I Love Them but I could wring their Necks.
Ok made plans to go to Truman Lake,be up there tonight and all day tomorrow.Get everything I need Snagging ,Surf,Medium Action,Ultra Light Action Rods,Hook,Jigs all that stuff.Plenty of Gas.Chain Saw to cut a couple Trees at the Cabin.All the Food.Just everything needed.
Plus I do up Dishes and Laundry so it won't be waiting when we get back.
Wife gets home from work,load everything up,hook the Boat up.We're on our way.Get 2 miles up the road.Cell Phone rings its our Daughter.I know we was going to have Easter Dinner Sunday but its suppose to rain,would you mind having it tomorrow?
So we turn around go home unload everything and have a Turkey in the Oven because they don't know how to cook one.