For several years we, (3 boats) made a annual trip to Fork in late Feb., early March. Most trips our big fish would be 8-9#. My largest was 11.29#. I agree with other posts wind will be a major factor, even in a large boat! I would look for places in the upper end of Fork, that will take some of the danger out of the equation. One year we stayed at Oakridge, and at breakfast we were talking to the guys next to us about the wind, we had decided to stay in even though we had 19'-21' boats it was too risky, they decided to go anyway and one of them didn't make it back. Wear you pfd! In March you will have alot of competion, and the hydrilla will be thick, especially in the upper end. If I was going to be limited to one bait I would choose a magnum rattletrap, one color, RED. Have fun good luck. Once you feel comfortable with the area may want to try night fishing, good chance to catch a fish of a lifetime.
Good luck,