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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by 10pointer

  1. Thanks for the report! Good to hear that there are some nice sized fish in the water. I know several other people that were down this past weekend and they said the water was murky but they caught fish. Did you happen to see agents cruising the park checking licenses etc? I was down a few weeks ago and Fri/Sat/Sun I saw the agents out multiple times each day walking the banks. Im glad to see it! The park needs some cleansing and tickets need to be written!
  2. Topics: Spotlighting and Baiting Bucks 101
  3. You cant go wrong with either one. I prefer to stay at Reeds as they have full kitchens and refrigerators. There is also an inground pool incase your girlfriend wants to lay out while you hit the stream. No TV but they have a game room with cable tv and pool tables. They also have a store for food/flies/etc
  4. Oh no doubt it has been going on since I can remember too so I am not denying that. He isn't the only culprit but the arrogance sets him apart. Social media and this guys ego has just made it that much more noticeable. And sure...who hasn't bounced a fly repeatedly off of a big ole lock jawed brown's face hoping that they decide to chomp down on it? I just have an issue with the blatant tackle used and the hogging of the resource. If the fish didn't eat it then that is where I have the problem with it. Hell we all might as well take the spoonbill setups down and stick a few in the face. You would be surprised how many morons down there think that "gill plate forward" is legal. Eagles are OK in my book...but those Herons are another story Would be nice if the 50+ 3lb-4lb browns he claims he caught last year would still be swimming. Us "city folks" are the problem he says...we just %^$&$ about everything. Guess I am just a bit bitter.
  5. You are correct his "rig" might fall under the legal category...but I really don't believe for one second that 1/50th of those browns he catches eat that jig that he throws. From what I understand and have heard from plenty of people is that the jig is the beacon and Tad knows that treble is right behind it. All he has to do is line it up with the fish and set the hook into the side of its head or anywhere else on the body. Quite a few of the large browns hold pretty darn tight to the bottom most times and will hold their ground for the most part. Now if we are talking jerkbaits those Browns will hit those quite a bit I'd love to see him use something other than that but I guarantee he wouldn't snag the numbers that he does.
  6. Anyone have the MDC contact for the current? I think they would love to see this thread and his fb pages oh and there are a few pics he has titled "current river removal" I wish he could see this thread and explain his bs
  7. Exactly!!! Thats what I am talking about!
  8. Tad is a dbag from everything ive ever heard. His FB page is "across the grid outdoors". Some wanna be celebrity for sure. He sure sells his good ole boy persona though. I have zero respect for the guy.
  9. I agree with most...its all about the time you put into it. I rarely have a problem catching fish outside the park but some days are dreadfully slow. Now for a little bit of a rant---- Some wanna-be celebrity lunker hunter for years has been consistently keeping Browns below the cable and weighs them in at the park. He continuously posts pics on his FB and his FB "Outdoors page" with a big bright 1/8 oz jig with a big TREBLE trailer hook off the back of it (which is illegal correct?). Also known to use "brown bait" as well. Guy think he is god's gift to the fishing world with his jersey on with his "sponsors" listed. Oh and every Brown this guy keeps he calls "little" as well....which is the part that pisses me off the most. If someone degrades the fish their catch then why keep it? I get it is a put and take fishery technically but some of these morons take advantage of it. The poor Browns can never catch a break! ----end rant
  10. Is Nixon going to be at Bennett this year? IIRC for the last few I have seen him down at Montauk for the opener (fishing the white oak hole). This year he may not have the same "welcome" since the whole Ferguson ordeal went down. I'd bet a few people end up telling him exactly what they think of him.
  11. No kidding! PSA: Everyone watch out for bullets and molitov cocktails if you happen to fish January Wabash in Ferguson! That's the environment the trout thrive in the best.... ghetto warzones! Everyone knows this... I do love to hit the Busch C&R lakes though...as much as I hate to see the good ones stocked in the St. Louis lakes I do like to take a run at them since Busch is 5 minutes from my house. One thing that really does piss me off though is the initial stockings when the water temps in the lakes typically arent cold enough which causes a high mortality rate in combination with the low oxygen levels. You will see the big ones floating... some from the shock and some from being caught and not revived. I cant even count how many times I have had to revive fish because the morons out there land one and just toss it back and either dont care/dont know how to revive the large fish. And tagged fish for money??? Thats a new one and I'm sure will drive more folks to the already overcrowded lakes! Any more on this rumor?
  12. It wont take dye well at all...I tried everything from specialized dyes/heat etc. I literally had to use a permanant marker type liquid on it to color it in a few colors that werent made. The material is 100% polyester which is why it wont take dye easily from what I found. Too bad they didnt make it in a few more of the "good" colors I literally think I have every color that is sold if anyone is around St. Louis and would like some. I have oranges, pinks, white, cream and some others. Let me know if you would like some and you are more than welcome to some of each color.
  13. I'd rather stay home than go to Bennett...well maybe not to that extreme but Montauk is my hands down choice when it comes to "park" fishing. Bennett has become too commercialized...and I fear the same path for Roaring river which is my #2 park. I dont even want to bring up Meramec. You are right it comes down to money and the "greater good". It really sucks to see roads/cabins/sidewalks/BS built all over the darn place. You can't just get away from the crap...bonehead move after bonehead move commercialization/hatchery/everything. I really hope Montauk wont change the way the others have. Id rather have to walk wooly paths and be further from my vehicle/cabin than feel like I am in the darn city.
  14. From what I know they can remove it and it functions fine without it. I havent had a single issue with mine since that piece was removed. Im not a reel expert by any means otherwise I would do it myself but I dont have issues...yet...
  15. Ill have to check when I get home but I have several sets... I will have to check the years. I have some framed and displayed and others ready to be displayed just never got around to it yet I surely do miss them also. Now like you all have said you get the text printed with your additional permits I agree bring back the stamps!!! I for one would contribute extra $ just to have the stamp!
  16. Jacks still at it I see! I saw the titile and he was the first one I thought of before I opened this. A couple years ago a good friend of mine caught a similar Brown in measurements (26" long but 15.5 lb) like that one. Ill find a picture of it but seeing it in the water made it look out of this world...football is an understatement! I netted that fish for him and within an hour landed a 10 lb brown myself... It was a day Ill never forget to say the least. Love those Browns that look like they are going to burst! Sure ashame to see Bennetts big Brown numbers drop Guess I still have Racine,WI to keep my monster brown addiction satisfied!
  17. I love my loomis rods 4'6" to 6' are my favorites. I prefer the imx and glx but they arent made in all the ultra-lite lengths. SR541 and SR6010 any of the SRs are good just figure out the length you like The reel is one of the most overlooked things for light line I believe. I have landed more big fish that I shouldnt have because of good quality reels with silky drags. I wouldnt trade my shimano stella for anything in the world...granted thats a reel not in many peoples price range. I love my other Shimanos too and I own most every model low to high end....even though im a fan of the older reels 2008ish or older All of you guys having issues with shimanos binding up just take the reel apart or take it to a cleaning/repair shop and have them take out the rubber/silicon washer "friction ring" if i remember correctly. It isnt needed for the essential function of the reel. Basically the washer breaks down and becomes gummy......I have had issues with all of my shimano spinning reels binding up but the second I send them in and have that cheap @$$ washer removed the problem is gone FOR GOOD. Its sure a shame that the economical models all the way up to the $700 stella have this stupid design flaw due to a 1 cent part. Shimano knows it is a problem! If you are around St. Louis my reel repair guy can get your reels fixed and that junky silicon part removed
  18. Cant wait to get it back! I personally havent seen another one up there that big. Fish/Waterfowl/Deer/Etc. mounts are going to put me in the poor house. Its getting pretty rediculous, I think I need a bigger house! This year that trip in jeopardy....my baby boy is due in mid-October (on my birthday actually!) I think mama would kill me if he came while I was up there fishing and hanging with the guys. I will still try to slip up there a few times this fall though... baby permitting. I just hope they have water!
  19. Sounds like you have had some great trips lately Jeff! Great to see the bench in place, I will have to check it out! Hope to see you down there soon. I was down with family a few weekends ago but got about an hour of fishing in for the weekend....but thats life!
  20. I may be down this weekend as well. If I happen to be I can give you some flies that work for me. LIke Jeff said scuds are a pretty good bet! Also see if there are any hatches coming off and try to match Have you caught anything on the ones that you have tied yet? Nothing more rewarding than catching fish on something you made. Dont be afraid to play with fly recipes either tweak things and you may be surprised at the results. Once you tie your own you will be "hooked" Good luck!
  21. Great writeup Phil and love the pictures. I hope to get back down once before the end of the season and will definitely be down several times for C&R. I cant put into words how great the fishing is during C&R it really is something you should experience at least once. Hope you have made it down to roaring rivers C&R as it is equally as great. Im really hoping that this whole govt fiasco ends soon and I can get back outside the park. Numbers definitely down as far as big browns go as Jeff said but praying for a comeback soon. Shame they are kept out there and in the park but thats another story all together. Sounds like you had a great time! Look to be heading your way and taney soon been neglecting it being so busy the last couple years
  22. Maxima for me. Love it in 1,2,3 and 4lb ultragreen. Its been around forever. Lkke they said you will get many answers. P-line is great stuff also cant go wrong
  23. Racine sure does have some big seaforellens. Jeff is right racine harbor did produce one of them. Fish in the 15-25 range are fairly common hope to hook up with some of those pigs here in a few weeks when Im up hitting the run! Could care less about 40"+ kings even though they are a blast im there for the monster browns.....too bad the daily limit is at 5 as those big fish dont stand a chance once they enter the tribs
  24. Unfreaking-believable!!!! I cant stand the guy. Has the biggest cockiest attitude around. Id love to call him out have a little friendly competitionon any stream to put him in his place , alot of people havecalled him out on his cheating. He walks around handing out his "baseball card" with some arkansas supposed record from the70's. Now IF that was legit thats something to be proud of but its been broken repeatedly lol. I just cant stand the attitude from someone who would get cleaned up on the stream. Just airing my frustration...my apologies. He turned 4 10lb fish a few yrs ago at the sept derby. Supposedly all from one hole between the mill and the junction he said....all bs they never stock back there. He was and has been called out for years guess he never learns The day after the september derby just a month ago the clown turns in 2 10lb fish...which were from rockbridge and turned in at montauk. I know this for a fact. They called down and verified it. They were on to his usual tactics and i would have known if those fish were in the park. Go two weeks later last week of sept and this j%@*%*# again turns in 2 fish that just happened to be a few ounces smaller than those weighed 2 weeks prior again 2 10lb rainbows. He was told he was caught by personnel at the park. Then Tony does it again apparently????!!!! They know how big the fish are that they put in for a fun derby like that. I left the holland at noon on saturday and this must have happened after or on sunday? Id like to hear more details on this?! Was he really arrested down at the park any confirmation? Its just a troutpark ...with stocked fish and he pushes it this far? enough to get arrested?? The idiot deserves everything he has coming to him. I cant wait to see him down there ill have to ask him how well that cheating worked out for him haha. Really cant stand it and sad to see some moron like that will ruin a fun charitable (american heart assc) derby for everyone.
  25. Just got my 9wt ticr-x back. Sent it out wednesday and it was waiting for me when i got home monday. One of the fastest turn around times ive seen....and ive broken alot of other rods from other companies. Cant beat TFO. Best bang for the buck in the business. Now all they need is a high end rod!
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