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Everything posted by DeadHead

  1. Hard to argue with Bill's pictures and results. Agreed! DeadHead
  2. Nice cooler! DeadHead
  4. What did the snake weigh...?
  5. 'Lo guys, I don't keep up on the local tournaments and players but are you both referring to THE "IKE", like in Iconelli?
  6. I finally had to break out a separate folder for all of your stuff...thanks Bill.
  7. Woodstock? Did somebody say WOODSTOCK......?
  8. POST! POST! POST! Please post Sir DON!
  9. Thanks Focused...
  10. Hey Conman, Well...nothing yet. I'm waiting for the next BPS REWARDS points to roll in for the upcoming month. I have to admit that I really do like 'Loomis rods though but realize that there are many other rods out there as good if not better. The rod would be the lighter version which is the DSR820S spinning. I got a 'Loomis dropshot rod last year (DSR822S) and put a Shimano Sustain on it. I love it...perfect for me at least and realize I'm very lucky to have it (wife/reward points). It'll last me the rest of my life...if I don't drop it into the lake. I also own some St. Croix beauties too and am still considering them. I've jig fished many times before but never "shaky head" fished. If you'd be interested at all, I'm going to get a guide for a half day on TR come spring for an intro into it. Ya interested in goin' in half and half? Take care all...and let me know. Ken
  11. Yeah....what sfiser said.... And, thanks all for your postings. C'mon Spring...
  12. Thank you all for your help and replies. Capt. Don and the "CHUB"eroni, that's the advice I was looking for... Hey Capt. Don, you shaky head guide for smallies....in the spring?
  13. Actually, the 'Loomis part of the question isn't all that relevant. I'm more concerned with the range of jig weights and line size (min/max) you guys use most often. Thanks for the prior comments, help, and let's pray for Spring....
  14. 'Lo all, I have some Christmas $ and "reward" points burning in my pocket and am thinking of getting a 'Loomis Shaky Head rod but need your advice on the "action" or power. They have 2, both are 6'10". One is designed for 6-10# line & 1/16-1/4 jigs. The other is made for 8-12# line & 1/8-5/16 jigs. I'm leaning towards the lighter action so far. What would you guys do....? Thanks in advance...
  15. DeadHead


    Rumors are floating around that a periscope was sighted shortly after the sinking....
  16. Jerkmybait, Like Techno said and I know it's $$ but I'd hire a good guide first off. You'd learn alot and he'd probably have suggestions for the rest of your time down here.
  17. Great pics Capt.... Like you said, I'm not really used to interpreting the pictures yet but the possibilities are enormous. I NEEEED it....
  18. Capt. Don, What do you think of the side scan technology and do you use it very much on TR?
  19. Nice SmallMouth JE....what a belly.... Just curious but does she still swim?
  20. I have also fished with Mike as well as attended his workshops. He's easy to learn from and has the patience of JOB.....you know...the Bible guy.
  21. Sooo.....would cutting and dragging the cedars etc down to the banks provide more visible, shallow cover and help black bass and the young of the year fry be better than sinking deeper?
  22. I think Mike Webb has said to be sure and get a unit with at least 3K watts mainly do to the depth of TR. Color is wewy, wewy nice but a B/W will do too.
  23. While reading an article on this site that B. Babler wrote on keeping bass, it referred to these 2 years about a fish kill that happened on Table Rock. What was the reason or cause in regards to the events? I moved to the area back in '03 and so wasn't in the region.
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