I actually like the idea of creating a wild trout stream. I understand what you are saying. I think if the MDC would take on an experiment like this it would have to be a completely new stream (I'm sure they have purchased at least a couple of areas that would fit the bill perfectly) that has enough forage to grow the trout as they need to. I'm not sure how long it would take a hatchery trout of 3" to grow to 12', a pretty long time I would guess, but with periodic stockings over the course of at least a couple of years you might just end up with something like a Crane Creek. After all that is basically how Crane came to be. I'm sure they would have make it either a Red or Blue ribbon stream
As for poachers. I have seen the locals, a few years back, at Capp's Creek fishing in the morning then leave and then see them again in the afternoon. Both times catching and keeping fish. This was quite a while back and I admit I should have called someone but I failed. I will not fail again. Most poachers know that the odds of getting caught are slim and they have a 99% chance that they will not be caught.
How about they confiscate the weapons used, in this case the rods and reels, the vehicle used to commit the crime and fines and or jail time. Yeah, I know that will never happen, although that is exactly what happens to poachers of deer. Maybe our beloved fish are not as high on the MDC's totem pole as we would like.
I also have no real problem with the stocking procedures. This year and last are not the ordinary considering the problems the hatcheries had last year.
Just my opinion.