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Everything posted by oneshot

  1. Yea last time I was in to see my Taxidermist brought him $1,800 worth of work he was more than happy to talk about Fish Mounts.I asked him about Replicas like he said anymore they look good and can be easly fixed if anything happens I sure will go that way. Its hard for me to Judge weight in the Water all I know is this one was a Hoss and give the best fight I had in years so even if I didn't net her it was major fun. oneshot
  2. Thanks for the report.I was there below the Bridge other day had one Spooled me then broke off about 5 foot from me I was measuring for the Mount maybe I should have waited until I had her in the Net. Sure was fun though. Had a Guy at Barclay said he was catching a bunch of Browns and he wasn't Trout Fishing. oneshot
  3. Well I'm thinking most hit it hard on the weekends but not so Bad durring the week.I know MDC Land around here it is that way.I hunted Pomme durring Muzszleloader Season last year didn't see anyone until after dark and I was loading my Deer. oneshot
  4. oneshot

    Outdoor Games

    I have a bunch of Hunting Unlimited Games like playing them,it might sound stupid but I believe they keep me sharp. oneshot
  5. Ok I've asked on other Forums can't get an answer.How crowded is COE Land after Opening weekend of Firearms Season? Do most hit it hard on the weekends then thin out durring the week. The reason I'm asking is I'm hunting here on my Farm this weekend then going up to our Cabin durring the week.I went there last week archery hunting didn't see anyone while out in the woods and enjoyed it very much. oneshot
  6. Went to Barclay yesterday got tierd of chasing Deer the river was still up but had good color.Caught Trout and a Smallmouth on Salmon Eggs and Worms.Turned the Smallmouth back. oneshot
  7. Thats funny when they first come out with String Trackers I thought I would try.Shot Low on a Buck,he got tangled in the string and pulled it all out of my spool. oneshot
  8. Last night I told my wife I was going hunting again ove on Goverment Land and want if I see a Young Deer? Well go ahead and shoot it.You do realize if I shoot it I'm done hunting over there and I can only hunt here for a Buck? What are you talking about we just bought an Antlerless Tag? Yea but I can't use anything but Any Deer Tags over there and I already used one on the Doe the other day. She still didn't get it but told me to go ahead and shoot whatever. Get over there before daylight went up through the Bottoms the Creek had been out thore the heck out of everything.Went to cross it where I normaly do,got water in one of my Boots .Thought well go to find somewhere else,went on up and crossed.Got up under a Cedar Tree where I've killed Deer before,checked wind just right! Gets just after daylight look to my right there is this Little Doe .Great figures Fat Young Fryer.I shoot she takes off say to myself well that takes care of that.The Boss said to shoot Trailed her about Hundred Yards.Pulled the Arrow out all looked good on it.So I didn't lose anything there.Field Dress her most the Liver was Good and the Heart so didn't lose anything there. oneshot
  9. Whats Bad I have an Annual Hunting Trip planed in Febuary and my wife is having a fit on that.But I'm sure she will get over it oneshot
  10. Got invited to Florida next Spring everyone is going to Disney World.I'm not wanting to go there so thoght I would try this. http://www.orlandoprincess.com/index.html What do you think? oneshot
  11. I didn't look at the river but Jakes Creek was up and rolling yesterday evening and my spring was doing the same so I would say i9ts going to be a few days before the river comes back down. oneshot
  12. oneshot

    Rainy Day Doe

    Far from it and I Forgive you but don't think we are going to swap spit now oneshot
  13. oneshot

    Mekayla's Deer

    Cool she did good! oneshot
  14. Thanks I think my wife would like staying there if I could squeeze her grip lose on some $$.Its bad when a woman keeps track of how many Hooks you have. One time I had two Deer Tags told her I only had three Bullets.She tells me I better not miss. oneshot
  15. Will do Phil.Thanks! oneshot
  16. Yea there was a Theater in town.Sign in front said No Food or Drink Allowed in Theater. oneshot
  17. Yea went there on my Honeymoon with my first wife went to Silver Dollar City.That place has even changed for the worse.Me and my present wife had two day Passes One day was enough.We went on the Branson Belle instead. oneshot
  18. Dang trying to kill me with SONIC I'm trying to lose weight. All I have in the way of Boat anymore is my 12 foot Jon.And you can fish off the Dock at the Access? Is the State Park the best place to camp or is there a closer place to Taney?Heck I might talk Lilley into cutting a deal on room when snow flys get down for a Christmas Show. Cats is that down by the point? I'm kind of grounded from fishing but told my wife I was leaving her at the first of the week to go hunting I might slip my Long Rod in the Pickup but looking at Long Range Forecast don't look like this rain is going to give us a break. oneshot
  19. oneshot

    Hard Life

    Got in an argument with the wife yesterday.Told her I was going to drive over to Lebanon for some Parts I needed was going to take my Rod and Reel stop at Bennett and go fishing.She tells me the water is up and won't be worth it.I told her I thought it was ok. Then she tells me I go fishing too much to get my parts closer to home and go hunting.Well I went hunting didn't get anything. Bad having to argue on whether to go Fishing or Hunting Lifes a B! oneshot
  20. Me and my wife went down to Branson.I took my Rod and reel.But was completly lost it was a Mad house from the way it was when I was last there in '71.I couldn't find where to get down to the Lake and just catch a mess of Fish.We camped at the State Park. Ok wanting a cheap but safe place to Tent Camp (have Golden Access) wanting to just fish from the bank using Power Bait or Salmon Eggs catch couple messes of Trout.We went several times down I think it was called Fall Creek Road seemed like there should be somewhere along there to get down to the Lake. Ok take this old couple by the hand and help them out.We are more use to driving in Horse and Buggy area. oneshot
  21. Been hunting around the house in Lead Mine.Got a Doe.But looks pretty good.I may hunt some over at Pomme De Terre and Truman. Thinking of going to Truman next week. oneshot
  22. We go up by Osceola Snagging plus up on the Sac fishing.Yea i know about camping on Corps Land,bunch get around that by putting a Line out and Staking it and Corps has let the slide in some places.I was thinking of camping on MDC Land.But no use with our Cabin there. oneshot
  23. oneshot

    Rainy Day Doe

    Misting rain yesterday thought what the heck I'm not going to get any Deer setting in the house so I went over on Goverment Land. Set up in a holler running out into some clover.Here comes couple Fawns and a Doe.The Fawns fed going away from me the Doe came back towards me.I shoot her,she takes off running holding one Front Leg up. I go down find all but about 8 inches of my Arrow.Could hear Deer running in a circle around me.I start following Blood,good spray just not heavy as I like.Followed it around a point going into a draw.I thought well she went up this draw which is where I heard Deer.Lost Blood but I walked on up the draw,nothing.Was marking Blood,found Blood going uphill.Thought this is not looking good.Thought its getting dark I'm going to wait until morning. Was out there at daylight still misting rain.Found my last Blood,thought ok she is running on the upper part of this draw.Thought ok I will just circle up through the brush.Nothing,thought dummy you need to get back and pick up the Blood Trail again. Went back to last blood was making half circles,found more blood going uphill.Found just a little still going up.Lost it,thought Lord help me out.Looked on up there she was laying in a depression. oneshot
  24. If you cross the Bridge going towards Fairfield Ramp from the East our Cabin is on the Left as you get across the Bridge.There is several Coves I can put in,most aren't Bad with Small Boat I just worry on some if t6he wind comes up but know if it does get my tail back to Land.Like I told my wife alot of it is in a persons head as far as Large Deep water.Look at it as a Small Lake in a Big Lake,just don't get out too far and wear PFD. oneshot.
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