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Everything posted by oneshot

  1. I had Victoria Secret funny how less material the more it cost. oneshot
  2. Know a Guy one time Road Hunting. Seen a Deer got out to shoot it, car was coming so he gets back in his Pickup. His rifle went off killed his Pickup. Back when I was younger didn’t have Deer but had plenty Small Game. We would fill the back floor board of the Edsel with Rabbits, Quail and Squirrels. oneshot
  3. All different now days guess it’s an instant thing. Got to fix up dope. Guy down the road was cooking Meth caught the place on fire. Bunch doing Fyntinal now. About a year ago I was out with some Loggers. Big Boom Box, smoking Weed and was watching one, 10AM Chainsaw in one hand Beer in the other. My wife said if I was younger I would be right there. LOL oneshot
  4. You think? oneshot
  5. Well it would be two Dams and I wonder if they would be replaced. oneshot
  6. Oh the girl knows Firearms and Safety. Wouldn’t want the way I learned. Family came for Saturday’s. Eating, Drinking and Shooting. oneshot
  7. Friend already brought me some Firewood and Ground Pork. Now he has a Coon for us. All I need now is some Shine! oneshot
  8. I’ve used .22 to put down a Butcher Beef but wouldn’t use one Elk hunting. oneshot
  9. With MDC Newer Law my wife’s little.380 would be legal to hunt Deer with. oneshot
  10. Got a 13 year old Granddaughter wanting to learn hunting. I told my wife I could take my Granddaughter out Deer hunting and have her taking care of me. My wife said it would be too much to put on the young girl. 😔 oneshot
  11. I read as much as I could find. The Dam itself is structurally fine as any Dam can be. They got the rating by the population below the Dam and it will never change so the rating will be the same forever. Truman Dam, which stands between Truman Lake and Lake of the Ozarks, has been categorized as a potentially unsafe dam, in a risk assessment study conducted in 2018 by the Army Corps of Engineers. The Harry S. Truman Dam received the assignment of a Dam Safety Action Class (DSAC) 2 Rating. According to the Corps of Engineers, a DSAC 2 Rating is Urgent (Unsafe or Potentially Unsafe) and is characterized as “Failure Initiation Foreseen or Very High Risk.” According to Harry S. Truman Dam Safety Program Manager Pendo Duku, that rating is a general assessment based on specific concerns. In the case of Truman Dam, the high population numbers downstream and the potential for an extreme rain event are the primary concerns. "Population is greatest concern to us," Duku said. oneshot
  12. Well Beagle deal fell through I have no idea why. But my wife got a Blower working on the Fireplace it really needs two. oneshot
  13. It seems we are getting a year old rescue Beagle. My wife just called me about it. oneshot
  14. Ok I went back through read what I could. The Dam has a 2 one being the worst. From what I find it gets the rating not because it is about to fail. From what I read all Dams can fail and what number of people effected changes the rating. Because 90,000 people would be effected is the reason for the 2 rating. oneshot
  15. Well it is still considered the same from COE report. The Dam is still considered Level 2. oneshot
  16. Let’s try this. It’s on my phone. Didn’t work just go to Truman Dam Unsafe. It was checked in 2018. oneshot
  17. Ok I have to find a link. I seen it on Internet reading on Truman Lake. I know there was a problem back when they was trying to hold too much water back. Our office was on standby because of it. oneshot
  18. Glad you had a good time on the river. Always like this time of year. Hope you had a Merry Christmas. oneshot
  19. I was just reading where Truman Dam is not safe. I know couple years ago they tried holding back too much water for too long and it was a problem then. Just wondering if it is a concern to others? oneshot
  20. I like my Medium Dogs but I was thinking of traveling but most won’t let us have our Dog. We usually leave the Dogs at the house and pay someone to take care of them. And trying to keep a Dog off furniture if they are use to getting up on it. It is almost impossible. My wife says she could handle a Big Dog . We had a Lab and we loved her but she was just too big. We had a Jack Russell he was all mine and very destructive. We took him on a trip one time it wasn’t good. Had a Healer he was very good but got Cancer and Vet couldn’t do anymore so I put him down. oneshot
  21. My last name is Dog in French. So! oneshot
  22. My problem is licking my phone. oneshot
  23. I have a Beagle she is getting better being alone. She might get jealous if I get a pup. I had a Jack Russell and he would destroy a House trying to get a mouse. He was a one person Dog. I spend a lot on shots and stuff. One thing with Dogs they don’t live long. I am worried about a pup getting up and down the steps into our fenced in area for the Dogs. If it stays around us all is good. oneshot
  24. Yelp she was happy. Mama happy everyone is happy. Actually I seen the other day she had lost a stone out of her engagement ring and was wearing her Birthstone Ring as engagement ring. Couldn’t have that. oneshot
  25. Well me and my wife exchanged gifts. I got her a set of rings because her old set was old. What do you get a guy that has everything? A selection of Hot Sauce. oneshot
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