jason
  20. thanks lilley, i am running windows media player 10, but it sounds like the problem is solved ! thanks alot, Jason
  21. darn, ive turned off all my firewalls etc. and when i open the window all i get is a "ready" and nothing plays. I was wondering if anyone knew what settings i need to change to be able so see it, because i am really excited to see it!
  22. i know montauk better than 99% of the people that fish down there, was just there last friday for c&r and caught 5 fish that were 3/12-5 1/2 lbs each. cuaght 100 fish easily and stopped counting. tying your own jigs and patterns makes the biggest difference you will find out ill be going down next friday since im bowhunting this friday and this weekend, and me and a bunch of fellow bass pro fishing guys will be going with me too. Let me know if you are free and maybe we could meet up down there! Pm me with any questions or anything about montauk and the current river
  23. welcome to the board buddy~!
  24. hey yall my name is jason and some of you may recognize the s/n from other mo boards. Ive made a few posts and thought i better introduce myself. Im 21 and been fishing and flyfishing since i could walk and talk. I really hit flyfishing when i was around 13 or 14. Im always in the blue ribbon waters, montauk, the current, and taney whenever i get a chance, and arent working. My family owns a house up in estes park colorado, and i spend most if not the whole summer there every year. I love hitting the big thompson, st.vrain, and all the lakes, brooks, and streams in Rocky Mountain National Park which is 1 minute from our front door. I catch a ton of browns, rainbows, brookies, cutthroats, and my favorite greenback cutthroats. If i can make a suggstion to anyone who has never fished out west......ITS WORTH THE TRIP, not only is the fishing great but the scenery and majesty incredible. there aint nothing like being out in the middle of nowhere in the mountains with noone in sight and a wild greenback slurps your fly. I also work in the bass pro shops flyshop and fishing department at the st.charles location. Feel free to stop by and say hi if any of you all are in the area. Ill usually be at the tying station making flies Jason
  25. what rivers in colorado?...my family has a house up in estes park and i hit the big thompson and st.vrain and all the rmnp lakes alot every summer and love every second of it. good luck to ya and cant wait to see the pics!
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