Yea I know I'm wanting to get back to killing with this Rifle I Love it but so far I have lost a Hog and 3 Deer because of this.After the first Deer I worked on it thought things were Good,then had a Hog running right at me,Misfire Took it to the Shop thought good to go.Then the Buck the other day.I thought give it another chance then the Doe.
I was hunting New ground by Warsaw,had just stopped set the Rifle by a Tree ate an Apple,trowed the core down,here comes 4 Does,I grab the Rifle,BAAA! stop one Doe at 10 yards,put a Bead on her,pull the Trigger Bang NO BOOM! I called my wife told her I was about ready to wrap a Rifle around a Tree but wouldn't.
She asked if I had one of my other Rifles? I told her no that I was trying to Sight it in the other day and our Stupid City Neighbor came over and told me to quit shooting that I was scaring all the Deer out of the area.She said she would have told him to Stick It!Well I wasn't sure on it so I didn't bring it.Once I got home I checked it didn't move the Sights it was Right On.
Still have the rest of Antelerless Season and Muzzleloading Season.I'm going back to Warsaw over the Weekend hopping people will have the Deer moving.