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Everything posted by Fishmeister

  1. Dang, read your post and thought, what a great opportunity to get the wife into flyfishing. Checked the calendar, already booked, kids fishing day @ Roaring River. Guess we will have to catch the next one.
  2. I have a 5wt, 4 piece TFO, good rod in your price range. Also never hurts to check the BPS outlet store. My brother in law picked up a nice Redington 6wt a couple weeks ago for 90 bucks.
  3. Congrats Leonard, well deserved!!!
  4. Turnback Creek can be good. Walleye, crappie, sm lm bass and whites. Not really Stockton, but I would stick to the rivers with a fly rod. Check maps for access.
  5. pine/marabou/streamer look under fly fishing section, then fly recipes, Leonard has posted how to steps on this fly.
  6. I was at the Spfld. store on Fri. around 2:00, and I asked about the rio line, guy behind the counter said they were out, imagine that, I asked if they were getting more in, he said no. After reading the posts on this site I figured that would be the case, but still had to satisfy my curiosity.
  7. Thanks flyfshn Leonard, Definitely, we will do it again. I will pm you soon, see if you will tie me up some PMS's, I really like the way those fish!
  8. Good pics Tim! Everybody must of been at the trout parks, only 8 people below the dam on Saturday night at Taney.
  9. Rain and thunder just started here 10:30
  10. Report of this weekend at Taneycomo I got to Branson around five pm, took my wife up to the dam and the hatchery area to look around, she had never been there. They had been running two units most of the day, as we were leaving, horn sounded dang 3 units, maybe not for long I was hoping, about 30 minutes later back at the condo, horn again 4 units so much for fishing friday night. Saturday got started around eight am, 1 unit, fished between Pointe Royale and KOA Tried streamers san juan worms and egg patterns, caught a few small stockers in three hours, SLOW! Talked to a fellow angler said he had done alright on dry hackles, after lunch tied one on things picked up some, still small but numbers were better fished till about seven probably 10-15 fish, when help came to the rescue! Leonard called said he was heading to the river around nine. I said I'll be there, still hope for the day. After a cup of Leonards' special coffee, we got rigged up and headed to outlet one. Leonard tied on a PMS for me and showed me how he fished it. Things started off slow for me but after a short while I landed my first trout of the night. Caught a few more and Leonard came over and said they were hitting on the pine squirrel, he tied one on for me, and let me keep the PMS, after brief instruction on this we both started landing fish frequently. After fishing the flats and doing well back to the van for a brief break. I am guessing, we caught 20-25 fish in a couple hours. Headed down to the big hole still had the pine squirrel on Leonard told me where to cast, talked about currents and drop-offs and back to catching. They were really going on both lures. We fished there for another hour and half picking up another 20-25 fish. After having fished for most the day my body was telling me it was time to quit. Nice evening with water levels dropping as we fished thru the night. Talked to a few others, no one was having much luck, Leonard knows his stuff on upper Taney,his techniques work and work well, no big fish brought to hand this night but good numbers, 17" was probably the largest, and rainbows out numbered browns two to one. Give Leonard a call if you want to catch fish at night! He is a great teacher and also just a great guy to fish with, for those that don't know his website site is www.Taneycomonights.com. Thanks, Leonard!!
  11. flyfshn, I hope you are right. Yes, would like to fish with Leonard sure I could learn alot!
  12. Got to make a few stops on the way down for the boss probably won't get to the water till Fri. evening, sounds like there has been alot of water lately. Any reports, I will be wading w/flyrod from dam to KOA water permitting day and night. Thx
  13. Michael, When is the re-grand opening? Probably is in another post I missed. thanks
  14. Thanks Dano, I really like the vintage FF stuff, as I know you do as well. The rod is my dads Phillipson Royal, it is a little much for RR, but I like to use it there for sentimental reasons. My dad used to take me to RR, hardly ever missed a opener, lol, I don't think I have been to opening day since we quit going. I need to get a guide fixed on the rod, but other than that it is in excellent shape.
  15. Started fishing around 9:00am. Not many people, 1 person to every 2-3 holes nice! Started with a unweighted egg lots of lookers and a few takes should have hooked, operator error. Switched to several different flies, caught a few but nothing seemed to really get them excited. Finally tied on a grey scud and the fun began. Caught fish almost every cast for awhile. When the action slowed we loaded up, ran to Tim's to pick up some jig head egg patterns, went to lower park, wind had picked up some by then. Egg worked well, like previous poster said, fish would streak from a distance and just nail the egg, no hesitation. I didn't catch the big one today but alot of nice fish. Overall great Feb. day fishing, catching, and the weather. Just wish I would have got down more for the c&r season.
  16. Tim, A friend and I will be heading down in the morning for the day. We were hoping to stop by around 8:00 or a liitle after to pick up some egg patterns and anything else we can't live without. Will someone be around in the morning. Looks like the weather is going to cooperate! Dave
  17. Roy, did you loose rod and reel, or reel only?
  18. Metal stringer is my pick, increase your odds if you throw at right angles to how you think the rod is lying on the bottom, I am assuming you saw it go overboard and got a look at it on the way down.
  19. Tim, thanks for posting. I was wondering how much rain your area got. I had heard of reports down your way of alot of rain! I am planning on coming down friday, will make sure to stop by the store and say hi, unless your out after them!
  20. Blood knot, I have tried both, blood is easier of the two for me to tie. I have friends that think the surgeons is the easier of the two to tie? Use what works for you, both are good knots.
  21. Bob another outfit you may want to consider is the Temple Fork. BPS sells them for around 176.00. It is a 4 piece cordura case, reel, backing and fly line included. I bought one and really liked it. They come in different weights, mine is a 4-5 weight. I also upgraded the flyline to SA GPX line and noticed improvement and ease in casting.I am like you just getting back into the sport, others on here, far more experienced and knowledgable than me. Have fun and welcome back!
  22. Fishmeister

    Cotton Bowl

    My dad is a MU grad, my daughter is a Jr in nursing school at Ark., no predictions from me other than I hope it is a good game!!!!
  23. Right on there, simple and inexpensive, I will give it a try tomorrow night, it will go good with my casting technique, chuck and duck!
  24. Aeronikl, thanks for your reply. I thought that was what you were saying in your earlier post but that really clarifies it for me. One more question, when you say connect leader to fly line with a simple loop connection, exactly what does that mean. My fly line has a loop built into it, are you tieing a loop in the leader then loop to loop or are you tieing leader directly to the fly line? appreciate your help!!
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