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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. That sounds like a plan.
  2. Too many, but never enough.
  3. Thanks for the pics Jeremy. I can see that working well. I can also see why Tim doesn't like to lose them. Thanks fishhand. I never can remember the formula. I think I'll do the same and write it on my fly box. Also I need to get one of those fabric tape measures like mom used to keep around the house. Until then I'll just tell everyone he weighed 7 lbs. They always believe me anyway right?
  4. Aaron, I'd like to have come over and fished with you today but I had some family things that had to be taken care of. The last time Chief and I fished Crane we saw an armadillo digging holes near the ballfields, making a mess of the ground. I decided to scare it off so I chucked a rock at it,missing it of course,but you should have seen him run. They more hop like a rabbit than run, but he moved pretty good. Those fish were pretty finicky for me Wednesday too. I finally started catching them in fast water on beetles and yellow humpies. Buzz
  5. You are right RS. It's nice to have good water close to home. When I was in High School in Springfield, ( many years ago) some buddies and I used to float the Jame River. I miss it., it's been too long. Oh yeah, the last time I was near the Finley, my buddies and I got harrassed a little by ( does anyone remember this guy?) Buff Lambs crew of deputies. They got our keg, if I remember right. At least they let us go home and not the Jail. Anyway, those are some nice fish you caught, and I also read your blog from time to time. Buzz
  6. Nice job Chief. It is nice having a lot of good spots to fish so close to home, even if all you have is an hour or two. Great way to start off the new year.
  7. Sounds like a very good few hours Ducky. I also made it down yesterday. I had a good time fishing the C& R area until about 1:00pm. I managed 1 really nice male that measured 21" or 22". Any Idea what he might have weighed????? I never have been able to judge trout. He was heavy, my only guess would be between 4 and 5 lbs. I caught him on a Zebra Midge with a scud dropper. It took about 10 mins. to bring him to the net. Qiute a fighter. I also looked for flysmallie but couldn't find him. Maybe next time. Can someone tell me what a T&A is???? I'm not familiar with that fly. Buzz
  8. Maybe so. All I know is how many I saw. They were stacked up in certain places. There was no mistaking the fact that most if not all of the fish that were visible were browns. I only have the word of the bait fisherman on the quantity. I only saw five rainbows caught, four by the bait fisherman. I'm sure they will spread out a little in the next couple of days. Strange thing was that those fish wouldn't take most of my usual offerings. I had to change up often until I found what they wanted. As far as catching the fish on dries, the sun was going down and it may have turned them on a little. I'm heading down to Roaring River tomorrow to try my luck there. Buzz
  9. I'll look for you. I'll be the guy wearing a camoflauge FORD ballcap. Buzz
  10. Very nice. What was the weight of the fish and line size? Great mount.
  11. Not having to work today I decided to hit Capp's Creek one last time before the new year. I got a late start and got there about noon. I went to the mill first. There was a man and his two kids fishing by the old bridge so I headed up to the dam. No luck there so I headed back downstream to the bridge. When I got there I saw a couple of fish jumping so I asked the man if he was doing any good? He said he had missed a few but hadn't caught anything yet. While we were talking fish were jumping all over the place. I made a comment about that and he told me that the MDC had just stocked the creek with Brown trout. He said that they stocked 1000 fish and only browns, no rainbows. He was bait fishing with worms,but not catching anything so they moved downstream. I took up his position and started fishing a Zebra midge. I caught 4 and missed several, the biggest pictured below. I fished a little longer around the park and then left to go downstream to the lower parking area. I found a spot with some fast water and fish feeding. I tied on a foam beetle and caught a few then tied on a Yellow Humpy and thats when the fun started. The fish were almost leaping out of the water to get my fly. I caught several and jumped off just as many in the fast water. I had a blast. I don't know a whole lot about Browns, but I thought it sort of odd that freshly stocked browns wouldn't bite the live worm. They were somewhat selective, more so than a fresh stocking of Rainbows would have been. I hope they get settled in and keep rejecting the live bait. Most of the fish I caught were in the 12 to 13 inch range with a couple that would go 14 inches.If they have a chance to survive we should have quite a few keeper sized fish next year. Buzz
  12. I'm going to come down Friday. Thanks for the reports. I hope I can call up a couple of those big fish like you did PC. Last time I was there I did really well with big bunnies, also site fishing. Buzz
  13. Redbird, I'm glad Tyler was able to catch a few fish. I'm the same way, I always get more excited when the kids catch fish. I'm glad the weather cooperated with you and you both had a good time. I also have contributed my fair share of flies to the trees, and usually the one that is catching the most fish. Mark, I think you are right, we may have to get with the city to see if there is any way that we as fishermen might be able to help with cleanup and suggestions for habitat additions to the creek. I'm sure the MDC would be more than willing to extend some expertise in that area. A few years ago I spoke to an agent and he was concerned that the city was clearing too many trees and such that would help to keep the creek temp at a comfotable level for the trout. I have seen in a few place that they have planted trees near some banks and are not mowing as close to the creek, which has helped. I also hope that if the fish stocking issue has to do with the economy and the floods that hurt some of the hatcheries it will be resolved this year and we have a better season next fall. Still, as I rant on, I love that little creek. I have fished it for nearly 25 years and always enjoyed it.
  14. The creek does have a lot more shallow spots than it did before all of the floods. Some of the holes have filled in with gravel and left narrow channels( narrower than before). It is a small stream but, I think it would definitely benefit from a few dam like spillways like Roaring river has. It would help to widen and deepen the creek which should help a lot. Trash has always been a problem on Hickory and it is unfortunate. Being a part of the city park system they don't have enough people to help do much other than empty the trash cans. Everything else comes from the locals that you see piled up along the banks with their beer and chips and 44 oz. cups from Fastrip that don't seem to make to the afore mentioned trash cans. These are the same people who have no more regard for the litter laws than they do the fishing laws and simple courtesies that go along with fishing. I always try to pick up some trash before leaving a spot. I drove through Sunday evening and saw a few bait bucket fishermen with kids fishing and I'm sure keeping fish. Once again we get back to the issue of law enforcement. With only one or two agents in the county it is difficult for them to monitor all of our streams, but I don't understand why the local police can't help out by just walking through the park once in a while. They drive through several times a day but I've never seen one get out and actually walk the park and talk to anyone. For that matter I can't tell you the last time I saw an agent anywhere in Newton county. This has been the worst year for stocking that I can remember. Mostly small fish, and not very many. Within the next two weeks we'll be lucky to catch any trout from Hickory. Sorry about the rant, but it has always been a major issue and sore spot for me.
  15. I have to agree with fishinwrench. I've had many memorable hours and some very nice fish come from my local White Ribbon fishing spots. It's a great place to blow a couple of quick hours or spend that time teaching someone how to catch trout on a fly rod. Trout parks and Taney may have bigger fish overall, but sometimes you don't have the time or the funds for a full day trip.
  16. So, I guess we shouldn't expect any fishing reports from either Pokem' or Ness? Phil, maybe we should only talk politics on this forum. I know how much you like to referee. I've learned countless things from reading this forum, from fishing techniques to how to tie several different flies, and even different places to fish. Maybe we shouldn't post some of our favorite flies on here because someone might take it out and catch more fish than we do. I know this is a little overboard, but you get my point. Post if you want to. Don't post if you don't want to. There is really no need to criticize others for doing so. It's a little like Catch and Release VS. Catch and Keep. It will always be an issue, but these are just a few of the many talking points that make this the best Forum on the net. Buzz
  17. Down in McDonald county they have been actively addressing the problem for some time now. Every year they have several police officers that watch the put in's and take out's ( and even hide in the woods along the creek) for this kind of behavior. They issue a lot of tickets and haul many off to the jail. Mostly it is underage drinking, nudity,drugs, and other types of lewd behavior. They have gotten a name for themselves and I believe some of it has slacked off a little bit. Have any of you guys noticed that most of these people are renting their canoes? Not to get on the outfitters, because it is their livelihood, but they see all of it before it ever hits the water. Basically, I believe that these problems can be handled locally without statewide legislation. Canoes will still be rented and local stores and campsites might even do a little better in the long run. I know several people who have stated that they won't take the family to those creeks because of the craziness that goes on. I just stay away. I know where to float and fish without having to deal with it. Besides, I like to drink a few beers while I fish and I don't want some politician telling me that I can't be a responsible on the water. Buzz
  18. Thanks Matt. I've been wondering about that and your explaination makes sense. Buzz
  19. Today was far and away the best smallmouth day I've had in a very long time. Those fish hammered us all day long. We did catch some largemouth, maybe 10, but the majority were nice hard fighting brownies. They were jumping all over themselves to get at my grub for a long time, then they decided they wanted a bigger meal and thats when Chief kicked my butt. Fun day. I wouldn't have rather been anywhere else. The wind blew so hard that it would literally stop the canoe and push it back upstream. With the overcast sky and the wind putting a chop on the water it made for perfect conditions. As clear as the creek was I don't think we would have caught nearly as many fish. Also we were fortunate to be able to watch several eagles most of the day. At one time we counted 10 birds in the air. Very cool. Buzz
  20. I have a question. How do spotted bass become an invasive species? Down here in S.W. MO we have all 3 of the black bass family and I am not sure that there is any kind of problem with spots being in overabundance. Are the spots that I hear about a lot on this forum migrating up into what used to be smallmouth waters or have they been stocked? I don't keep any bass at all anymore, and haven't for many years, and the last time I ate any spotted bass I was not very happy with the flavor. I also am very much in favor of a length limit change on all of the Ozark streams and creeks. You just don't catch that many 15" smallmouth anymore.
  21. Maybe, but also the weather has been pretty nice so far. Crane is not an unknown trout stream and it gets a lot of pressure. Sundays are not the best times to fish streams like these either, the best times would be during the week when guys like me are working.
  22. Just a thought: What was the amount of gas output when dinosaurs walked the earth???? I bet it would have brought tears to your eyes.....
  23. Buzz

    Been Quiet

    Well, that makes sense. Maybe we should petition (or ask nicely) The Neosho Hatchery to stock if The Shepard of The Hills Hatchery is unable. I may shoot them an e-mail to see what they have to say.
  24. Crane is always a challenge, that's for sure. They were as spooky as any I've ever seen. I also believe they've seen they're share of fishermen lately. It was fun walking the banks and seeing some really nice sized fish. I think I unconsciously missed the turn off so I had an excuse to go to Roaring River. We got there just as a hatch was happening. I didn't have time to really know what the hatch was so I tied on a yellow humpy and caught one on the second cast. Missed a lot of strikes in the fast water. At least I caught some trout and broke the dry spell. Those pictures turned out really nice Chief, you do have an eye for scenery.
  25. Buzz

    Been Quiet

    More than happy to help Redbird. Anything we can do to help, just ask. Buzz
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