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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. At least 50 carcases? That's unbelievable.Truly unbelievable.I haven't caught 50 bass all year let alone in one day.
  2. I like to fish a senko (i'm sure it would work with a doctor) wacky rigged with a little twist.Instead of rigging it by hooking it thru the actual worm,take a rubber o-ring and roll it about half way down the worm.It needs to fit pretty snug.Then run the hook between the o-ring and the worm,never penetrating the worm.You'll still go thru a lot on a good day, but can usually get several more fish per worm.I love this bait, fished with 6lb. line and without a sinker.Senkos have enough heft where they can still be chunked aways out and then just let it float down and twitch it occasionally.Good Luck
  3. BB-Are you serious!I've fished TR for 25+ years, most of those years from the bank.When I was able to purchase a boat, I got what I could afford, not what I wanted and was thankful to be able to do that.Everyone has been cut off, but I guess you're the only one that has been the victim exclusively of "Tracker Trash".As for myself, I've been pulled up on by guys in Bass Buggies to guys in $50,000 Rangers with a lot of colorful patches on their shirts, as well as certain unnamed fishing guides. (Not BB)Maybe we could get a movement started to have one of the area lakes deemed an "elite lake", usable only by genetically superior Super Fishermen.Anyone caught fishing on the Elite Lake not of the Super Fishermen Race (or would it be Super Fisherperson Race,I'm not sure where women would fall.They probably would have to marry into the Super Race.Got to have breeders after all.)would be shipped off to interment camps.Repeat offenders would face the firing squad. Seriously though, don't you see this kind of behavior in all aspects of everyday life?I think our society as a whole has become very self absorbed and manners and courtesy are values that aren't as prevalent as maybe they should be.And of course we all remember the people who have slighted us in some way more than we do someone who has shown us respect and dignity.And when that happens doesn't it make us feel a little bit worse about ourselves? I'm sure Bill you just had a bad day and Lord knows you're on the lake alot more than I so have to endure this behavior on the lake alot more than most.Just please don't lump all of us poor boys in together, just as you wouldn't like to be lumped in with some of the jerks we've all encountered.No ill feelings, I love the info that you provide and you're an asset to this forum.Just my turn to vent. Remember the joy is not in the catch but in the pursuit.Or at least that's what I've been told:-)
  4. 265 to 76 west.Stay on 76 west for approx. 12-15 miles and it runs into 173 in Cape Fair.173 crosses Flat Creek and at the top of the next hill, entrance to Walnut Springs is on the right.Follow the road down the hill and to the left to the boat ramp.I believe it's still free to launch.Just a 200 yds or so to the right of the ramp in about 8-15 feet of water is a area of submerged brush that holds crappie and is good for white's also. This is no big secret as I'm sure there will probably be anywhere from 5-15 boats in that area on some days this time of year.Rooster Tails and Swimmin Minnows are good choices most days. Good Luck!
  5. I went out today on the James and fished for some white's (caught a few males), but when I came in there were two boats that had a couple of nice stringers of crappies. 15 on one and 17 on the other. I didn't pound them for details, but they both had minnow buckets so I assume they were using minnows. Last weekend my brother and I caught some in the James area dragging a minnow in the channel, but with this warm week they should start moving in. Sorry I can't give you a report on the Long Creek end of the lake. If you get skunked up that way a couple of days it might be worth the drive over to Cape Fair. If all else fails you should be able to catch some white bass- not very tasty but fun! Good Luck!
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