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Everything posted by oneshot

  1. oneshot

    Say What

    Back then one night killed over 50. Jumbo would bring $50. Even Possums and Skunks were selling good. Bought my first Farm with help of Fur money. Back then all my Paycheck went into the Bank. My wife paid the Bills. oneshot
  2. oneshot

    Say What

    Really I think so. Hate taste of Beef. Possum is just more tender and has more fat. And if you go by what they eat it’s all in your head. oneshot
  3. Use to kill plenty Rabbits and Quail Green and Polk counties. No longer there. My wife was going on about price of meat. Guess we’ll eat more Squirrels and Fish. oneshot
  4. Use to be good then too many houses and now days I need help loading a Deer. Conservation got mad at me they had their Decoy set up and I Mooned it. If I want Deer meat I can get plenty Road Kill. oneshot
  5. I got a New IPHONE so I could load onX GPS. I had changed Credit Cards so they couldn’t just reload. Cost $30. My wife said I might as well delete it because I’m no longer hunting. 🙄 I have been exercising getting in shape to maybe go hunting. I have a GPS but it only shows State Lands not Federal. oneshot
  6. Wow one shock and Dog Listens. He even gets to Collar to go out. Well guess I got my $100 worth. oneshot
  7. oneshot

    Say What

    Actually Possum is better than Coon. oneshot
  8. Had a guy take his horses in the mountains. Had a heck of time with them. Said it was the feed. Did he ever think taking them to a higher elevation they might have hard time breathing. oneshot
  9. oneshot

    Say What

    The Coon was to be dead so I think they will be ok. I haven’t ate Coon in a long time. oneshot
  10. Have a neighbor from Canada. When they are down she will walk her Dog over on KOA so it won’t dump in their yard. oneshot
  11. I would be out hunting with Horseback Riders all over. Horses were the stupidest animal around. They would go nuts over person in Camouflage, Blood, Vehicle. Never knew with them. oneshot
  12. I know my Son says the same thing. LOL oneshot
  13. Ah my balls haven’t had any use in years. My Son is still trying to figure out my valve in my nut sack. Got to squeeze it. oneshot
  14. That is what I spent on her for Valentines Day. I really don’t know what she makes. It cost me about $100 to party. We went to Branson once highest cost was Booze. I mostly drink Beer now days. Thought I was going to have a bunch of money because the house was going to be paid for. My wife looked at the paperwork wrong it will be paid off next year. oneshot
  15. oneshot

    Say What

    Well supposed to go to two Fish Frys and when we go for class most our meals will be paid for. Guy was to bring a Coon by never seen it. My Son is wanting to go Sucker Fishing. Because I’m older I can get one meal a day. oneshot
  16. oneshot

    Say What

    My Ex use to actually figure eating at my Dads into the grocery budget. oneshot
  17. oneshot

    Say What

    Was invited out to dinner. You would think they are paying? Nope! oneshot
  18. Boone lost his now he is unsure of car rides. oneshot
  19. She said if she lost her Job we wouldn’t have extra $100 to waste on flowers like I did for Valentines Day. Plus I won’t have extra to party. 😂 oneshot
  20. She has said she would like to try it on me. This one works he was in the woods I hit him just mild and he came right to me. oneshot
  21. oneshot

    Bad Boys

    You don’t want to get drunk with a Buck Goat. I had Goats and liked them. I had a Weather told my Son I was going to butcher it. He made a pet out of it. Told my wife he was playing with his food. He got upset when I killed it. Goats then we’re too high $$$$ to be butchering. oneshot
  22. Keeping on the hook wasn’t a problem. Liver I usually wrap it couple times with sewing thread and it stays on. I don’t think it matters with Blues on bait long as it is off the bottom. Lung just naturally floats. oneshot
  23. Ok I think I got it we shall see. Shouldn’t take much the pup is pretty good. I know the collar won’t help this but he is being very much a pup chewing everything. At least he is House Broke and comes to his name most the time. Thanks! oneshot
  24. oneshot

    Bad Boys

    I shot an Old Ram one time that was nasty. oneshot
  25. I have a New Pet Smart Training Collar. Some how lost instructions. I’m thinking I have to unlock it. oneshot
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