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Everything posted by dfield

  1. Very nice looking pattern. It's going to get bit in a lot of places. I would try it in black and purple at night. Personal I don't think it needs the side fins. tight lines
  2. Why don't we have a data base of fly patterns on here?
  3. At one time bass pro sold a product to create artificial structure in ponds. It seems like it was made out of PVC pipe with black plastic leaves. It seems like something like that would work to hold fish. I wonder where the fish hold when the water is running and if there was any kind of structure that would attract fish closer to the bank when the water was running.
  4. If they would ban boats from the water above the boat ramp then they could build structure for all water levels. Then when the water was running wade fishermen would have a few more places to fish then just the outlets.
  5. dfield


    I was just wondering who's land is it's below the dam? Is it MC or is it ACE 's land. I was thinking of #3 because at one time it had at least two hundred yard of small stream that ran threw the woods behind the hatchery. I was wondering if anyone had any contacts that we could pass this interesting project onto to see if we could make it happen.
  6. dfield


    You should take him to dry run creek. It is c&r for under 16 and handicap fisherman. this time of year it's full of rainbows & cuts up to 7 -8 pounds and browns up to 20 plus a ton of smaller fish.
  7. dfield


    Has anyone ever tried to start a movement to open up the out branch of outlet #3 to C&R fishing for kids under 16 and/or handicap fishermen based on the model of Dry Run Creek? Sounds like a great project for UT. Just thought I would kick it out there and see if any of it sticks.
  8. I take a little bit of time and pinch down the barb or use barb less hooks it sure does make it easy to get the stray hook out. Thx for the info I am allmost temped to go home and stick a hook in my finger to try it.
  9. long lean and mean I sure do miss those those old tany nights those where some hot fish
  10. Wasn't that some kind of strange deal? not to open old wounds but wasn't that fish caught during the C/R winter season. In the hay day of tany 30" bow would just be pushing ten, of course every fish is different. They have a formula based on length & two girth measurements that is fairly accurate.
  11. Maybe I am wrong but I would think a 25" rainbow would run 5 or 6 pounds, or course a brown would be more. Interesting that we have caught most of our big fish on the same basic fly. 29 over ten is quite impressive.
  12. A while back I saw a post about big fish on the Eleven Point and how to catch them. I have caught my share of big fish over the years and I thought it might make an interesting forum topic +). What Missouri water would you go if you where hunting big fish (25”+) and what would you use? While I love the Eleven Point I wouldn’t rate it highly as a place to catch a big fish. I don’t get around to all the water in Mo. I would rank Montauk’s winter season as the easiest big fish water, I like a #20 200R dressed with a stripped peacock. I am sure Tany still produces big fish, #16 flash back scud is my favorite day time tail water pattern.
  13. I fished the water above hwy 19 bridge. The water was a foot high which made for some tricky wading and the fishing was tough. I have never had much success on the 11 point this time of year but I have been tying a bunch of new stone fly patterns and have be dying to get them wet. I think I fished for about three hours and caught one. The water was still very cold I didn't take a temperature but I would guess it was below 50. I would expect fishing to pick up when the water warms a bit.
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