FYI - our bass club (30 boats) fished 2-days out of Baxter. Lots of limits and lots big fish (3 over 7 lbs). Looked to be about twice as many 5+ fish caught on Sunday, probably because more of the main lake was fishable on Sunday morning as compared with the higher winds on Friday and Saturday. The neat thing was the big fish of the weekend (7.71 lbs) was caught by a 13 year-old of a grandson and grandpa team. Undoubtedly, gramps held the boat in the proper postion in the wind while the kid flung the blade off the back of the boat. Teamwork definitely paid off in that case. I was fotunate enough to weigh the big fish on Saturday (7.11) and that fish hit a blade in 2 foot of water very early on Saturday. BUt that shallow bite evaporated pretty quickly and was non-existent on Sunday. Our club has hit the Rock once every spring for the past several years and this was by far our best weigh-in.
Anyway, wanted to say I really enjoy this board. Hope to fish the Rock a lot more in a few years when I'm eligible to retire.