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Everything posted by oneshot

  1. If you go on down from Lead Mine you can take out at Celt,its private but its been a Take out for years. oneshot
  2. I've been wondering about this too,they don't seem to be running any water and all this rain we are getting has to go somewhere. Hate to pull my Boat up there to find the Ramps closed. oneshot
  3. You will be on the Lindly Arm.Good area,lots of structure.If you go towards the creek it gets pretty shallow in the flats,if you get through there lots of brush and stuff. I was just setting here thinking about setting Limb lines over there. oneshot
  4. Yea its the same here.River is looking good but its suppose to rain tonight. oneshot
  5. Told my Son last night to meet me at Lead Mine at the river at 6AM,he said he would be there. I get there 5:30AM,unload the Boat.Decided to fish until he got there.6AM no son. I keep fishing.Caught a nice Smallmouth,funny thing is I was using a worm,a Crawdad was eating my worm,the Smallmouth got the Crawdad,I hooked him. Well 7AM I decided to go on.I get almost out of sight of the Ramp see my Son and his Girlfriend .So I turned around and got them,told them what I thought about being late. We fished until Noon and caught a bunch of Suckers and Perch.Did find my little 12 foot Boat will handle 3 pretty good size people ok. oneshot
  6. I've caught trout pretty consistent up to Barclay,but I was surprised with a Rainbow at Lead Mine two weeks ago. But even the river will be crowded durring the day with Canoes with warm weather. oneshot
  7. Went yesterday morning down by Lead Mine.River looks like it is getting back to normal.Caught a nice Channel Cat,plenty for me and my wife for Supper. oneshot
  8. Here is Link to their site http://www.nrocanoe.com/ If you go on past them on that road it will take you to Barclay.And if your brave enough you can keep following it and it will take you to Lead Mine which is still on the river. I had a map around here some where that I got from the DNR years ago. oneshot
  9. smallmouth man did you guys try any Spinners? Well at least I didn't hear anything like I heard over there one time.Guy told me all muskie they catch they cut them open and throw them back.I was thinking how figged nuts is that? I've always ate Bass never had problem with anyone that did.They eat just fine.If you will check some of the Magazines I got as a kid lots of Stringers full of Bass and I'll guarantee you they weren't going to be released or mounted.And the guys were very proud.But what the hey I eat Carp too. oneshot
  10. Ok I don't know how the fishing is on the Lake but it should be good with the way it looks.I did go below the Dam Sunday and the fishing was slow. oneshot
  11. Took some worms down.Caught Suckers,Goggle Eye and Perch. the river is still up but looking better. oneshot
  12. No we went to Pomme De Terre.But like I told my wife on the way to Church we should have brought a change of clothes and everything and went on up to Truman considering we would already be half way there. Didn't catch anything to amount to anything at Pomme,but the lake is looking better. oneshot
  13. Just feel better in my Hevenly Fathers house.I'm always doing things for me figure I will,take at least one day for him. oneshot
  14. If it was evening I would try.But morning going to be the other way in Church. oneshot
  15. I thought you went Thursday??? Suppose to rain again towards the end of the week.At Lead Mine when I was down there the second put in point the water was up in the trees. oneshot
  16. Went down to Lead Mine today,looks like its a foot higher than yesterday. oneshot
  17. Yelp got to love them Jack Russells oneshot
  18. Ok I just called there.they said they had bunch of damage,but their up and going just clearing debri out of the way. Says the Lake looks good wishes he was out on it but just too busy now. oneshot
  19. Ok whats EMA? I have a Cabin by Fairfield.So I'm concerned. Just talked with my Brother in law on the other side of the Lake and he didn't say anything. oneshot
  20. I was over there today,still way up.Didn't seem to be biting below the Dam. oneshot
  21. Yea I put $40 of Gas in the pickup,made Boat payment,went by MickyD's got a $1 burger and Drink.Gone! But we only got $205. oneshot
  22. Well its been pouring rain all afternoon,getting ready for a second round.I'm sure Bennett is getting the same. oneshot
  23. Too bad we can't use them over 5" in Missouri. oneshot
  24. Make sure you take Rain Gear. oneshot
  25. Well it was raining good this morning,and everything is way up.They are calling for rain tomorrow and Tuesday. oneshot
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