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Everything posted by zackroe

  1. The Baron Fork is loaded with nice smallies and the fall is great fishing. Most of the creek is private land though, and there is limited access. There is a spot in talequah were the baron fork flows into the upper illinois, and you could track up river to get in Baron Fork Creek. The upper Illinois is also killer fishing in the fall. Plenty of small mouth, large mouth, and big Catfish and the river is low and fishable most of the time.
  2. My Nephew and I fished yesterday and caught 60 or more rainbows in a three hour period. It was a great day. We arrived around 8:30AM and the water was running. We had been calling the SWPA hotline for two days, but the information was unavailable. We chanced it anyway and headed out from Eufaula in hopes of low water conditions. After catching 5 nice size crappie on a jig and indicator, and a few small perch the horn sounded and the water started to drop. There were several other people showing up to the spot we were in, so we headed down river to the first pool. The trout went crazy for about and hour. We caught a bunch including 3 nice size 15 inches or more. We both caught and released over 30 fish a peice, and took our leaky waders to the truck. Cant wait to come back.
  3. cant wait to here the report we usually stay at spider creek in spring and fall each year. Debating about going this fall because the last three seasons weve been have been horrible fishing with the lakes flooded up into the white river. try using microjigs from the Dam Store under a bubble bobber,, always had lots of luck there and cant wait to come back let me no how the fishing is thanks
  4. Hey guys I am just wondering if there is an office where i can talk to a live person about when they will be running water. I always check the swp website before I drive down from Eufaula, but the last three times I have woke up at 5 and drove to gore, because the schedule said that they would not run water until 10 in the morning. But when i get there the water is running. I understand the need for generation and love fishing the upper and lower illinois, but i am really jonesing to catch trout and would just like to know ahead of time if there is small window of fishing.
  5. How have the water levels been, with all the rain lately? I haven't been there in about 6 months and have planned a trip to spider creek for the weekend. Is the water low enough to wade in spots. I am going regardless but would love to know what to expect before hand. thanks to anyone out there
  6. hey guys what is the swpa web adress and or the phone number that would be very helpful when I drive from eufaula with my fingers crossed the whole time thanks
  7. I dont do much fly fishing, but am trying to get better at it. I usually just use a spinning rod. the fishing has been awesome the last 3 weeks, I went once a week for the last month. Yesterday I caught a 16 inch rainbow in the stretch between the two falls. while i was fishing there were fish every where for about fifteen minutes jumping out of the water eating some type of fly that was bouncing around on the surface, they were all around me it was very cool to see. Little tiny tanish white flies.
  8. Thanks for the responses guys, much apreciated. Yes Bill the striper fishing below Eufaula dam is very good for much of the year. I do most of my fishing in the early spring or fall because of work, but you can catch striper below the dam into late winter, on big pencil baits, plugs, or spooks on the top of the water, or live shad or skip jacks. If you have a boat you can usually always find them chasing shad somewhere below the dam. How will the minimum flow affect trout fishing in gore, it seems like it would be good for fishing, I cant wait to get down there this weekend. Where do you guys fish in Missouri? Roaring River, I have also heard their are some monsters in the trophy zone there. I usually go to the White in Eureka, AR and do really well, I have been to RR before but it was way over crowded in the places i fished. Thanks and good luck.
  9. I do a lot of fall trout fishing and try to make it to gore at least once a week in octobe and november. I drive from Eufaula and was wondering if when they are genrating do can you catch striper or walley in the trout stream or is there a better place to fish when the water is running. I hate to get all pumped up about fishing and then dont get to fish because of the generation. Also is there a number you can call to get a generation schedule for that day. any replies would help thanks.
  10. I read the corps chart before I go to the lower illinois to fish, since i live in eufaula and have never had good luck with the water running. Is their anyone you can call to find out the schedule for the day? Last time i drove down the water had not been running but as soon as i got in the river they started generating,. caught only one fish in 2 hours
  11. Do rainbows reproduce in the lower illinois? I have never read anything about rainbows spawning in the illinois, but I was fishing on tuesday and the rainbows were in the shallows everywhere late in the day. We caught some big females, and the males were milking the eggs i guess. Great fishing we caught around 40 between the two of us./ They were biting a florecent orange and green rooster tail, brown and olive jigs, and green power bait. Cant wait to go back next tuesday. zackro
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