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Everything posted by oneshot

  1. Thought I heard Banjo Music and Pig Squealing up that way.They probably had a good time oneshot
  2. Ok with the price of Gas I'm considering getting rid of my Boat.I use it alot for snagging for Bills in the Spring. So what I was wondering I went bought a couple of Surf Rods.Would these be better than a Snagging Rod from the bank? The Guy I bought them from said some Guys prefer the Surf Rods. oneshot
  3. Ok explain this.Go to a Managed Deer Hunt,only one way in and out,drinking done in Camp,not in hunting area. Just before Lunch time Law sets up a Safty Check Point catching Guys coming in for Lunch.Most tickets are for no Seatbelts.Now this is on a basically one lane gravel road. oneshot
  4. I was there Saturday just looking things over.One Guy was throwing Jigs for Crappie,he said Friday he did good,but wasn't having much luck Saturday. Friend was down there talked to him and he said they was catching Whites on Spoons.He said Friday they was pilling the Fish up,had so many people there couldn't get down to the water. oneshot
  5. I know before the season started they said they was going to step up River and Highway Check Points this year compared to last year. I will say that between Gas prices,river being up,and now this it is hurting Tourist Trade in the area.Which most people count on. oneshot
  6. I don't think they have any choice but to pull it off there,load it on Trucks and haul it off.Thing is there is still alot of stuff on the Lake floating that way. oneshot
  7. lilley the guy I was watching tied 4oz. weight on the end of his line,tied nice Big Cicle Hook about a foot up the line,baited it with Shad side throwed it out there far as he could,couple minutes real in his fish.Some had their Hook on a short Leader but he didn't. I think they won't let you use the Little Boats no more. lilley I sure need to get down your way catch some those Big Trout.I was down there last Fall but had the Wife taking her to the shows. oneshot
  8. Yea I have a nice place where I'm living,20 acres next to Lead Mine State Forest.And its a toss up which place is better. Everyone up there says I would be crazy to sell this place and move up there,because they are all from Kansas City and are looking for a place like my 20 acres. I'll probably just keep both. oneshot
  9. Well went up to Truman check on my Cabin because I had it sold but hadn't singed the Papers. Well we decided to go by the Dam see what was going on.I hadn't ever been showed how to catch fish there.So I picked out one Guy catching Blues,got all the details.Seems the fish were biting pretty consistent,not real Big but good eating size. Got my Heart pumping.The Guy that was going to buy my Cabin is not going to be happy me backing out selling it. oneshot
  10. I'm sorry to me anything above 50Hwy is Northern Missouri,I should have said Central Missouri.But I've fished the Missouri,Chariton,Lamine,Osage,and every little creek and pot hole around. oneshot
  11. Ok most of 54 years I have fished Northern Missouri where its Big Cats,Carp and Bluegill.So since I moved here 14 years ago I've drove 20 or 30 miles to more of the muddier slow river running into the Lakes because that is what I feel comfortable with. I have fished for Trout on up the Niangua and have fished for the warmer water fish down at Tunnel Dam. I know this is stupid but I live across the highway from Lead Mine Conservation Area have fished the river very little there.But with the price of Gas it makes too much sence to fish there. What is the best way to consistantly catch fish on Rod and Reel from this area?Even Suckers.I know I could Gig for them but I don't have a Boat rigged up for it. Is there warm water fish such as Cats and Carp in this area of the river? Thanks in advance and hope to see you down there. oneshot
  12. Went down checked the river yesterday.It was about normal at Lead Mine. Well today it started pouring rain,so I'm sure it is up again.Its suppose to rain all week. oneshot
  13. Lake Cabin for sale.Mennonite 10'X20' shell,inside has been partially finished.Has Electric,almost New Envirolet Composting Toilet,Electric Cook Stove,small Refrigerator. Can be built on to. Here is type of Toilet http://www.envirolet.com/enmulsys1011.html Sets on 90'X100' Lot.Gated area.Has Shower House for Owners use.Community Hydrant for water. Truman Lake.Close to Army Corps of Engineer Land.Close to Fairfield Boat Ramp.10 miles from Warsaw,Mo. Some of the best Hunting and Fishing in the State. $15,000 oneshot
  14. Well shoot just down the hill from me I might have to slip down there. oneshot
  15. Even though I'm good friends with the people at NRO,if they had asked me to get out of the river.I think we would have had words. As far as some of these places going under I could see it.But I dought NRO will be one of them. I would like Gas prices to cut down on some of the Horseback riding in the area.But this is just one of my personal pet peevs. Some of the slow down in business might be the crackdown on drugs and drinking on the river the last couple years. The area has been getting more and more people for the last 15 years. oneshot
  16. Sorry to hear about your Job. My wife has had five plants close on her.Now the only way you can get a Job around here is through Temp Services.Like she said she is 50 years old.Getting too old for this. Well at least the economy is good oneshot
  17. My wife asked why everywhere we go it involves Fishing,Hunting or both? Last vacation I took her on was Branson,still went fishing.But most was for her. Hey I'm doing pretty good for being with her 25 years. I know I could take her to Colorado and let her visit with family and I could go on the Arkansas River go fishing. But price of gas kind of scared to go anywhere. Probably just go to the Cabin up at Truman Lake. oneshot
  18. Was you fishing up by the parking area? I really need to get over there I live so close. I talked with NRO and they said business has been down because of gas prices. oneshot
  19. The little niangua should be fine,yesterday water seemed to be going down over that way.Ofcourse things can change. I went over on Lindley Creek didn't do any good.And I was thinking I might do better over at Tunnel Dam.But you changed my mind on that. I might go over to Barclay or Bennett. oneshot
  20. Hi! I'm oneshot,I live in Lead Mine Mo. which is close to Bennett Spring.I'm couple miles from Niangua River.Plus I have a Cabin on Truman Lake close to Fairfield. I'm retired like Fishing,Hunting and Camping. oneshot
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