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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. Good article. I thought this statement was interesting. "They also suggest the more eastern states follow the lead of Nebraska and Missouri and develop conservation strategies for the animals."
  2. Have a great trip KC. I'm looking forward to the report.
  3. Buzz

    Report 6/3/12

    Sounds like a good trip.
  4. Welcome to the forum Paul.
  5. Sounds like a great trip. Really nice fish too.
  6. That's a good stretch for sure. Nice fish both of you. I've caught my biggest smallmouth in that area.
  7. I really enjoyed the Magazine. Thanks and welcome to the forum.
  8. This is a good subject. I have fished them for a bunch of years, more than I can remember. I've caught fish of all varieties and sizes from the smallest perch to some pretty respectable smallmouth and largemouth. Although I don't fish them as much as I used to I have bought a few recently to restock the tackle box and plan to use them more this summer. I prefer the deep diver teeny wee craw with the green back and orange belly . I've tried the brown back, but it doesn't seem to produce as well. Rebel has made a few slight changes in the color recently. They aren't the shiny paint as before, but still similar with red hooks added. They will catch fish in almost any situation you run into. They are a great and productive bait to introduce a kid or newcomer to lure fishing. Just cast and crank. They also make a pretty good topwater bait. Just cast to the bank and those big perch will nail it. As Stoneroller said, the hole between the pinchers can be a pain, but it may be what sets it appart. While walking the fishing isle of Wal- Mart last night I found some new small crankbaits made by Arkie that look almost exactly like the Rebels, 2 minnow baits and teeny craw. The main difference in the craw is that the paint is somewhat muted and is more white on the sides instead of the light tan that is on the original Rebel. They have also filled in the hole and the price is only $1.96 compared to $4.96 for the Rebels. I bought a one of each and I hope to try them out soon.
  9. It's just as thrilling for us as it is for them. Sometimes more. I've caught some nice fish at R.R., and hooked some huge fish, but the really big ones always seem to get away. I keep trying though.
  10. I received this via e-mail this afternoon. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Missouri State Senate Bill SB738 is no longer a threat to Mountain Lions in Missouri ! Due to the furor it created it never left the committee it was assigned to, and a long wait until the closing of the Missouri General Assembly session began. The opposition to the bill continued until 6:00 pm yesterday May 18th, 2012 when the Assembly closed it's session. Mountain Lions are no longer under the threat of being hunted down like vile, evil monsters. Mountain Lions can continue to re-colonize the places it was extirpated from so long ago. The Missouri Department of Conservations' Mountain Lion Response Team can continue their important work of educating the public about Mountain Lions. It is people like you who made the difference ! It is organizations like: The Cougar Rewilding Fund The Mountain Lion Foundation The Felidae Conservation Fund The Cougar Fund The BI-State Wildlife Hotline The Natural Resources Defence Council that made the difference ! Your voices have been heard ! Again Congratulations and I am humbled by the support you gave to this cause ! Long live Puma Concolour ! Craig Lanham St.Louis ,Missouri _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  11. LOL. No problem. I can handle the ribbing.
  12. I bet she won't forget that one.
  13. Dang it CDC. I sucsessfully ignored Chief, but you have to go and bring it up again.
  14. Sounds like a better day than I had. I'm ready for the buzzbait bite to take off too.
  15. The water treatment plant is below the dam/ spillway at Lime Kiln. There are actually two boat ramps there, one above and one below the spillway. As Chief pointed out the Gateway to Reddings Mill has a couple of spots that I forgot to mention. The one nearest River Road can be difficult during low water, so scratch that one off your list for a while. Tipton Ford to Gateway has always been a pretty easy float . I haven't been on it yet this year so I'm not sure about any downed trees. At the Gateway Drive bridge on the Southeast side is a drive that you take to get down to the creek. I assume you have a pickup, you'll need one here. I will agree with Chief again and say that Allen Bridge to Lime Kiln would probably be a sgood starter trip for you. If you have some time you should drive around and check out these spotsso you'll be a little more familiar with the put ins and take outs. Mike, I know about where you live. I'm nearer the creek and The Undercliff. I've been here for about 27 years. My sons graduated from Diamond High School.
  16. Did you see who stocked it? Just curious. MDC usually stocks onTuesdays or Wednesdays. They also usually stock both Capps and Hickory the same week. I was at Capps Sunday and saw all of 3 trout up in the park under the old bridge. When Neosho stocks they don't put nearly as many fish in and to my knowledge they don't stock Capps. That would explain the lack of fish at Capps.
  17. The kayak looks great. Nice fish too.
  18. Cherry Corner to Lime Kiln isn't a bad float, but there is one spot just downstream from Hwy 71 where the remains of an old mill is and it can be a little tricky although Allen Bridge to Lime Kiln is a pretty simple float. Three good Shoal Creek floats with a small child would be Undercliff Campground to Gateway drive or Tipton Ford access to Gateway drive. The other would be from Gateway drive to Redding Mill access. It's a little bit of a workout at the take out because it's quite a walk uphill to the parking lot, but otherwise a nice relatively easy float. If in doubt just get out and walk the boat around anything you don't feel comfortable with.
  19. Way to go Leonard.
  20. That's what I think too. I don't have the photoshop program and I'm sure I wouldn't be as good at it as those of you who use it. My feelings are that photos are a piece of time that are captured forever and are as real to me as when the photo was taken. I don't always get great photos,but the ones I have are remembered as a small timestamp of my life. Since I don't try to sell them, I don't have a use for any type of photo shopping. I have seen some great paintings rendered from photos. That, to me anyway, is art.
  21. Another great report. I really enjoy your blog. Keep it up.
  22. That's a huge log jam. I assume you and the boys caught some fish..
  23. Nice.
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