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  1. oneshot

    Got A Doe

    Yea he an't speaking to me I made him take a Bath. oneshot
  2. oneshot

    Got A Doe

    Went to our Cabin at Warsaw shot a Doe this morning.Thinking real serious about moving there. oneshot
  3. Yea I have to deal with him couple weeks a year.He blames me for everything leading to the lack of Deer from just Living here to him thinking I kill them all. Black Powder I changed Caps and have had problems since.But if I use the same Rifle I have some ideas to take care of this problem. oneshot
  4. Yea I know I'm wanting to get back to killing with this Rifle I Love it but so far I have lost a Hog and 3 Deer because of this.After the first Deer I worked on it thought things were Good,then had a Hog running right at me,Misfire Took it to the Shop thought good to go.Then the Buck the other day.I thought give it another chance then the Doe. I was hunting New ground by Warsaw,had just stopped set the Rifle by a Tree ate an Apple,trowed the core down,here comes 4 Does,I grab the Rifle,BAAA! stop one Doe at 10 yards,put a Bead on her,pull the Trigger Bang NO BOOM! I called my wife told her I was about ready to wrap a Rifle around a Tree but wouldn't. She asked if I had one of my other Rifles? I told her no that I was trying to Sight it in the other day and our Stupid City Neighbor came over and told me to quit shooting that I was scaring all the Deer out of the area.She said she would have told him to Stick It!Well I wasn't sure on it so I didn't bring it.Once I got home I checked it didn't move the Sights it was Right On. Still have the rest of Antelerless Season and Muzzleloading Season.I'm going back to Warsaw over the Weekend hopping people will have the Deer moving. oneshot
  5. Went to Barclay the river was up and bunch of trash.Tried Power Bait for about 20 minutes and decided to quit and go hunting. I figure with the water coming up getting cooler once it settles down some Bite should be good. oneshot
  6. My wife got a Doe I had two Misfires on two different deer a nice 6 Point and a Doe.Changing rifles hopping to change my Luck. oneshot
  7. Yea I thought about the fact Debt Free and my Pension could do some Traveling. Would you be interested in selling 4 of your 20acres ? Is it in Laclede or Dallas co ? No couldn't do that but I figure the whole place should be worth $40K. Its in Dallas County across the highway from Lead Mine CA. oneshot
  8. Ok I have 20 acres close to Bennett Spring way back in the Hills.Been here 17 years. I have a Small Lot close to Warsaw,several people around during the Summer. Main reason for keeping the 20 acres is Deer Hunting mainly Opening weekend of Firearms season. The place at Warsaw is 42 miles from my Church and 30 miles from my Doctor won't change either. Could keep the 20 but still owe a Large Second Mortgage on it so if sold I would be basically Debt Free. Love both Places. Ideas?? oneshot
  9. The river is Low and Clear as Glass you can see plenty of Bass,Goggle Eye,Trout and Suckers not worth a darn General fishing but should be Great for Gigging. oneshot
  10. Well heard through the Grapevine it was a Guy from Springfield,he was shot,their thinking Drug Deal gone Bad.Not sure if this true or not just what I heard. oneshot
  11. No I didn't fish me and my Son was yesterday but didn't care for the wind and cold.It was at the second Put In at Lead Mine too far down for Trout. If I was going for Trout I would go just below 64 HWY Bridge or below the riffle at Barclay,this time of year I'm thinking Glow Balls.Me I Bait Fish so it would be Salmon Eggs or Power Bait. oneshot
  12. Might of been someone going to use the Pickup for Gigging,malfunction with the Propane. oneshot
  13. Don't know about that but plenty of glass in the gravel right where we put the Boat in. We're all wondering if it had to do with Drugs or somebody just disagreeing.Looked like the Pickup was just drove down there,if someone was trying to hide it there is way better places. oneshot
  14. Went down to the river checked out where the Pickup had burnt with the Body in it Friday,be interesting to find out what happen.I don't think they even have an I.D. yet. oneshot
  15. Bad thing about this time of year is Leaves fighting them all the time.I went to Barclay the river its self is in good shape did manage to catch couple nice Rainbows on White Power Bait.One guy was down there using Velveeta catching smaller Rainbows.Couple guys come by floating said they was catching plenty of Goggle Eye,not sure what on. oneshot
  16. They did a Survey on Bonus Tags for Deer on alot of CA next year Bonus Tags were not allowed but I have a feeling MDC had their mind made up so the Survey didn't mean squat. I really think the MDC decides to make changes but runs these Surveys just to look good. oneshot
  17. Yea Pics don't do the Bluegill Justice.He is feeding the just regular Fish Feed but the Bluegill had Fat on them like Hogs I never seen anything like it. oneshot
  18. Stocked my Sons Pond year ago last Spring this is the first time we fished it.Got four Channels and twenty Hybrid Bluegill on Worms. Got me thinking seriously considering building a Pond. oneshot
  19. I have a Vehical too but being on Fixed Income and Gas prices I can't be driving all over the State when I'm wanting Fish.Its stupid to have a supply cut off couple miles down the road because someone over 200 miles away decides they how they want to fish. oneshot
  20. Plenty of 12 inch Smallmouth and plenty Goggle Eye there is no problem the way it is.I catch a Mess go Home cook them up it isn't like I'm filling the Freezer. Your all the way up in St.Louis so like I say its not got anything to do with you fishing. oneshot
  21. Carp are still feeding heavy seen some feeding at Truman in the Shallows.I would Chum an area Bait up throw it out kick back and wait for the Fun. oneshot
  22. If it was me I would not use Seafoam.I know several swear by it but I had it in some Fuel that went Very Bad Very Fast.Talked with the Guys up at StaBil they didn't talk Bad about Seafoam as matter fact they said it was Good but not for Fuel that is to set,I have stayed with StaBil Marine Formula with no problem. I know you are talking about alot more Fuel but last Spring I got rid of 5 gallons that I just didn't like the looks of and I wasn't going to spend another $300 getting my Carburetors cleaned up. oneshot
  23. I got mine like I told my wife I figure the MDC has their mind made up to mess my fishing up at least the fish I want to keep and they will do what they want no matter what I have to say. oneshot
  24. Not everyone practice C&R some actually still fish for Food,I've always found Fresh Fish caught out of a Stream or Lake far better than coming from the Store. Because of Health Issues I eat little of Lean Red Meat such a Deer and alot of Fish.I feel my Diet has turned my Health completely around.As far as White Ribbon Trout if I'm in need of Fish I enjoy the fact I can go by the House and catch Fresh Dinner in couple hours or less the same as I can get Whole Grains and fresh Vegatables most the year close to Home.Plus Trout is Good Baked or Grilled where other Fish just aren't Good fixed this way. As far as Raising Fish in Open Waters for size to me its like Antler restrictions on Deer if Trophy Size becomes the Norm because there is so many don't it kind of take away from it all? oneshot
  25. Leave it the way it is we like a mess of Trout every so often and I go fishing or hunting its for the Table,I've found most the dinks I turn back go Belly Up anyway no matter how careful I am. You go to the Regs you propose I will no longer waste my time with a Permit or fishing them waters. oneshot
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