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Everything posted by oneshot

  1. Working on the Cabin.Had it up on a Ladder,she went to move the Ladder it fell off on her Head. oneshot
  2. I just soak it in Salt Water after its cut up.I'll bake it up tomorrow. oneshot
  3. I put 25 Hooks out on the Niangua last night baited with Cut bait.Only got this Snapper. Guess the Lord figured this was all I needed.Oh well my wife will be Happy. Ready to soak and cook up. oneshot
  4. Whats bad the next day she dropped a Framing Hammer on her Head.She was ok other than a knot.But you know who got the blame. oneshot
  5. Warming up my wife at our Cabin at Truman Lake. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qghzpOGtIAE oneshot
  6. Yea but these are cheaper and easy to make. oneshot
  7. Ok I made bunch of these up.Pretty simple just put some Glue on the Pipe,shoved it through,left couple inches on each end Drilled Holes in each end. I figure I can just tie a Line on let it Float.Anchor it with Weight on the end of the Line put Hook or two on it.Or tie it on a Log oLimb hanging over the water tie my Hook Line on the other end.Plus my wife came up with the idea if I'm just letting it float tie a Hook on each end. What do you think? oneshot
  8. I know its not much help but I was over there last week and fishing was slow.I was wanting to set some lines out on Lindly and at that time it was up in the Timber. From the looks if they keep running like they are it should be down to normal in a week. http://www.nwk.usace.army.mil/pt/daily.cfm oneshot
  9. My wife said she came home all excited to tell me the river was down I might want to go fishing. Well I had all ready left went down there caught 4 Rainbows and a nice Perch. Came home to Deer Steak and Califlower and Salad out of our Garden. oneshot
  10. Why sure she can clean them. I smoked three Greys.Got them cooking waiting on the Dumplings. oneshot
  11. She brought me home Beer.Later asked if I wanted her to drop me off at Pomme De Terre in the morning when she goes over to her Moms? Too bad I'm going Squirrel hunting. oneshot
  12. I agree a friend of mine says he catches his Cats in 8 foot of water.I only have 6 foot of Line on mine. oneshot
  13. 1999 1860 Polar Kraft All Weld Aluminum Jon Boat 1998 Nissan 70HP motor 1998 Trailer Trolling Motor Humminbird 585c fishfinder Two Batteries Livewell 6 Gal. Gas Tank Selling because not using it much as it needs to be. Asking $6,000 oneshot
  14. Went across at 64HWY it is still running bank full.Do you Guys think it will be back down to about normal by Wednesday if we don't get anymore rain? Either way I'm hoping it will be back down by next weekend for all the Float Outfitters they need the break.Please Pray. oneshot
  15. See you fished Manito Lake.I use to fish there alot.Did you catch any Redears there? They almost didn't open that Lake because someone put Crappie in there and stunted alot of fish.Then the Bass did their Job and pigged out on the Crappie so less Crappie and Bigger Bass. oneshot
  16. Well they didn't want Corn the other day.Today I had Dough Bait one was with Cherry Jello the other Molasses.They seemed to like both. I was wondering if they would like Garlic Flavor,well I'm wondering if it will draw them better from a distance. oneshot
  17. Do they like Red Bait? I mean does Color matter? Do they like Garlic? Do they like Garlic over Molasses or about the same? oneshot
  18. Hermitage Camp area I believe.But the others around it were open.I just came back from there looks like the water has came down couple feet.But it was sure windy. oneshot
  19. I was over the other day and it was up and muddy.Some of the Ramps were closed. I think its up 10 foot today but they are running water. oneshot
  20. I don't know from Pics but looks like not a real hard fix. Two of my kids live in Fair Grove they had a mess to clean up.No reall damage to either place. oneshot
  21. Not sure I haven't been there since the Big rain. There is a Big pond over at Mule Shoe but I don't know what it has in the way of fish.Nearest areas with small lakes and Ponds is 80 miles from here.I told the MDC that putting a small Lake at Lead Mine would be icing on the cake.They told me that people wanted to keep it as a Natural Area oneshot
  22. It was a Snapper. I got a laugh one time when I was young.Neighbor Lady came over when we was having Turtle.She asked what we were eating? Dad says you know that Snake that was laying down the road? Yes.He holds up the Tail Didn't take long to get all over the area we were eating Road Kill Snake oneshot
  23. Well I don't really have any Ponds or Small Lakes close by. oneshot
  24. Last year seems water was up on the Lakes and Rivers around the area.Seems its going to be the same this year. Talked to my Brother in Law up by Boonville,Mo. he says everything is high up there.I went to Pomme De Terre yesterday its up lots of things closed.I hear Truman is the same.I guess the best thing to do is just get use to it and take advantage of fishing below the Dams when they are running water. oneshot
  25. I just cut the Legs,Tail and Neck out,skinned it.Nomally I would fry it.But because I'm on a diet took dipped it in egg and milk,rolled it in crushed Cornflakes and Baked it.It was very good. oneshot
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