This should be fun. Have to go 70 miles one way for 10-60 days. Mess up our whole day.
Give me drugs each day so I won't freak out. Put me in a tube. I can watch TV for couple hours each day.
Don't want to do what I did for MRI. I was so drugged up took two days to come down.
Got to do this because Radiation messed my Bladder up.
OK back on Blood Thinners. Today passed the biggest Clot so far. Big as my thumb.
Did have a big day planned was going to go fishing but I feel too bad.
Have lost 35 pounds, trying.
Well had one put a Scope in me not knowing I have a Valve until me wife told her.
She had me open my Valve putting the Scope in but like my wife said she should have had me open it before taking the Scope out.
Been having troubles every since and the only way to get ahold of them is by EMAIL.
It is at the point I could die because of Clots. I quit taking my Blood Thinners. Taking them because I already have a problem with Clots.
OK your right that is what started this mess. Not reading my chart.
I hate going it hurts so much and other day had three Blood Clots come out before I got on the stool. Looked like they had a Butchering.
So do Squirrels.
Dang Mulberry tree got me in trouble many years ago.
Decided to take a night walk with a girl from Boston at her Sister's farm. Seems Mulberries stain clothes very bad. LOL
Yelp Bear and Elk, couple nice Hornet Nest.
Well we're home one more Road Trip out of the way.
Thinking of going to Louisiana fish for Reds but Catfish sure are fun close to home.
Well I'm Passing Blood again. My wife brought something up the Doctor didn't open my Valve up before taking the Scope out. So she might have messed my Valve up and I'll have to have it replaced again. Great there is only a few in the country that does this.
I about messed up. Trying to lose weight and have lost 80 pounds but today a Church I about dropped out. So came home and ate something.
Grieving because my little Beagle got ran over and killed Friday.
No I was going to yard work.
Was going to the river but it is back up.
Bleeding just quit but have plenty pain.
They are checking why I was peeing blood said it could be because of Radiation.
Bought some floats to get my Bait off the bottom for Blue Cats.
Was at Bass Pro watching the Catfish there. They were all swimming off the bottom.
So I'm thinking any Catfishing will be off the bottom. In past I've always fished on the bottom for Cannels.
My wife fixed Closed Camponching on my TV I watched my first movie and understood it after many years.
The other day was to have a Scope run into my Bladder. They was to know about my valve.
Good thing my wife was in there she stopped them before they put it in. They could have ruined it and I would have had to replace it.
Today I'm hurting and bleeding. I had a big day planned but the Lord changes things.
Our Son was to do work for a friend. Another so called friend told him not to pay up front because Our son will take the money and run not do the job.
Far as I know our son has never done this.
The same guy told neighbors that our house was falling apart. We had them come over and we showed them different.
He don't like me because of my past and I've told him what I thought of him but he is nice to my face.
He is always giving advice and he is never wrong and will not consider advice.
Probably put this in the wrong place move it if wanted.