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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. Another great video. This one is fly rod frogging. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4jRdOosHqk
  2. Nice Brown BBT.
  3. Well that's news to me. I've fished Hickory for nearly 30 years and have never seen a brown in there. I guess I'll have to keep an eye out. How long would you guess that brown in the picture to be BBT?
  4. Tho1mas, it did look like that reel gave up on him. I hoped to see one more hook up too Jerry. When my wife saw the video all she had to say was that it was stupid. She obviously doesn't understand. Lol
  5. Do you think it will catch on???? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bdz3AzqRxCY
  6. Shoal Creek has a pretty good population of spots/ Kentuckies. I've caught them all up and down the creek. There are some pretty nice ones in there too.
  7. No. Brown trout aren't stocked at Hickory, only rainbows. You'll have to go to Capps for Brown trout. Rainbows are stocked pretty frequently from about Nov. through March and occasionally another in April or May.
  8. That looks like a very effective pattern.
  9. Great shots Tim. I'm very envious right now.
  10. Where's the list of these representatives? I'll send a few messages. I believe Lilley said, at one time, that conservation issues are allowed as long as they stay civil.
  11. The way I see it, the first year he didn't pay his lease fees the feds had every right to evict and remove him. He lost all legal standing in a court at that point.
  12. Good call Ollie. The trout are there year round, but you have to work for them. It looks like it paid off for you today. I went into town this afternoon and saw a guy rigged up for fly fishing at the North end. I wish I had been able to fish today.
  13. You can catch all you want, but if you want to keep them you must have a trout stamp.
  14. That's one badass fly!!!!
  15. Sometimes goggle eye can save the day. They can be a blast when you locate a bunch of them.
  16. Lucky you!!! Congrats on the great day fishing.
  17. See ya Saturday.
  18. B & C. B needs one less blue fish though. Great idea.
  19. Great fish Chris. Once I started catching fish on midges I couldn't make myself change flies. I thought a few times about putting on a caddis pattern, but I'd catch another fish and just stuck with the midges.
  20. Great video. I'm glad you caught the big fish you had been looking for.
  21. Thanks Ducky.
  22. I had some time this morning and decided to make the drive to Crane Creek. I got to the dairy farm at about 9:00am. After rigging up I headed down the logging trail a ways before entering the creek. The creek looks great. A real nice flow and clear as a bell. Now for the report. I didn't see a fish or have a hit until I got back to the bridge. Maybe I just figured them out, a little late. Anyway, I caught a 5 incher and then 1 that was about 12" on a tan backless scud. Not a total zero, but not as I had hoped. As I came out of the creek I met a fellow fly fisherman who is also a member of the OAF, it was nice meeting you Chris. I hope you did better than I did on that stretch. After talking to Chris I headed to the park to see what was happening. I saw a couple of spooky fish, but no takers. So, off to the railroad trestle. Still fishing with the same fly I managed another small fish and jumped of a decent one. By this time, about 11:00, there was a little surface activity, but not much. I re-rigged with a couple of midges below an indicator about 10" and started catching fish consistently. Tan zebra midge#16 with an olive #18 behind it. The #18 caught a few smaller fish, but the #16 caught the bigger fish. I believe today I caught more fish in the 12" to 13" range than I ever have at Crane. I probably caught 25 fish all together and at least half were in the 12" to 13" range. The key was to fish the fast shallow tailouts and bends. The fish were there. I caught zero fish in slow deeper water. I only took 1 photo today. This is the first good fish I caught.
  23. Crane Creek is in great shape. Good flow and lots of hungry fish.
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