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About polock

  • Birthday 08/04/1982

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  • Location
    Sparta MO,
  • Interests
    fly fishing, tying, fishing in general, hunting, jeepin, hiking, 4 wheeling, photography, guitar, road trippin, chillin on the river

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Checkered Madtom

Checkered Madtom (15/89)



  1. I'm a lurker not a poster lol
  2. Yeah I was a few days off on my date my bad guys
  3. It's getting close. Anyone snagging any yet
  4. do you go to fellows often??? when does the bite pick up on that lake? never been but wanna pop my cherry up there
  5. My dad is coming over and I am trying to decide between bull shoals and the james river. If we go to bull shoals I figure we could troll the edge of the channels and maybe hit beaver and swan creeks. If we go james I figure we would put in at Galena and float down. Hoping this warm weekend and Monday and Tuesday will have the fish active still on wed. any thoughts?
  6. Joe what the hell are you talking about? I asked for somewhere to camp that is close to our put at baptist. I didn't know if you could camp right there or not. It's been 15 years since I've been there. Thanks for the helpful post. Everyone else. Thank you for posting useful things
  7. On the 29th we will be camping somewhere near baptist to start our winter float this year. Anyone know of any decent places to camp. We just need a place for tents and a fire.
  8. Looking for a light weight 2 stroke 4-5 horse short shaft for my square stern old town discovery sport canoe. preferred one that has self contained tank but will also run on external.
  9. Yeah. I've been researching. But it's always nice to hear from real people that have went aside from people that gown resorts saying each lake is the best.
  10. Looking for advice from anyone that goes up to northern Minnesota in June for the fresh spring melt bite for northern pike and muskie. We are wanting to find a secluded place that may have a cabin on a lake. I know there is a large variety of lakes, some have lots of small fish, some have bigger fish, so have few but big fish. Just looking for the best all around fishing experience to land some decent northerns, and muskie would be a plus. advice is appreciated.
  11. We are going to be doing a 2 day float at the end of this month. I have never really fished eleven point in the winter. We are either putting in at greer or a bit above and floating for 2 days. I have spoons and 1/8 and 1/16 oz jigs. what else should i be packing for trout on a spinning outfit. Not taking fly rod in the canoe with me. any advice would be awesome. thanks in advance
  12. I think we are gonna put in at cedar grove. That should make it less rushed.
  13. Thanks for the info fellas. We are going to be putting in early tuesday morning, so we will have 3 full days of floating. I think we are going to go ahead and float the entire trip. My dad and I floated baptist cedar grove in a day a while back and still had lots of day light left and we were in no means in a hurry. if we average 2 miles an hour and figure floating 5 hours a day, we should be set to have a relaxing and enjoyable float. I know the river picks up after welch and pulltite so the last day if we have to make up a bit of time it won't be as hard. We are gonna be on the water about 9 the first day and I would like to make it to a nice little spot i know just past cedar grove and set up camp. My dad did this same float years ago in 2 days, but they didn't stop and mess around. One thing is can you leave a rig at round spring parking over night? Worst case scenario is that we don't make it in time and we have to take out further up the creek. I have in-laws in emience that I could get a text out to if that arises. Fishing question>> do the trout like the marabou jigs on the upper current like they do at taneycomo or are spoons and mini cranks a better bet? I am not taking my fly rod this outing.
  14. a buddy and I are going to put in tue 7/22 and take out at round spring thursday 7/24. We were planning on putting in at baptist camp, but with the water levels I was kicking around the idea of starting at Tan Vat. I am gonna be leaving a rig at the put in point and coming back to get it on thursday. is there any parking at Tan Vat or is baptist camp a better spot to leave a vehicle? is it worth the extra mile or so to float from Tan Vat? Its been many years since I've been that far up river and I have never been to Tan Vat so I was just wondering your thoughts from those of you that are more familiar.
  15. Hey guys. I'm wanting to find somewhere where I can take my kids bluegill fishing. They are kids so I would like to find somewhere where the bite is good for bluegill. Bull shoals is closer to me than table rock so I was wondering if there were any good spots to rootwad fish or throw some crickets
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