I messed up. Planted Cabbage, knowing bugs want to hit it soon as in the ground.
I had a bag of Seven in the shop. Never use it but figured it would be good on my Cabbage.
Found out afterwards it’s was for the yard not garden. My wife says eat them but I’m thinking it is one of those when in doubt throw it out.
Noticed another thing. Canning Jars come now with Lid with Seal in it. So can only safely use it one time.
Then you have to buy Rings and Seals.
Well I went online found some my wife said let me look. They said they had some in Springfield. My wife called they didn’t.
She called couple other places. One had two Bails we bought them.
Went by MFA got Onions they didn’t have the other day.
Went to Walmart. They was moving stuff around making it look like they had more than they did.
The other day bought Peat Moss thought there is plenty come back get more later.
Went today no Peat Moss in town. Told my wife I could use this other she said no it is too high dollar.
Kid over here doing some work for me.
They was living us and she had my Son talk to me about cutting the trees.
Son had heck of time getting back to Missouri.
Got a Son that left when he was 16 but he is really a good kid helps out all the time here.
You think my life is interesting.
This kid bought a house with another woman. Her brother lives there. Friend of my Sons is renting a room.
Son has a Daughters by two other women.
Sons wife left him on Christmas Day many years ago in Key West. Nothing but pair of shorts and T Shirt. No ID, Money, nothing.
She is nuts don’t like me because I kill Animals and cut Trees down.
Anyway she is moving back with my Son. And actually I believe since they are married she owns part of that house.
Should be interesting!
Cox Hospital. Got to have an MRI on my Back my New Doctor says she thinks she can fix my Back. Which will be good.
My Valve I still dribble every so often but still better than peeing myself all the time. My Son laughs because I have to squeeze it to go and it is by my nuts. Dad just make sure you squeeze the right one.
Doctor says she can’t fix my Shoulder it is too messed up.
Got a place I want to put Cabbage. Got a place I’ll have to work up Friday even though it is wet to plant my Cabbage. It is to rain next day so it should be good.
Every time they had a pile up on I-70 Bridge they would reroute over the Bridge in Boonville. I just can’t imagine bringing a Tractor Trailer across that.
I was drinking one time. Passed out at a friends. My Ex I knew he was drinking but didn’t figure he would make it across the river.
On cleaning I’ve started a new way.
Soak them in water, cut Head, Feet and Tail off. Cut right down center of the Back, pull the hide off.
Being as I really only have one Arm this works good. Thinking of using the guts for Catfish. Hey they smell and have blood.
You think?
Use to be good friends with Johnny Morris bet he don’t remember me. But this was few years ago before the big part of Bass Pro was built and outlet was over by Brown Derby.
Going to be everything. Luke Bryan and Hank Williams Jr. bunch of Fishing Tournament guys.
Closing off Campbell and Sunshine.
Yelp place to be but not for me.
Last time I was on the Bridge in Boonville was during 93 Flood. Cute Blonde big and pregnant gave me a big hug and kiss.
Her man and my wife just looking at each other??? It was one of my cousins.
Came across a video telling how scary the bridge is I crossed it a few times.
Never thought it was that bad. Had same deck as the old Boonville Bridge and crossed all the time. Even messed up a few times.