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Everything posted by oneshot

  1. Yea three Buffalo and three Common. The Big Buffalo was doing some major jumping,the first time he come up I thought this is going to be fun. oneshot
  2. I know Guys but dang I had fun burning the Drags on my Reels. Had Turtle for Supper yesterday going to have Buffalo tonight. oneshot
  3. This should work.Had some Sweet Corn left over from Supper last night.I poured the juice off and mixed Molasses in. Should be a good Bait for a number of fish but Mainly Carp and Buffalo. oneshot
  4. I didn't see anyone catching anything.Talked to a Guy that caught three nice Rainbows on the river using Orange Glitter Power Bait before the rain. Seen an Otter by the Whistle Bridge looked not to be having a good day. oneshot
  5. Well had time to kill this morning so I went to the Dam.They weren't running any water.Lake was up but not bad.Seen some catching fish,just watching fron the road. oneshot
  6. Well we just had Major Rain and flooding so its going to takeawhile to settle down. oneshot
  7. Went to Bennett,lots of water going to take a couple days. Pics 64 at Bennett 64 at Bennett The spring at the Park Video oneshot
  8. Was at the river in Lead Mine today and it was in pretty good shape. oneshot
  9. Yea thats where he is talking about.Usually bunch fighting for a spot there. jnorman anyone catching Catfish?I have to go up there for a meeting the second,then have to go to Springfield to see Larry the Cable Guy so I probably won't get no fishing done. oneshot
  10. Wasn't sure where to put this but it is the Lake. Went to Lindley creek just where it comes into the Lake,running about bank full.Fishing is slow.Most are just catching Drum.I did catch one White Bass.Everyone says the Whites are slow this year. oneshot
  11. Well the river was starting to look better yesterday then all this rain is sure to bring it back up.But maybe I'll get me a Turkey in the morning and find some Mushrooms give it time to settle down again. oneshot
  12. fishinwrench was you up by Bennett? I haven't been up there for awhile.Figure if I don't catch them closer to home I just don't catch them. oneshot
  13. Hey I'm still typing with one finger after 8 years.Fixed it. oneshot
  14. Been fishing last two days on the river and I've only caught two Suckers at Lead Mine and seen one caught today.Went to Barclay today didn't see any caught.One Guy said he was going on up towards NRO said he heard Goggle Eye were biting on Jigs up there. But I had the same luck over at Pomme De Terre.Caught a White Bass and two Drum there. I'm thinking its just the calm before everything cuts lose. oneshot
  15. I know you guys knowthis but just a reminder.If you have a Net and you get a Fish to the bank use it.If you Net a Fish take it on up the bank,don't try to unhook it right by the water.If you have to go pee make sure there is no women around. Just a couple things that came back to me today. oneshot
  16. I Love Them but I could wring their Necks. Ok made plans to go to Truman Lake,be up there tonight and all day tomorrow.Get everything I need Snagging ,Surf,Medium Action,Ultra Light Action Rods,Hook,Jigs all that stuff.Plenty of Gas.Chain Saw to cut a couple Trees at the Cabin.All the Food.Just everything needed. Plus I do up Dishes and Laundry so it won't be waiting when we get back. Wife gets home from work,load everything up,hook the Boat up.We're on our way.Get 2 miles up the road.Cell Phone rings its our Daughter.I know we was going to have Easter Dinner Sunday but its suppose to rain,would you mind having it tomorrow? So we turn around go home unload everything and have a Turkey in the Oven because they don't know how to cook one. oneshot
  17. Don't know.I know they Gig heavy here at Lead Mine but I walked a long ways down the river today and didn't see a sngle fish.But I went to Barclay and the water was clear enough to see Trout. oneshot
  18. oneshot


    Fished at the riffle from the bank,used Yellow Salmon Egg flavor.Tried White but no luck. They had some good size to them. oneshot
  19. oneshot


    Went to Barclay this morning caught 4 nice Rainbows on Power Bait. oneshot
  20. Thanks I went there it was all out and trashy.Nobody was doing any good. oneshot
  21. No I was doing more watching than fishing.Really wasn't alot of fish being caught.Some Crappie and a few Hybrids.Didn't see any Cats or Walley.I haven't fished there and was just seeing what everyone was doing. But this will change. oneshot
  22. I was watching couple Guys fishing for Cats they was using Bank Sinkers.Wouldn't it be better to use No Roll Bank Sinkers and what weight? oneshot
  23. Just had a mess of Suckers I caught on worms down on the river. I would say most don't know how to Fillet and Score them.I know people around here that don't.But hey I've ate Carp all my life too.Buffalo are much better. oneshot
  24. Thinking of going up to Osceola is the river up and bunch of trash or is it looking good?Just hate wasting time if things don't look good. If I don't go there thinking of going below the Dam. oneshot
  25. No they are Otters,had one in a hole on the river come up by me the other day.Thing is with Otters they don't just kill fish for food,they will kill them and leave them lay.I have yet to see a Muskrat or Beaver kill fish.They will do damage to Ponds such as making holes in the Bank and trashing with Limbs and twigs. I was with them when they first put Otters up along the Missouri River thinking numbers would never be high enough to let Trap them,but they got fooled there is a large number of them and people with Ponds are not happy. oneshot
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