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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Phil, Glad you made it safely home. I am in the learning stage of adding pix, so not sure how this will turn out... Anyway, Jim and I had a great time at NRC. I expected to be in the fish, but it far exceeded what I expected. The size of the trout is unbelievable! My son Jim caught one in the 30 inch range and a 27 among others, and spent most of his week salmon fishing. Hooking a sockeye in the Naknek defies description. And the beauty and sheer magnificence of the area made me feel sooo insignificant. (I had other humbling experiences too, later for that). Pix follow-I hope. having a tough time -site keeps timeing out before pix get loaded.
  2. Phil, Glad you made it safely home. I am in the learning stage of adding pix, so not sure how this will turn out... Anyway, Jim and I had a great time at NRC. I expected to be in the fish, but it far exceeded what I expected. The size of the trout is unbelievable! My son Jim caught one in the 30 inch range and a 27 among others, and spent most of his week salmon fishing. Hooking a sockeye in the Naknek defies description. And the beauty and sheer magnificence of the area made me feel sooo insignificant. (I had other humbling experiences too, later for that). Pix follow-I hope.
  3. Hi Bill, Just got home from Naknek about 3 PM today. Just so you know, I never saw Phil wet a line all week...the amount of work he is doing with clients and construction and maintenance would kill most people. KFF and I have lots of neat pix that will be coming soon. Lots of sockeye, lots of bears, lots of pretty country. FYI, Jims group on the Brooks was charged by a sow grizz with triplets. I'd guess the point she stopped was about 50 feet from then group. To his credit, Jim stepped out toward the between bear and clients and faced the bear down, armed with a can of bear spray. And she WAS close enough to spray! Lots of excitement...been up 48 hrs, more tomorrow. bearcat68
  4. Hello, My Spousal Unit, the Source of All Knowledge (Better known as SUSAK) informed me earlier this year, after I booked a trip to Naknek RC, that she desired a flat screen TV. As I am retired, satisfying SUSAK is a high priority since we gotta be around each other so much. ANYway, I hunted and searched and did the internet thing and eyeballed lots of flat screens in action. Dollar for dollar (and I am a Celt) there was no better unit for us than Samsung. Ours is smaller than you want, but it is excellent all around. Samsung is continually marketing new models...I just looked until I found one that had been out for six months, had time to have plenty of reviews, plus the price was dropping. Whew! SUSAK loves the unit. I am NOT recommending this site, but I have had good luck with them, Abe's of Maine. Two cameras and the TV and no problems. Quick and free shipping. At least a good place to search for models... Good Luck! Bearcat DUH. Forgot to mention that we decided on an LCD early on for SUSAK, for us it was an easy decision based on a lot of factors. As far as pic quality, SASNAK can't tell the diff. bc68
  5. That kinda bothers me about "tails". Bro. Lilly ain't foolin' about all them giant Alaskan rainbows is he??? And besides THAT, now I'm not about to let the forum know about the 'thing' I saw in the water near the generator. It would crush my sensitive spirit to think any fly fisher would be so cruel as to even insinuate that another would become careless with The Truth. I gotta go down to the pond and tease the bass to get rejuvenated. Its 250 yds behind my shed. I ain't sayin' no more on account of how nobody would believe me anyhow... bc68
  6. Phil, My son and I are joining you at the same time John is coming. We got hooked up through your resort at Taney. Really appreciating the updates! Jim John, HOW many 20 to 27 inch 'bows have you caught? Zero here! I am ready!
  7. Hey mac, Welcome from another newbie! I have no experience in the part of the world which you mentioned, but I can tell you that checking out the different strings on this site is interesting, educational, and sometimes really really funny...(This is for your eyes only, sometimes I fly fish for carp and bass. Trouts is scarce in KS!) Anyway I hope you enjoy this forum as much as I. Jim
  8. Got some news for ya, Terry. Nobody darn sure WAS there, along with six or seven of his kids, 19 cousins and his grandma. (On his mothers' side). I sure enjoy this forum, thanks T. Gives an old man something to amuse himself. Jim
  9. I am only familiar with Bennet and RR. Took my son to opening at RR, this was before the "improvements", around 1986. We are rural folks and had not been exposed to such things. Culture shock, thats what it was! It was also about 22 degrees, causing line and tiptop to become one unit. I am morally certain that NRK won't be anything like that. Opening Day in MO is something like Asia...I wouldn't do it again, but the experience certainly builds character. Grins, Jim.
  10. John, Army. Safe journey to you as well. jd, If it as tough as you say, my little boy will throw'em inna crick. He purely Hates crowds...
  11. We are going to be there the same week that you are. Really looking forward to it, have'nt counted the days like this since the military. We fly out of KC at 08:30 on Continental on the 22nd, fly to Naknek early Saturday morning. We are taking 7 wt, medium spin and md heavy baitcasters. Lookin fwd to meeting you, Jim.
  12. Hello, I'm a native Kansan who is heading to AK the last week in June to Jim Johnson's property. We found this through Lilley's Landing. Will be the first big trip for my 37 yr old son and I. I would appreciate any wisdom anyone would care to pass on, really enjoy the site, Thanks! bearcat68
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