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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by captmac

  1. What type of pfd do you use and how often ?
  3. Have a 96 Javelin where do I install the depth finder puck in relation to the step down an motor mount ?
  4. Found a guy at Central crossing marine right here in town, Thanks for the in put and help all.
  5. Ha now theres an Idea those guys are all over hahahahah
  6. Thanks, am gonna try to find someone closer to give it a shot,if not there is always the good ol postal service hahahah Thanks again for the interest.
  7. Sorry , assuming you are interested in doin it, let me know and thanks for the reply
  8. Fishin wrench how do I get you and the aforementioned cable together? I live in shell knob
  9. Was afraid this was the case hmmmmm Plan B, what ever that is Thanks for the reply.
  10. Long story ,but can transducer cable be spliced ?
  11. Mornin" Might be interested n your Lowrance, are the cables and transducer available and is it a puck or transom mount transducer Thanks
  12. Good advice and probly will end up catching more fish by heeding it!
  13. Thanks for the pictures helps us weekend warriors with interp of our locators.
  14. Great report ,as usual,thanks for all the info you provide
  15. Kinda like a new bride
  16. Amen to that Champ. we just go along for the ride.
  17. I am blessed/cursed with two homes on the Rock, one in Big creek,for sale by the way, and one in Turkey mtn E., out by the airport and on the White river arm.
  18. Had a similar run in with a private dock owner, I engaged him in some conversation and while he was talking I boated two keepers from his dock,one from under his feet then I promptly left . Wonder when he realized what hapened
  19. captmac


    [seems every time I bring uo O A I get a voice commercial in the back ground any one else having this problem ???
  20. Spring maybe ????
  21. Had one painted in Copperhead, works great slooooow walked on slick water
  22. Re Technos post also see urime color
  23. All fish seemed at least to the eye to be healthy was just thinking out loud,trying to help figure out th dilema. Same boat kept a limit of fish alive on Grand lake in August all day so not thinkin its a livewell problem.
  24. I have noticed of late a lot of problems with fish dying in the livewell, experienced it my self in a derby in late april, we did nothing different with the fish or the way the recirc pumps were managed than had been done for years. Not to start a vicious rumor but could these problems be likned to a coming water quality problemcausing weaker fish just wondering
  25. Good thought add in the feed up for and feeding after spawn and that just about sums it uo imho
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