Thanks for the responses guys, much apreciated. Yes Bill the striper fishing below Eufaula dam is very good for much of the year. I do most of my fishing in the early spring or fall because of work, but you can catch striper below the dam into late winter, on big pencil baits, plugs, or spooks on the top of the water, or live shad or skip jacks. If you have a boat you can usually always find them chasing shad somewhere below the dam.
How will the minimum flow affect trout fishing in gore, it seems like it would be good for fishing, I cant wait to get down there this weekend. Where do you guys fish in Missouri? Roaring River, I have also heard their are some monsters in the trophy zone there. I usually go to the White in Eureka, AR and do really well, I have been to RR before but it was way over crowded in the places i fished.
Thanks and good luck.