I just read the same. Very possible. Unbelievable but some people in the area are very different.
When I lived there I was asked to do many illegal things but turned them down. I was told being from the area I already knew the rules but make sure I was packing.
Man I hope what I’m hearing isn’t true. This could be the worst thing happen in this country. If it is this bad you can be sure the Detectives want all the evidence they can get.
We shall see.
I was in Springfield. My Daughter wanted to know what I was doing?
Cleaning Road Kill Turkey. She says dang Hillbilly and Hillbilly ways!
Was with a Logger last Fall. He smoked a joint and had Beer in one hand running Chainsaw with the other wasn’t 10AM.
My wife said if I was younger I would be doing the same.
Forgot to mention the School of Metaphysics is right by there and a Conservation Area.
There is a place by there that Outfitters put in for Floats on the River and during the Summer is a swimming hole.
Was out hunting one time. My Dad that had been dead many years talked with me, called me by name and all.
Got back to the parking area figured out it was my Uncle.