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Everything posted by oneshot

  1. The one doing his thing is working making $20 an hour. So he does his time at work which is fine. Got one living in our Apartment he has Mental problems and spent over two years in a home. He has been keeping our Wood Box full. Been really kissing back side. I’m thinking he is scared going back to the home. They don’t like me doing Garden Work but I have to keep busy with something. oneshot
  2. Well the Blower is working great. I know some are going to say too hot but we like it warm in the Winter. It is 90 degrees in our Front Room and 80 degrees in back of the house. My wife is taking care of the fire because she says I get it too hot. LOL Anyway she is talking about buying wood. She says she has 800 gallons of Propane bought saying the amount Propane cost she can buy wood and be comfortable. Found out something else. My old Chainsaw quit so I bought a New one. Our Son took it, he also bought my Pickup. Found they don’t want me cutting wood or hauling stuff. Not going to argue with these people. oneshot
  3. We have been adopted by Boone. oneshot
  4. Have two Blowers on our Fireplace. One quit and my wife replaced it. The other side wasn’t working so she took it for granted it had quit so she ordered a New One. New one came in she wired it but it wouldn’t run. Ok some head scratching and calling. Switched wires and it going. Now it will get the house warmer 💃 oneshot
  5. I have a Son that Chain Smokes, supposed to be on Oxygen, been tested and is Vaccinated. He thinks he don’t have to worry about COVID. He is scaring me because I have seen so many when they are not getting enough Oxygen they change color and sometimes I know he isn’t getting enough Oxygen. oneshot
  6. Year ago I was with some Loggers they was smoking Home Grown, drinking Beer and have Boom Box. I would say their THC was 10-15 %. Now days people are growing with high THC 25% on up. It will put your posterior down. oneshot
  7. I know several that use CBD but say they would never use Marijuana. ???? ok! oneshot
  8. Something is going on. Like I told my wife when a person changes their ways they are up to something and this guy has changed everything he does. oneshot
  9. I was wondering if THC in Marijuana gives a person same benefits as CBD. My way of thinking is if you are going to mess with Marijuana you might as well get the buzz. Seen a comic the other day guy says he can’t believe first time trying Mushrooms got the runs. Well at least I’m not hallucinating. Shows him out in the street taking a dump. LOL I really think me being on heavy doses of Hydrocodone is not good. oneshot
  10. Only thing with his is he says I’m older my body will do this. Got a good Cancer Doctor too. Known her for a long time. Had one Doctor was good but she was very much Animal Rights person. oneshot
  11. Yes had COVID then Vaccine. My Doctor said it could have very easily killed me. oneshot
  12. I go to the Lord on everything but I still take medication that he offers and I rinse my sinuses out. It is hard to get through some that when the Lord takes you he is wanting you with him and it is so much better than here. I have had COVID and was Vaccinated but my Doctor said the Vaccine was the worst thing I could do because I have chronic Blood Clots. oneshot
  13. When something is real good I say it is bad. Today my wife said I was real bad. LOL oneshot
  14. Every time I look it gets better. oneshot
  15. They use to but things have changed. They don’t give me no problem so all is good. oneshot
  16. Done tried this but they Illegally got back in. Brought Firearms to intimidate. oneshot
  17. I shoot Squirrels but I have to be dressed. We have HOA at our Cabin and they are crooked but I have less problem with them than here. My other neighbor tried suing me for part of our property because we wasn’t using it. I always wind up with idiots. Had one dig up Survey markers and move the fence over. Had one trying to take 160 feet off the back side of my Farm. New deal is this guy is trying to sell his place but because property lines are not in his favor he is trying to change them. He bought the road thinking he could control who goes in and out. Found he couldn’t do that so he tried to sell me the road. oneshot
  18. This now is a narrow strip and we use our Garage and Shop. As matter fact I take care of some of his lawn . oneshot
  19. When we was looking at our place we looked at an aerial with markings of property lines. Was sure it was off. Found Survey Markers. Had a Shed on my property and I put a lock on it. Neighbor came asking why I put a lock on his Shed? Not your Shed it’s 10 foot on me. Anyway he kept insisting it was his. So I went to my Lawyer. My Lawyer told me be best to just sell him that Shed plus little bit of property. I told him if he buys this I want him to have it Surveyed and redo the paperwork. He thought he had me by the short ones because he was going by the Aerial and thought he had part of my Garage. Well Survey was done it showed he comes out his Back Door he is on my property and his other neighbor corner was halfway in his Garage. So Survey didn’t help him. Now he is wanting to sell his place and is saying the Aerial over rides the Survey. They said so at the Courthouse. I asked him who told him this BS at the Courthouse? He hasn’t came up with a name. oneshot
  20. I might want to reconsider. I squatted down to get my Hearing Aid last night and my Valve open up. I was lucky to have my Depends on or it would have been a mess. My Valve has a mind of its own. I first got it thought I could wear Boxers again after pissing all over myself couple times in town I decided not a good idea. I do like the Valve it is better than pissing myself all the time but like I say it has a mind of its own and better be close to a change. There is no way I could set on a Bicycle Seat and I’m not sure at the Gym. oneshot
  21. Found Cardio Good. Weights Bad. I was actually putting on weight working out with weights for 3 years. oneshot
  22. Well let’s see one Leg and one Arm don’t work. Penis don’t work. The other Leg quits when it wants and Hands don’t what to work right. Got GPS so I no longer get lost. Otherwise doing pretty good. LOL Actually thinking of going back to the Gym. oneshot
  23. Yes at 60 I would be doing this. As matter fact I was going working out at the gym then but things change. Lose of use of one arm and Cancer changes things for some. oneshot
  24. And your age. Being nosy. I’ve had a leg messed up for 50 years but worked with it. I found out I wasn’t to be able to be hired with it but I worked until I just couldn’t. oneshot
  25. I thought it was Old Wives Tail Front comes through it will make me hurt. Least wise that is what my wife told me with my Arthritis and Bone problems. Well Front moved through and it got colder. Today I can’t hardly move. oneshot
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