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Everything posted by oneshot

  1. She was eating fish cleanings? Should have put in for permit. Use to be bunch of Otters down there but they took care of that problem. oneshot
  2. I had a guy talking with me on CB scared to go eat with me because he thought I was Black. I lived pretty close to insight. It was after we got Electricity and Phone. I had a Computer built for $1,500. Couldn’t use the Phone Server because we was on Party Line. oneshot
  3. Been seeing them regular here. Seen one 20 years ago by Bennett Springs Park. oneshot
  4. oneshot

    Why Not!

    Was to take my Dog to the Vet this morning. Woke both Arms not working. So no driving and I have to see the Doctor. Trying to get my wife to help which she does but she isn’t happy. She got me dressed, no Blueberries in my Pancake. She is going to take the Dog to the Vet. I’m trying to figure out how to do things with no Arms. How am I online? Phone and have use of my hands. oneshot
  5. Thanks! oneshot
  6. Seems there was a Bear in Lebanon today. oneshot
  7. Well dang he has to be operated on again in the morning. oneshot
  8. This one was coming at night until he realized I wasn’t going to hurt him. Squirrels are worse. They actually follow me wanting Corn but I have been feeding them for years. Out at the farm Turkeys would eat 50 pounds in one day. oneshot
  9. He has been coming pretty regular. oneshot
  10. I was there after Conservation Cafe closedown. Went on many hunting and fishing trips with them. I was told by my wife to get on Forums and BS that it would give me chance to socialize. Over time Forums have changed hands and are no longer what they were. oneshot
  11. Kind of like I was with Tyson Stock. Kick myself for not buying any when it was low. Propane is good. Too bad I was burning $2 a gallon when it was low. I bought it early. oneshot
  12. Hundreds have met me, more when I was able to travel never have been unwelcoming unless you have in mind to kill me as one guy did when he didn’t know what Snipe hunting was and I invited him. Live next to KOA West of Lebanon you’re more than welcome. As being Landlord always charged less than anyone else and always right on what needed fixing. Yoga I enjoy did it for years. My instructor is cool and keeps an eye on me. Scared I’m going to try something I can’t do. Hey woman let me try! oneshot
  13. ????? Whatever! oneshot
  14. Found a few small ones in the yard. oneshot
  15. Yelp Cone is slowing him down. He has figured out how to get out the Dog Door. oneshot
  16. Wasn’t matter of paying for it but why pay more than you can get it from regular provider. Rich I wish I could get money owed. We do have our Apartment rerented . oneshot
  17. How much longer Dad? oneshot
  18. We have had this guy before and he just fills and goes. He is telling my wife with this new party Propane and Gas will go way down and by Fall it will be below a dollar. I told her to just go with MFA like we have before. We will only need 400 gallons for the Winter with what we have. oneshot
  19. These guys just come fill the tank. No biggy . I am changing some Heaters and really should have pressure check but just check it at the fittings and go. oneshot
  20. Like I say only place we had trouble was the floor. Simple fix just lay Plywood over it. Glad I was dealing with a Mennonite. He was gone I went ahead and got two Pickup loads. Paid him couple weeks later. He wasn’t mad and figured whoever took it would pay. oneshot
  21. I may be wrong isn’t the first time. We have been getting Propane through MFA, lock in price in the Spring. I didn’t know it but my wife decided to go with another place that goes by the price in the Fall. I told her normally price would be low but I’m looking for the price to be way up. Told her to go ahead and lock in with MFA. Once again she is thinking I’m wrong. If I am so be it. What is your thoughts? oneshot
  22. Used Green Oak to build a House and I was told of warping but never had a problem with it. Only real problem was on the floor. Put boards down didn’t think about them shrinking, which was a small problem. Now I have to drive 25 miles to get Oak and don’t personally know the Sawers . Drive 7 miles to get Pine. I’m about done for now with projects and Oak and Pine don’t really mix. oneshot
  23. In the past I have used green Oak Lumber and was happy with it. Didn’t have much trouble with bugs, it was harder to catch fire. But went to Pine because it is easier to work with. The only thing I hated about Oak is once dry it’s a bugger to put a nail in. I’m considering going back to using Oak. What is your thoughts? oneshot
  24. Oh I trapped back in early ‘70’s when Jumbo Coons brought $50. I fish from the bank in the cove due West of Fairfield Ramp. If you can find how to get there have at. I go to Branson I fish Cooper Creek Dock for Trout. Not sure how the water is but go to Forsyth fish below the Dam where Taney goes into Bull Shoals should catch about anything. oneshot
  25. Had a Cat one time setting on my lap. Mouse fell, Cat just looks at me did you see that? Now had a Jack Russell he would take a wall out to get a Mouse. While I’m thinking of it. There was a Buck hit up on the highway. I told my wife that it had to be fresh. My wife says no. Why? Think about it. You have no Pickup today, your Arms are not working so who would have to dress it ? Plus it is warm. oneshot
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