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Everything posted by oneshot

  1. The MDC is saying changes are not a done deal and they are saying we have 30 days to calls in a voice our opinion. I'm going to give them a call tomorrow. oneshot
  2. Yea I was down the river tuffing it out until a Big Bolt Struck close by.I said enough of this BS went to the Pickup. oneshot
  3. oneshot


    Yea I know I went down there last year and done pretty good when snow started flying.. oneshot.
  4. oneshot


    Anyone been fishing at Barclay? oneshot
  5. Iseen about 4 or 5 Guys in there the other day.I don't wade fish so I couldn't get over there. Went yesterday,got caught in the rain.I was doing pretty good until a bolt of lightning hit by me said its time to go.Glad I did I get home hear about all the kids getting hit in Buffalo. oneshot
  6. I caught a Big Sow the other day.Picked her up got Major Egged. oneshot
  7. I must of not been holding my mouth right.I fished up by the Bridge that evening.Had problem with all the leaves and junk in the water,didn't catch a fish. oneshot
  8. It was Cox South.We got a Camo Outfit with Lace for her. oneshot
  9. Got me a New Granddaughter yesterday.Ivy Jolee,5 Lbs. 13Oz.,19.5 Inches Long,Born at 9:30PM. Got to the Hospital earl.Sat there for awhile.Mama wasn't getting in a hurry.Told my Son I really needed to go to Bass Pro and another place across town.But I needed my Son to show me how to get over there. Daughter in Law,says he an't leaving.I told her we weren't going to be that long.NO! I go to the Doctor.Hey Doc is it ok for us to go to Bass Pro? Yelp.Finally talked her into letting us go. We get over to Bass Pro.Seemed every where we went we was waiting in line.I'm there,saying figures when your in a hurry your always waiting.Guy in front of us says an't that the truth.I says but we're having a Baby.Then I explained to him.My Son was teasing me about telling everyone about the New Baby coming.I told him if she had it while we was gon she wasn't going to be mad at him she was going to be mad at me. We got back ok.I'm setting in the waiting room,telling everyone we're having a Baby.Starge bunch of them was too.I guess it just figures being in a Maternity Ward. Well about 10PM they come got me,got to see my New Granddaughter.This makes 17 Grandkids. Mama and Ivy Daddy Grandma And Grandpa oneshot
  10. Well went over picked up my Son.Went on the river only caught 10 Goggle Eyes.But had a good time. My Son not sure what he is doing Yours Truly Looking up the river Heading in oneshot
  11. No my Savior is the one walking on water.But it is nice what my Hevenly Father blesses me with. No I'm in the Parking Lot. oneshot
  12. Was suppose to go fishing with my Son after he got off work at 3PM.I loaded my Boat and stuff up.It was 11AM I thought I might as well go over by Bennett see if I could catch some Trout. Well get over there Limit out by 1:30PM.I'm cleaning them,who walks up but my Son.Said he wouldn't be able to go fishing,that he had a chance to work loading Canoes.Told him that was fine I done caught all the fish. Well I got to meet couple of his Bosses and we will go fishing tomorrow after Church. Man life is so hard around here. oneshot
  13. Well this is making me rethink putting Jet on my Boat. oneshot
  14. My Son is living over at Fort Niangua,he asked me to bring my Boat over so we could go fishing.I told him it have to be after Church.So I got over there about 2PM. He had his Heart set on catching some Suckers.So we fished below a riffle for awhile didn't do any good.I told him lets just fish with Jigs on down the river. We're going along I catch a Goggle Eye.He says what you got on? Road Runner Jig Head with Green Curly Tail.I think he tried a Red.Finally he went with a Green,then later we went to White.But we caught 18. Had a real Good Time. oneshot
  15. Someone here in Lead Mine is breaking into all the Mennonites Stores.It don't matter day or night,the ones durring the day was while they was at Church.One store is just across the holler from me.They just took money,like the Mennonites said if they don't get any money they trash the place. Then one of them had a Calf shot from the highway,little bit later they come back to get it,but took off once they seen they were being watched.Mennoites don't know who it was. I told them I know with their beliefs they won't do much but I catch them they are in for a world of hurt.Like I said this is just not right the way these people help out anyone and everyone. oneshot
  16. Well got the Boat running right.Yesterday had it loaded up to go to Pomme De Terre Lake.Weatherman was calling for warm,but no rain.But he said it was going to be windy.My wife asked if this was going to be a problem? Hey I have my Boat loaded I an't going to let a little wind stop me. Get there about daylight,the Lake is flat no wind.Boat is running good,go on up to a cove throwed some Jugs out.Fish with Jig along the bank,catch a few small Bass.Decide to go on up tie up to a tree and catch some Bluegill. The it started blowing.I'm thinking this could be a problem.I have to get them Jugs.But first I have to get away from the rocks along the bank.Oh this is going to be good.I untie the Boat it immediately goes between two rocks.Ok how am I going to get out of this? I start the Boat,shoved away from the rock that was by the Prop,back out of there.Well that went ok. Then I go to get my Jugs.Game plan was to get on the upwind side of them grab them before they went under the Boat.Well the Boat was a rocking,had to make two are three tries to get them and keep from washing up on the bank.Finally got them all in. Oh but the fun is not over.I get up to the Ramp.Tie up to some bushes on the bank,go up get the Pickup,back it down there.Well the wind had blowed my Boat loose,pulled the bushes out,blowed my Boat up on the Ramp.Thought ok I'll use the Trolling Motor to pull off.No go!Finally I get out push the Boat around where the Motor should be ok.Finally get it pulled out of there and loaded. So what did I learn first don't go by yourself if its windy.Do not put out Jugs if its windy.Really best to take someone with you. oneshot
  17. Yea just about Grill size.I have to admit the smallest one I ever seen shot weighed 17 pounds field dressed I said dang I kill Turkeys bigger than that. Truth I try not to shoot Fawns anymore,but I will put Mama down. oneshot
  18. We stayed there and went to the Shows in town didn't get back until late didn't have any problems. And I don't think it is too crowded this time of year. oneshot
  19. Ok on Carp I was scoring them but my wife asked me not to because,I was just cutting the Y Bones up into smaller pieces,she rather deal with them whole.They weren't frying up,I guess because they are so Big. Is there a way of cutting them out? oneshot
  20. Well truth I think most my fish getting is going to be with Rod and Reel.Which is fine considering its just me and my wife.And Deer Season opening,I get 4 for the Freezer I'm set. oneshot
  21. Yea I think it use to be a Church. oneshot
  22. Its still too muddy for Gigging. Looks like I have this Boat for awhile.I tried to get some money off my wife today to get it Registerd and she said I had to wait on that. oneshot
  23. What Lure would you use to catch Multible Species of fish? Anywhere from Bluegill to Trout. oneshot
  24. Its about 6 miles. oneshot
  25. Ok I have a 12 foot Wide Bottom Jon Boat,Trolling Motor and trailer.But Boat is small enough you can throw it in the back of the Pickup.The Boat seems Stable,me and my Son have been in it and I have stood up on the front rocked it around didn't act liked it wanted to flip. Ok I'm really thinking this Boat will work for what ever I want on the river even Gigging.But would I really gain anything getting a 14 foot Jon with Jet Drive? Keep in mind I'm on fixed income. oneshot
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