Didn't go to fish just check things out.River didn't look that Bad.There was a couple and a kid down there fishing.He had a short Bass on Stringer,told him about it,said he didn't know and turned it lose.
But like I said the river didn't look Bad wasn't up too Bad and didn't see that many Leaves.
Thanks Guys we went over there yesterday and the river was up and rolling.Checked milage and its not that far from our Cabin and found couple other places closer.
Got to thinking combo Camping,Hunting and Fishing not sure if I trust leaving High $$$ gear for hours at a time so will probably just stay at the Cabin.
Finally went to Salvation Army in Springfield and got a Hide Away Bed for the Cabin so I have a place to set and sleep.Now all I have to find is a Heater and T.V. and I will be Uptown.
Got couple questions.Is the fishing good down towards Cross Timbers Access?Would my 12 Jon be good from there towards the Lake? Is there alot of visable Trees in the water?
Ok with the awsome fishing on Truman Lake do you get alot of the same on up Pomme de Terre River? I'm thinking you should all the way down to Hermitage.
I was fishing below the 64 Bridge the other day and the Fish were biting very strange,just almost had to bribe them to go ahead and bite.Did ok but had to play with them.
I was at Barclay today.
Sorry to say today the fish were biting really good seemed to be starting in their Spawn Mode.But the rain is starting to fall on my Metal Roof pretty steady and they say its to come down for couple days.
I'm thinking the fishing should be ok unless we get couple day of hard rain.I was at the river this evening and it was normal and fish we're biting well.
I was very Bad tonight I had them fried,I don't remember last time I had fried fish.
FishinCricket no length Limit and I think your allowed 15.
I Can them,Bake some,Grill some.Main thing is get the Mud Vien out.
When I was growing up had Lakes around were people would Pay to fish for them.I'll go few times a year catch several they are sure fun.
Here is a 21 pounder I caught at a Pay Lake 40 years ago
Here is a 35 pound Buffalo I caught this Spring
Here is the whole buch from that day.
But if you don't have fish there is always Turtle
Right now everyone is Gigging Suckers on the river.
Yea I went to Bennett looked like it was only couple feet high there.But went on down to Barclay looked like it was half way up the Ramp before it started down.
It should be down next week its good to get it stired up every so often.
Oh well I found some Goggle Eye in the freezer they were sure good.
The Report took as long as it took to catch them.
Was using Salmon Eggs,fished at the Bennett Access,took about 45 minutes but we was only using two Rods and Reels,was there at 7:30AM this morning,water was clear.