I am not trying to rain on your parade, but maybe you don't understand why they don't want "swimmers" and/or tube fishers in Fellows, and Daniels Lakes. These lakes provide drinking water for Springfield. It is a common practice to disallow these activities in waters that are part of municipal water supplies.
I lived in Little Rock for several years and fished on one of their lakes that provided water to Little Rock. When launching my boat I slipped and touched the edge of the water. Had "tennis shoes" on and did not even get enough water on them to get the fabric wet. The "ranger" there saw that and raised all sorts of hell with me. I know that it does not make any sense that the boat motors, fish and other wildlife contaminate the water. Just can't let those clean humans in it.
Bottom line is that you will not get any traction with your survey. Does not matter how many people sign it. It just "will not fly"!!! Might try addressing this to the State Dept of Natural Resources and State Health Dept and see how far you get.