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Everything posted by oneshot

  1. oneshot

    Put On Hold

    I was going to till my Garden to plant Beans tomorrow but they told me no running the Tiller 🤔 oneshot
  2. Well no more Tent Camping my wife sold the Tent. oneshot
  3. It’s too hot to be getting serious. oneshot
  4. My Son has talked me into heating again with Propane he said he will insulated our Duct Work. But he has told me to make sure my pets not under there. oneshot
  5. A neighbor gave me a bunch of shells I needed. ??????? better be good to him. oneshot
  6. My wife wanted to take the Boat over to Pomme. I told her the place would packed. You don’t know! Pull the Boat over the place is packed. oneshot
  7. oneshot

    T Rex

    Found in with Mushroom Song. oneshot
  8. The only thing I’m picking oneshot
  9. oneshot

    T Rex

    True A Hole Watching WW Wrestling. Them guys are tuff. oneshot
  10. I was drawn for Management Deer Hunt last year but didn’t go because of my health. So dumb old me wasted $10 for drawing on Elk Tag. oneshot
  11. Had a Black Snake in the Chicken House. I took it and put it in the back yard. Later my wife and Son went to the Garage to get stuff out. Seems the Snake went in there. They both ran out and my wife was way ahead. oneshot
  12. oneshot

    T Rex

    Yesterday my Son was making fun of me not being able to reach. Called me T Rex. I said yes T Rex with no teeth. oneshot
  13. Nothing really but they are making a big deal out of COVID. oneshot
  14. For the Funeral. We paid for the Funeral, my wife filled out paperwork for reimbursement but if we make too much we will be ineligible . oneshot
  15. You have to die of COVID . oneshot
  16. My Doctor told me the worst thing I could have done was get the Vaccine. Considering I already had COVID and was prone to Blood Clots. Also just found out if you make too much money the Government won’t pay on COVID. oneshot
  17. I get mixed up on mine. They took me off of Blood Thinners after many years. Had Blood Clots so they put me back on them. That was when I had to give myself shots in my Stomach. Got one Leg years ago they was going to amputate the lower part but I said no. The other Leg is dead in the Thigh. My Doctor said I shouldn’t be able to walk. I not only am able to walk but have worked until the pain got too bad. Now one Arm is useless and I dislocated my other Shoulder but it is getting better. Get up every morning look in the mirror and say Having fun yet! LOL oneshot
  18. Didn’t see anything if they paid if you die of the Disease but I might have missed it. Like I said we was just going by what they told us at the Funeral Home. oneshot
  19. That’s good News! oneshot
  20. I forget simple things. Asked my Doctor about it? He said it was side effect of my Pain Medication that I take for Leg, Back Pain and Arthritis. Said it is all he can give me because I’m on Blood Thinners I’m taking for Blood Clots. oneshot
  21. Had COVID and have been Vaccinated Doctor at Mercy Hospital in Springfield said it don’t matter. Nephew was to pay for Funeral with Life Insurance. Funeral Home said with COVID they didn’t trust Life Insurance because they have a clause saying they don’t pay on people dying on a Pandemic but we could pay for it and be reimbursed by the Government. That is all I know on it. They didn’t say anything about a Link and I didn’t argue with them on it. oneshot
  22. What??? I forgot what I was thinking. oneshot
  23. Just talking with Lawyers, Hospital and Funeral Home. Figure they know more than me. oneshot
  24. Found out Vaccines don’t keep you from getting COVID. Some Life Insurance Policies have clauses if there is a Pandemic and the person dyes of it the Insurance doesn’t pay off. But if the Funeral is paid for it is reimbursed by the Government. oneshot
  25. My Doctor says it is my Meditation nothing me can do about it because I need it and because I’m on other Medication I can’t have other. So I forget stuff or die. oneshot
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