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Everything posted by jbeenemd

  1. I forgot to add that mine is a 2006 model Triton Fish and Ski. It is a nice boat. I don't know if I could like anything any better as it is the first large boat that I've ever owned. My other boat is a 12 foot jon boat. I do like how quiet the 4 stroke is. May not be as fast as those hot rod bass boats out there, however even if I had a smaller bass boat and a larger motor than I do, I would still keep it around 25MPH. It is just me and being an old phart. I'm in no hurry anymore. In fact my wife recently bought me a sweat shirt with one of those orange farm implement signs painted on the back that says "Slow Moving Vehicle". Jackie
  2. Marty, I agree about those guys and their fast boats. It is not a race track out there. I usually try to get up on plane and then go just fast enough to keep it there and run about 2500 to 3000 RPMs. I have a 200HP Suzuki 4 stroke and at this speed can talk to my fishing partner without having to raise my voice at all. Jackie
  3. A friend of mine that lives close to that area gave me a report that they are catching some crappie at that crossing. I can not personally confirm that. I usually go to Stockton. Jackie
  4. I am running a Minn Kota Maxxum 24 volt. I think it is an 80lb. Would have to go back and check the original papers. Have not had any problems with it at all. They do have a lifetime warranty on the shaft. My younger brother just broke one and he also got a new one on their warranty. I may put mine up for sale, not because I don't like it but sure would like to have one of those new Terrova models with the built in GPS and autolock. Jackie
  5. I just took a look at all the Fish Attractor Coordinates from the Missouri Dept of Conservation and they are all in the correct format for your Hummingbird. Download the file from http://newmdcgis.mdc.mo.gov/statewidefishattractors/fishattractorgpx.htm and unzip the file. Copy the .gpx file to your SD card. Put the SD card in your Hummingbird and can import the .gpx file to your Hummingbird. I can't tell you any specifics on how to do this part but you should be able to figure it out or go to your manual or the Hummingbird website. Jackie
  6. You can do this. I don't know what format the download was in or what format the Hummingbirds use. There are some programs to change formats. I was going to try this with my Lawrance unit. I could not figure it out, got frustrated and just went out to the boat and manually put in the brush pile locations at Stockton. I recently decided to put in the locations for Table Rock and OMG there were 700 to 800 waypoints. I am not about to try and breakdown all the different waypoints and will have to learn how to do this also. Which Hummingbird unit do you have? Jackie
  7. I too was out on Stockton (for first time this year) and saw a lot of this going on. Sometimes it was like a swatting of the water and they appeared to be about 6 inch long bass. Those that were jumping out of the water appeared to be carp. Also saw some of them up against the bank doing this, and suspect the carp are about to spawn also. This is just my 2 cents worth, and certainly not an expert. Jackie
  8. I went down to Taylor Bridge yesterday after work. Got there about 6:15PM. Lots of people fishing from the bank and no one had any fish. About sundown those that had boats out on the Sac began to come in. There was one boat with 10 to 12 and several other boats with 2 to 3. So while there are some whites being caught it must be fairly slow yet. Any by the way I did not catch anything and did not see any of the bank fishers catch any either. If you do go, make sure you have your license as a female game warden showed up and started checking people. I am off tomorrow and my wife and I will be going down to the Sac. I would like to have some pictures for y'all tomorrow. Jackie
  9. I am not trying to rain on your parade, but maybe you don't understand why they don't want "swimmers" and/or tube fishers in Fellows, and Daniels Lakes. These lakes provide drinking water for Springfield. It is a common practice to disallow these activities in waters that are part of municipal water supplies. I lived in Little Rock for several years and fished on one of their lakes that provided water to Little Rock. When launching my boat I slipped and touched the edge of the water. Had "tennis shoes" on and did not even get enough water on them to get the fabric wet. The "ranger" there saw that and raised all sorts of hell with me. I know that it does not make any sense that the boat motors, fish and other wildlife contaminate the water. Just can't let those clean humans in it. Bottom line is that you will not get any traction with your survey. Does not matter how many people sign it. It just "will not fly"!!! Might try addressing this to the State Dept of Natural Resources and State Health Dept and see how far you get. Jackie
  10. I would be surprised to hear that they would allow float tubes in Fellows as I believe it is a source for drinking water for Springfield. Don't know about Springfield Lake. Jackie
  11. Thanks Brandon, If I get a chance to get out and catch some then I'll be sure to post a pic or two Jackie
  12. After reading the instructions again, I have a few questions. Where is everyone fishing? At the concrete bridge or the old iron bridge? Also from the "Y" if you go right then you get to the concrete bridge and if you go left at the"Y" then that takes you to the old iron bridge. Is this correct? Jackie
  13. Thanks Brandon, I have to go up to Bolivar tomorrow morning to work. If I can get my lazy self up early enough, then I will try to swing around and try to find it. Unfortunately I won't have any time to fish for a few days. Jackie
  14. I'm fairly new to this area. Bought a small farm off of Z highway halfway between Willard and Walnut Grove. I and have fished Stockton some as it is closer to home. But I am unsure where "Taylor" is. Is this the bridge on 215 that crosses Maze Creek?
  15. Hi Hoglaw, When is this "Drum Rodeo"? I am from El Dorado and have not lived down there in quite a while. I was unaware of this fishing event, when did this get started? Jackie
  16. Thanks troutchaser, I did not who to call about this. The ramps that I was talking about are the ones accross from the marina on the other side of the cove, not the ones beside the marina. Jackie
  17. I sure hate for this to be my first post here, however if it will help someone prevent some damage to their props, then here goes. Last Saturday, when putting in at the Mutton Creek ramps accross from the matina I kept hitting what I thought was the edge of the ramp (on the right ramp). The trailer kept rising up on one side. Got out to check things out and I was right in the middle of the ramp!! The only explanation was that someone has put a rock or rocks on the ramp. I tried the ramp on the left and had no problem until I took out. Just as I was getting the boat up on the trailer I heard and felt a bump-bump-bump. Sure enough as I pulled my boat out and inspected the damage the prop had hit something. I don't know who to contact about this. I don't know if the Corps would send anyone out to check on this. Just be careful at those ramps. Jackie
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