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Chief Grey Bear

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Everything posted by Chief Grey Bear

  1. At the moment I am in. But I am starting to pick up some interference on my radar. I will let you know by Saturday.
  2. About 7 or 8 years ago I read a news story in Missouri Game and Fish I think about these toothy critters. I think it was in Simm's Valley lake by Willow Springs that a man caught a World Record Chain or Grass(I'm not versed in my pickerels)Pickerel but didn't know it. Seems he thought it was just a regular pike that was just a inch or two shy of being leagle size to keep. When he was explaining to angent or someone about his catch, they determined that it was a record. If I ever run across that copy again, I'll post it.
  3. I don't think you have to time to watch. You spend it all here.
  4. I have been catching an Imatch bass tournament on Saturday mornings. I can't remember right now, but I think it is on the Outdoor Channel. Anyway in this tournament, the fish are weighed, recorded, and let go. All in less than 5 minutes. Now if all tournaments were like this, it wouldn't bother me as much. Just wondering if you had seen this and what you thought.
  5. I read that you came down again and done a little camping. Haven't seen you post a report. You didn't make it 4 did ya?
  6. Let me start by saying the I don't like or dislike Jonny and Bass Pro. I frequent the store on average of about once every 5 years. And on that note, I must agree with SilverMallard. He sells the same "junk" they all sell. Only more choices of colors. Don't blame big business for their success, they only sell it. We buy it and make them who they are. Oh, and according to SilverMallard, I am the most trusted person in the WORLD!!!
  7. Did you see my post on Capp's and Hickory? They are small creeks and I didn't see a thankyou from you? I wrote an article about Cedar Creek for a newspaper one time. It had some great holes for bass. And now you can't find a fish in there. Except for on a stretch that I will never give up. OK Ollie might get it out of me cause his is in the area. Now if you can prove to me that you are strickly C&R, on small creeks especially, I might show you some places.
  8. Came across the Elk at Hwy 43 and it was running clear today. High but clear. So was Buffalo creek. I was surprised. From Friday morning to Saturday afternoon I got 3 inches at my place. I just knew they would both be muddy. But I guess not. I talked to my dad and Spring river and Center creek in Jasper County are high and muddy.
  9. Got an inch Friday and so far this morning we have 1.5 inchs and still coming. As of yesterday the creeks looked ok in my neck of the woods. Haven't been out yet today.
  10. Here is a link to his site. He is in Bolivar MO. http://larrydablemont.com/
  11. Yeah that works. I was just throwing out some sizes. Now in that Ozark Yacht, did you have to use two cans and a string to communicate?
  12. [Pork-n-Beans? doncha mean Baked Beans?
  13. Ahh you know I will. But most perch in the area end up being jug line bait, so pickings on perch can be lean. Will be throwing on a couple of steaks about sunset and just enjoying a good time. I'm curious to see how busy the lake is with the gas prices.
  14. I love all of this talk about Jon boats. Now what length do you prefer for creeks? 10' 12' or 14?
  15. Hey, I want in on this! Stockton is good for me. Now: Where at on Stockton? Is there gonna be a length limit? I'm in for 8". Will the winner have the most lbs or number of fish? Who is bringing the cornmeal? Who is bringing the cast iron? Who is bringing the cooking oil? Who is brining the taters? I'll bring the pork-n-beans. As a side comment, I haven't fished Stockton since the 80's when you could camp. Hasn't there been a change in that? Don't you have to get a permit well in advance now?
  16. Now that is an idea. But I'm not sure they would be long enough. I'm looking in the 5'9" - 6' range. I will look around the farm store though. I'm not sure I would like that. I am inclined to stick with wood. You do have me thinking about it though. I have access to a lathe, so I was going to go cut my own. But you guy's have give me some ideas on some options.
  17. I'll be at my dad's place at Kings Point this weekend. Just gonna take the boy and do a little catting and carping from the dock. Already got my range cubes and cat food and am fixing to fix a batch of dough bait. I hear the catfish is has been hard to come by the last couple of weeks. Maybe the carp will cooperate. If you are in the area, stop on by. Will be on the first dock down from the public dock.
  18. I need a couple of seine poles. Anybody now where I can get some? I would prefer an Ash or Hickory, but at this stage I'm not going to be to picky. I have been gonna get off my butt and make some but haven't.
  19. Just curious as to your favorite thing to toss at them. I'm not interested in fly's at this time. Just plugs, spinnerbaits, buzzbaits, and such. Myself, I like a rebel crawdad or a Tennessee shad colored minnow. I also like a H&H spinner.
  20. Yeah, I saw him giving a TV interview one time. They had to keep backing the camera away from him .
  21. Well, I figured as such. I'm always behind on my milliom dollar ideas.
  22. Even though I don't do it very much, I like fishing below the park better than in the park. Some day we need to get together and wade a large section.
  23. I think you guy's need to devlope a fly that represents a bean meal pellet.
  24. Oh man, when I first read the title to this post, I thought it said LEONARD. Anyway, I could see him doing this too.
  25. A "Crappie" situation. What does the poor fish have to with this crappy situation? Just kidding. I knew what you ment. I know things may have looked heated, but there weren't on my part, and I don't think they were on Dano's either. Like he said it was just a spirited debate. Which I think is good. People can learn things. I know I do. I plead to you and to others, if you have a question, let's answer it and then debate it. If needed.
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