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Everything posted by fish

  1. My mistake. Somebody's gain. I ordered wrong model and upgraded to I-Pilot Link. These are brand new 2022 parts and can be used to upgrade your Ulterra or just spares for your current unit. Asking $200 for all.
  2. Thinking about fishing lower Taney for a change from the upper end. I have no idea where to stay in that neck of the woods. A clean, family friendly (including pets) with a boat dock is type of resort I what I'm looking for. Any recommendations ???
  3. With the arctic vortex a comin, how bad do the boat ramps down there get ? Do they freeze up from loading and launching boats like the ramps do on other lakes or does the "warmer" water help keep them open ? Debating about bring the the boat with me next week.
  4. Alas....Got an "All In The Family" get together that weekend. Wish we could join in but will be down there the 27th, 28th for some R&R.
  5. Once again, Phil and crew provided us with an awesome experience on our recent stay at Lilley's Landing. We made the trip down for the first time in 15 months and we were really looking forward to the stay at Lilley's and the fishing on Tanycomo. After driving for 4 hours, we unloaded and immediately grabbed worms and headed for the dock for a couple of hours of fishing on the first day. It was cold, but the worms didn't freeze (even though Mrs Fish was concerned that they would!) and they worked their magic on the trout. We caught 3 fish and kept two of them. The Corps, bless their pointed little heads, ran water even though they were scheduled to shut it down. Oh well. It wasn't too cold on the dock, which made it better sitting to watch the poles. The next day we took our time getting out and about. Figuring that the temperature would be better after lunch, and depending on the Corps' generation schedule, we moseyed down to the dock early afternoon. Sadly, the Corps continued to run water even after they said they were going to shut it down. I guess the "polar vortex" hitting the southwestern part of the US increased the demand for electricity. But, ya know, it really didn't matter. We used both worms and white power bait and caught a couple more fish. We turned them loose to fight again another day. Returning to the room, we fired up the grill and had a terrific supper. We really hated to pack up and go home the next day. It always seems that way...we hate to leave Lilley's and Taneycomo after only a few days fishing. But, we can't stay longer. Looking forward to our return trips in 2015...with our boat we may even be able to catch more fish. Thanks a BUNCH to Phil, Lisa, Curtis, and the whole crew at Lilley's for an excellent visit. We can't wait to come back! PS: the fish we kept tasted great with lemon and dill!
  6. Great... Going down there this weekend. Now wondering if I should take the boat or plan on fishing off the porch
  7. Phil - I think if I dig deep enough in my old flyboxes I can find you a card or two of those Bassnappers from back in the day. Did a lot of night fishing back then in the Short Creek area. Used a Moon Glow light and, like you said, caught the snot out of them day or night.
  8. Shsssss!!! Don't want this secret to get out.
  9. Once again, we've got to hand it to Phil and the crew at Lilleys Landing! This is THE BEST place to stay on Lake Taneycomo for both atmosphere and fishing! We got down to Branson about 1 pm on Sunday afternoon. Bright blue sky and a little wind on the lake. The Corps had just stopped running water so we unpacked and beat feet down to the dock for a nice afternoon. JD used worms while I kept to my favorite power egg color...bubblegum! We stayed out until around 530 or 6 when the sun was down enough to put a chill in the air. JD was nice enough to deal with our fish while I played Sherpa and packed all our gear back up to the room. We dawdled around on Monday morning, drank coffee, played on the computer then went into Bass Pro to use the gift card my brother gave me for Christmas. Since I share our trout with him, he thought that was a fair trade! We got back and the water was off again, so we packed up and went down to the dock for an afternoon of sun and fish. There weren't alot of people there this weekend, which made it even nicer. We saw another 20x72 SeaArk like ours in a stall and talked to the guys who were fishing from it. They were having a great time as well, catching fish from the boat. JD and I talked about renting one of Phil's boats, but we were catching from the dock so why? We stayed out, again, until the sun fell enough to put a chill in the air. Caught ALOT of fish. JD played around with the power eggs and power worms and finally settled on the real earthworms again. He caught two small brown trout. We haven't caught any browns for two years so we were glad to see that they were still around. He also caught two white suckers....heheheheheheheh! I stuck with my bubblegum power eggs and finally switched to pink. Pink doesn't work as well, but it does work. Again, JD dealt with the fish and I played Sherpa. We packed up and left as scheduled on Tuesday morning. Listening to the Weather Channel, they were talking about some "tornadic activity" that would be accompanying the storm system that was going to move through Tuesday night. I guess the Weather Channel isn't always wrong, since when we got up at home on Wednesday morning, the news had the details of the storms that hit Branson and southern Missouri. Our thoughts were with those folks affected and our hearts go out to those who lost possessions and loved ones during the storms. Again, thanks a BUNCH to Lisa, Ryan, Curtis and the rest of the staff at Lilley's Landing. Oh, yeah, and Rodeo, I will miss you for a few months, till we are back again! ~~ Mrs Fish
  10. Rookies. Been doing this since in the '70's. I usually make a short cast about 45 degrees to the side of the boat and let her sink till I'm making contact w/ the bottom and then 1 or 2 cranks up till I'm just ticking the bottom up or down as needed. Works for me.
  11. Good news for you Phil !!! Speaking of docks...How did Fall Creeks' new dock fare in this flood ???
  12. Look down a few threads... Minn Kota Edge 70 Fs
  13. Price Drop again $350
  14. Just white power eggs was all we needed. I tried different colors and floated up crawlers...nada. They wanted white an white only while we were there. Next day may be some other color. Next time down we'll have the boat. Then look out -fish
  15. This is more like a "cabin fever" report rather than a fishing buddy report! We spent two days at Lilleys this past week. While we missed the warmer weather, we still had a great time, as always. We didn't take the boat down with us so fished from the dock while we were there. You could catch as much as you wanted from the dock, using just about anything ... as long as that anything was white power eggs! I caught most of my fish in the morning, while JD was playing around with different colors and worms. He caught his fish in the afternoon using jigs, the usual olive, orange/olive, orange/brown colors. I didn't have as much luck in the afternoon with either the power eggs or jigs. We kept our limit and ate fresh fish for supper that night. Fresh beats the heck out of frozen fish! Many thanks to Phil and the crew at Lilleys for another great trip! - Mrs fish
  16. Price drop. $400 OBO. I want the Terrarova
  17. SOLD Edge Tolling motor... - Bow Mount - 70 lb Thrust - 52" shaft - 24Volt - Foot Operated This motor has only one summer of use. I am upgrading to the Terrarova w/ I-pilot is the reason for selling. Paid $600 and change for it last spring and will take $450 or will entertain offers
  18. The boat has an on board charger that is supposed to shut off the charge once the batts are fully charged. I was thinking about just leaving the unit plugged in over the winter. Don't want to have to replace 3 batteries come next spring. I have been using Stabil in all my gas using implements(lawn mowers, weed eaters tiller and et al) never had a problem with any gelling of the gas. With the boat I'll dump a load in the boat the last time I'll fill it and take it out on the water to make sure the Stabil will getting into the motor. Maybe I'll just put the Wife's truck out in the driveway this winter
  19. Actually a two part question.... (1)This year I am going to store my boat in a commercial unheated storage unit(read out of room in the garage) Do I need to remove the batteries or can I leave them hooked up to the on-board charger or charge them and do nothing at all ??? (2) Do I have to worry about the ethanol in gas w/ a four stroke motor??? I put Stabil in the gas tank before I put it to bed for the winter now anyways. Thanks - fish
  20. Wasn't going to say anything about this but the more I thought about it the more I think it should be mentioned. Reader's Digest version.... Wife and I were staying down at Lilleys for a long weekend of R&R end of this July. Decided to get out of the cabin and make a run up to Short Ck and drift back down. So we are motoring up the river and get to the first corner where old Sun Valley used to be. I looked up ahead and said "What the H*** !!!" I see two guys floating behind a swamped boat. Of course we pulled up and two big ol boys were in the drink w/ four units running and no life jackets on We tried to pull one guy in our boat but he is too big and our boat rides too high to get him in. Told him to hold onto the side which he did. The second guy got back to the back of their boat and tried to climb in. It was a 14' V- bottom and all he managed to do was capsize it and everything inside went floating downriver. By now there were a couple other boats watching. They rounded up what was left of their gear. Got over to the second guy and got him to hold on to the side(He was shaking from the cold.) Got their boat tied to the ours and we idled across the river towards the shallow sidewhile the wife was holding on to them. Don't think if either had let go we could have done anything. Anyway we made it to shore within sight of Lilleys. I think that is when it hit as to what might have happened to them. They said One of them stood up to stretch at the same time the other leaned to the side. Result. Both of them went out. Got the boat flipped back over and bailed out and gave them a ride back down to Cooper Ck ramp. They were more than thankful. What might have been??? But, All's well that ends well [edit] Went to BPS after we got home and got a four step ladder for the boat. Got me thinking what if one of us went overboard
  21. The wife and I took advantage of the fishing buddy rates this past S/M/T(Thanks Phil !!! )more to cure a case of Cabin Fever than to catch fish.Sunday and Tuesday was literally a washout with rain and 4 turbines running and we didn't bring our boat down. Guess we could have rented one but got down late Sunday and we were leaving early Tuesday so that leaves us Monday. Here's Monday's abbreviated report: Rented a jon and got out about noon when the COE started shutting down the turbines and ran up to the Short Ck area to jig fish. We immediately started catching fish and that continued for about an hour till they started running water. Most were on the small side but we managed several 13-15" fish The hot jig, no surprise, was the 1/50th oz Sculpin jig fished under a float about 6' deep. Tried other colors but the moss green orange head jig was definitely the one. After the water started moving we drifted with crawlers and power eggs with hot pink being the favorite. Caught several eaters that way also. Anyway a big "Thanks" to Phil and crew for a few relaxing days.
  22. Ditto to all of the above
  23. KK - I do believe this is the video you are looking for....
  24. Phil - How's last nites rain going to affect TRL and as a a result Taney???
  25. Give the man a Ceegar !!! Now if you can enlarge it an see how good it is. In the meanwhile I think we might be heading for the basement... [edit]Nevermind... alot of noise but not much action. Pea size hail,some wind and a light show. Temps dropped about 15 degress in a few minutes
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