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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by hfdhoosier

  1. Thanks for the report. Will be headed there the 25th. Sounds like you had a good day fishing.
  2. Good pictures. Hope to make it down there again this year.
  3. New video on stream conditions
  4. Im going the 25th thru 27th. Hope the level keeps coming down, we don't need any more major rain events.
  5. Bought two pairs for the wife and I tonight, will let you all know how they perform next time I get out (hopefully 2 weeks from now if there is any fishable waters that aren't flooded). There isn't any style listed on the waders, just Chota tag. They are made in China, hope I didn't get ripped off but for $64.88 I guess I can't go wrong.
  6. You all stay safe. You are in our prayers.
  7. River is flooded again
  8. I went to FeatherCraft on Wed. and they had some flyline on their bargain table in assorted weights for 50% off. I picked up a WF6F SA Trout Mastery Series for $30 and a WF6F Rio Classic Trout for $25. If you are looking for some spare line, check out their table.
  9. FFM, Where is the Sams Club at? I've been looking to give the breathable waders a try.
  10. Welcome. Sit back, join in and enjoy.
  11. I fished for 8 days at Montauk. Water was up and murky, river has changed alot. By Monday water had cleared considerably but was still murky green. Fishing was tougher than usual, caught fish on light orange glo balls, red san yuan worms, white marabou jigs, copper johns. Keep it big and bright with the murky water. Two friends came with me that had never flyfished and each caught some fish. I met up with NoLuck on Monday, wish I would have had more time to fish with him but was trying to help my buddies catch some fish. We had hail a little smaller than ping pong balls on Thurs night and rain on and off but still plenty of good fishing time. I didnt get outside the park to fish, water up too much, murky, and hard to see the deep wash out holes, maybe next time. Jeremy fishing at the spring Looking down river from the spring Big rock up river from the dam Looking up river from the big rock
  12. Im heading out to Montauk today for 8 days of fishing. Will post report when I get back. Looks like the water is still a little murky, wish me luck. If anyone makes it down, I will have an OzarkAnglers hat on....Gotta plug this great site. Heres a link to a video showing river condition.
  13. Looks good, they will catch fish for sure. eggs are probably a little sparse but will work. I tie all my eggs with the tube method. Usually with mcflyfoam, you can roll the finished egg between the palms of your hands and it fluffs them out to perfectly round egg.
  14. Also the clean up vid: The power of water is incredible! Looks like the banks are gonna be short a few trees. I guess there will be plenty of firewood to buy at Montauk this year!haha Im headed down Sunday, will take some after clean up photos.
  15. Troutfearme: The gauge at Akers is 16,23, The gauge at Montauk is 9.5 and has been dropping.
  16. Welcome, jump right in and enjoy yourself.
  17. Flyfshn: If you can get a day off, come fish it with me. As long as its wadable, you bet I'll be fishing outside the park. Two of the guys going with me have never flyfished and Im giving them a crash course, so with them we'll probably fish in the park. They will be there Mon evening thru Wed.. Mon morning I plan on fishing Tan Vat to the park if water levels allow.
  18. There's about 10 of us going to Montauk for the week so even if the river is flooded, we'll still have fun. Sometime during the week I hope the river will be fishable. 4 of us are staying at Eagles Park, I contacted the owners by e-mail and they said this is the worst they have seen in the 7 years they have ran the campground. they said the field to the east of them and the cabin across the road by tan vat is all flooded. They said it will probably be back down by the weekend. Keep praying, might have to cancel the trip to build my ARK.haha
  19. WOW!!! Im headed there this Sun to stay for a week, hope it goes down by then.
  20. Thats a great service you provide to our deserving wounded servicemen. Both of you are heroes. Great post.
  21. Sounds like you had a great time. Glad to hear it. Im counting the days down to my Montauk trip this next weekend. All this nice weather is really giving me the itch to go fishing. Hope to hook up with you again this year and catch some fish.
  22. Thanks all. If I get down there during daylight, I might try the new route from St. James to Eagles Park. Ive drove to Baptist so I know what you mean by pot holes and washboard. At times of the year they are bad.
  23. I am going to Eagles Park on the 23rd. Do you think it would be OK to pull a pop-up the back way from I-44 through Salem?
  24. I'll be there.
  25. Nice report JJ. I am jealous, I didnt rceive an invite.haha Glad you two had a good time. In 2 weeks I will be heading there.
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