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Everything posted by BoBo

  1. Would I be correct in assuming that a higher number for each "structure" (actually "cover" as opposed to structure, no?) corresponds with being more recently deposited? I'm thinking that some of the stuff they put in a few years back has disintegrated and is probably next to nothing by now.
  2. Don't mean to ruffle any feathers, but I do know for sure that Hackney caught most of his final day stringer in Spring Br. You see our club was down there that Saturday and one of the guys that I fish with from time to time tells me how his morning went down. It was like this...He pulled into Spring first thing Sat morning fishing a crankbait to no avail and about 10 minutes later Hackney and camera boat come in there right behind him and he proceeds to land several keepers on that shakey head. I know this is true because my friends boat is clearly distiguishable in the background of the picture of Hackney fishing that was posted on the BassMaster web site.
  3. Great seminar! Thanks for posting it and thanks Bill Babler. Hope to get down there soon!
  4. Darn, I hate to miss Babler's presentation, but just won't be able to make the 3+ hour drive tonight.
  5. FYI - our bass club (30 boats) fished 2-days out of Baxter. Lots of limits and lots big fish (3 over 7 lbs). Looked to be about twice as many 5+ fish caught on Sunday, probably because more of the main lake was fishable on Sunday morning as compared with the higher winds on Friday and Saturday. The neat thing was the big fish of the weekend (7.71 lbs) was caught by a 13 year-old of a grandson and grandpa team. Undoubtedly, gramps held the boat in the proper postion in the wind while the kid flung the blade off the back of the boat. Teamwork definitely paid off in that case. I was fotunate enough to weigh the big fish on Saturday (7.11) and that fish hit a blade in 2 foot of water very early on Saturday. BUt that shallow bite evaporated pretty quickly and was non-existent on Sunday. Our club has hit the Rock once every spring for the past several years and this was by far our best weigh-in. Anyway, wanted to say I really enjoy this board. Hope to fish the Rock a lot more in a few years when I'm eligible to retire.
  6. It was caught near some cedars. Other than all the red spots, it appeared to be in good condition as far as the length & girth. One guy commented that it looked like I had shot it with a shotgun! UGH!
  7. Been reading this forum over the past few weeks as our club had our first tourney at the Rock last weekend. Bill, your recent comment that you stay with the stickbait almost exclusively in March to get the quality bites helped me to stay with it and eventually I got enough bites to win it. My kicker caught on Sunday weighed nearly 6 lbs, but the unfortunate thing was the fish looked horrible. It had that red hemorraging all over it, reminiscent of LMB virus. You guys been seeing any of that this year? This fish was caught in the Campbell Pt area.
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