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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. Buzz

    Burlap Fly

    Sorry, it looked black to me when I looked at it the first time.
  2. Apparently spammers have devised a way to flip the "To and From" on e-mails and they send them to you as a returned mail/ failed delivery e-mail. This bypasses the spam controls in place. Since I hadn't sent out any e-mail today, I became concerned and contacted AOL tech support. I was told where to forward them if I received anymore and to delete them immediately. I did browse through the first one and at the bottom it had a URL ( which I didn't click on ). The tech said that my e-mail could have been grabbed from a friends computer that may be infected by one of those viruses going around. Anyone else had an encounter with this?????????? Also, the tech said to check your sent mail folder to see if it was sent from your e-mail address. They had not, so mine is not compromised.
  3. Buzz

    Burlap Fly

    Nice looking fly Tim. Do you always use a black bead? I have been experimenting with leech yarn and had tied some flies up that look a little like your burlap fly. I have been having a lot of luck with them. I guess I'm going to have to run over to the old farm and look for some burlap bags.
  4. I was glad to see so many kids show up to help.The Neosho H.S. football team was there along with a bunch of kids ranging in age from 10 to 18. It was quite a workout, but I enjoyed it. The whole thing came off without a hitch. Thanks Ollie, you did a great job.
  5. I really like mine. I bought it used off of a co-worker. It is really smooth and has a great drag. I caught a couple of nice trout on it the first time that I used it. I and am very glad I bought it.
  6. Buzz

    Head Count

    I will supply the canoe. I live close enough that it won't be any problem to toss it in the truck and bring it along. I would most likely be able to meet you in the morning to help put together a gameplan. Anyone else want to join us?
  7. I have never fly fished for carp, but I think it would be a blast. My uncle has been though for many years and has shown me pictures of some very big carp. He showed me one of the flies that he uses on certain ponds and lakes with oak trees around them, it was an acorn fly. I couldn't describe it in detail or how it was tied, but I recall that it did look pretty much like an acorn. A lot of the places he fishes are golf courses. I'm gonna have to get in on some of that after reading this thread.
  8. Buzz

    Head Count

    Great to hear you're coming Leonard. I'm looking forward to meeting you.
  9. Besides the wind it sounds like a pretty good day. Wish I could have been able to make it.
  10. Buzz

    Stream Team

    Travis, I'm sorry you can't make it. We'll see you for the next one. I agree. Some of these kids just need a break and a reason to be good. This might be a great thing for this team. I say bring them on. I've raised teenagers, I think I can handle a couple.
  11. I've caught some good fish from Gateway Dr. ( old 71) to Reddings. I haven't done much fishing further down until the dam.
  12. Dude, I'm really not sure what you mean. ( Gold or Silver to replace it????) Lead is cheap and abundant, that's why it is used so much. There are alternatives. I have been fishing and have done my share of hunting for a very long time. I'm not necessarily a tree hugger either, but if it is going to happen it is going to happen. Why get all worked up???? Besides, like I said, I'm sure the products are already out there. There just isn't any real market for it right now, not here. IF this thing comes to pass you will be amazed at the alternatives that pop up. Fortunately I don't have to worry about that type of ban until it becomes a statewide ban, and I don't think that will happen.
  13. I'll give it a shot. September 24, 2009
  14. I too use a lot of lead jigs, from 1/100 up to 3/8. One thing I'm sure of is that the manufacturer's of non lead jigs will start offering an alternative soon (I hope). Not to mention spinner baits and buzz baits which I lose on occasion. There are and have been alternatives for cat fishermen and bass fishermen for quite a while. I do hope they can offer something in the smaller sizes. Locally there is nothing that I have found,yet.
  15. Hey guys, I've been trying to move a few things around so that I can make it Saturday. I'm not done yet. I'll let you know soon. I would really enjoy meeting and fishing with you Al. Fishin', you know I enjoy fishing with you. LOL. Al, I really want to show you Shoal Creek, I think you would really enjoy it. When do you leave for Springfield? I'll have an answer before you leave. Buzz
  16. I tried my first Furled leader Sunday at R.R. I really enjoyed it. I bought the one with the steel ring and it made the day very easy. I also tied up an extension Out of ten pond test mono with an ultra small swivel for streamers. It worked great and I did pretty good on buggers. It did work well for dries too. I have a couple of the thread leaders coming this week. I'm looking forward to useing them. Buzz
  17. Chief caught a Brown trout from Hickory last year, I think. I have yet to catch one but I believe they are there.
  18. I actually like the idea of creating a wild trout stream. I understand what you are saying. I think if the MDC would take on an experiment like this it would have to be a completely new stream (I'm sure they have purchased at least a couple of areas that would fit the bill perfectly) that has enough forage to grow the trout as they need to. I'm not sure how long it would take a hatchery trout of 3" to grow to 12', a pretty long time I would guess, but with periodic stockings over the course of at least a couple of years you might just end up with something like a Crane Creek. After all that is basically how Crane came to be. I'm sure they would have make it either a Red or Blue ribbon stream As for poachers. I have seen the locals, a few years back, at Capp's Creek fishing in the morning then leave and then see them again in the afternoon. Both times catching and keeping fish. This was quite a while back and I admit I should have called someone but I failed. I will not fail again. Most poachers know that the odds of getting caught are slim and they have a 99% chance that they will not be caught. How about they confiscate the weapons used, in this case the rods and reels, the vehicle used to commit the crime and fines and or jail time. Yeah, I know that will never happen, although that is exactly what happens to poachers of deer. Maybe our beloved fish are not as high on the MDC's totem pole as we would like. I also have no real problem with the stocking procedures. This year and last are not the ordinary considering the problems the hatcheries had last year. Just my opinion.
  19. No problem. I'm looking forward to it.
  20. I had planned on stopping by there today after R.R. but didn't have time. Glad to hear they stocked it again.
  21. I might be able to do something next weekend. I haven't done any floating/fishing around Springfield since I moved away some 25 years ago. Maybe Flysmallie and or Rsbreth would jump in and help us out. I really only know this little area down here now.
  22. I'm sure we can fix you guys up. Oddly enough, I have a vacation that week. I'll get with Chief and we can put together a float that you should enjoy. We have a few Smallmouth streams down here that should keep you busy I'm ready for an overnight. It should be fun. Just let us know what time frame you are looking at and I'm sure we can put it together. Buzz
  23. CC, I mainly tie midges, nymphs, streamers, and some thread jigs for R.R. and the White Ribbon streams. I have been getting into the bigger bugs in the last year. I've had good success with bunny bugs and mohair leeches. I have not mastered the dries that I love to throw yet.
  24. And it may be "Horrible". I just saw the weather and they are calling for a winter weather advisory Friday into Saturday. Chances of snow between 3" and 6". I may just have to stay home and tie some flies. I'll know more after I see what happens on those two days.
  25. Buzz

    Bear Removal

    Great picture JJtroutbum.
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