Misting rain yesterday thought what the heck I'm not going to get any Deer setting in the house so I went over on Goverment Land.
Set up in a holler running out into some clover.Here comes couple Fawns and a Doe.The Fawns fed going away from me the Doe came back towards me.I shoot her,she takes off running holding one Front Leg up.
I go down find all but about 8 inches of my Arrow.Could hear Deer running in a circle around me.I start following Blood,good spray just not heavy as I like.Followed it around a point going into a draw.I thought well she went up this draw which is where I heard Deer.Lost Blood but I walked on up the draw,nothing.Was marking Blood,found Blood going uphill.Thought this is not looking good.Thought its getting dark I'm going to wait until morning.
Was out there at daylight still misting rain.Found my last Blood,thought ok she is running on the upper part of this draw.Thought ok I will just circle up through the brush.Nothing,thought dummy you need to get back and pick up the Blood Trail again.
Went back to last blood was making half circles,found more blood going uphill.Found just a little still going up.Lost it,thought Lord help me out.Looked on up there she was laying in a depression.