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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by flyfshn

  1. Lynyrd Skynyrd
  2. Tom Hargrove is an amazing rod builder, Feathercraft sells rod building supplies and they can help. Steve Antonic of Ozark Fly Fishers showed us some really COOL rods he built with inlays of feathers, size 32 hooks, etc. If you make the next meeting, find me and I will introduce you to him. He had some really good books, but I cant find the paper I wrote them down on. Will let you know what they are when I find it.
  3. This may offend some...if so, just my opinion....I think the tournament fishermen (big & small tournaments) have had an affect on the bass population. I realize they "release" them after the weigh in, but I wonder how many survive after being kept in a livewell all day? Never could understand the tournament thing....race to one side of the lake, cast 8 rods with different things making 10 casts with each...if no fish caught, race to the other side, admire fish for 2 seconds, throw fish in livewell, repeat, etc. That is too much like work! I agree that cedars will not help. Do they ever stock Table Rock? If not, why not take some of that money and stock some fish! I fished TR in the late 80's and 90's with my grandfather and caught numberous largemouth, admired them and then carefully released them back in the water
  4. Guys, don't panic, the date to get them in the mail was 10/19.
  5. Congratulations mtb....you should be proud!! I can only dream (for now) of fishing out there!
  6. jjtroutbum, you should consider joining Ozark Fly Fishers. The FFF donated some rod blanks to our club and they had a drawing for those that wanted to learn how to build a rod. Fortunately, I was selected and we had our first class today.....what a blast! i still have a lot to learn, but it is really fun. They have guys that are experienced in rod building and I am sure they would help you. I dont think I could build one by reading a guide/book alone. The next OFF meeting is Thur 10/25 and Matt Tucker is going to give a presentation of fly fishing missouri streams, they are going to have guys tying flies and are going to have a swap meet.
  7. Not sure about MSP, but a Park Ranger in the hatchery at Bennett Spring told me they started stocking browns about a year ago at BS.
  8. Zach, I will not be attending this weekend. I get to go learn how to build my own fly rod this weekend.....Ozark Fly Fishers had a drawing for those interested in learning to build one and 6 of us were chosen (someone donated 6 blanks).
  9. flyfshn

    Guitar Hero

    My daughter just got one for her 16th B-day and it is a blast! She plays it on my sons ps2.....when he was younger, we played 2 player sports which are also a lot of fun.
  10. Steve, received your flies today....nice!
  11. Welcome back!!
  12. ffm, disappointing baseball season and an 0-5 start to football season.....more time to fish!
  13. Wow...we didn't really get a chance to rub it in! Congrats...nice story!
  14. Thanks for sharing Phil.....and welcome back!
  15. WOW!!!! WOW!!!!
  16. Jeff, it was a pleasure meeting you and Don, Kevin, Chuck and Steve. What a great weekend.....only regret was not making it to Conclave. This was the first time my son and I have ever been to the White and we were so excited when we arrived Friday afternoon, that we immediately headed for the water. Saturday they only had 1 generator running, so we fished all morning and my son was having such a good time, he wanted to go back out on Saturday afternoon, so we missed it. Was really looking forward to meeting Terry B, John Berry and others that post on here, but like Terry said.....Sow Bug is only 6 months away!
  17. Strangercreek, I use a Blackberry for business email and if you want to be able to feel the keyboard under your thumbs/fingers, then the Blackberry would be a better choice....but if you dont mind a touch screen, the I-phone is really nice. Cardiac, I live in Ballwin and work at the Des Peres office....call me on Monday and I will hook you up with the Manager of the store at the Bluffs off of 141. He is a good friend of mine and will show you the advantages of all of the devices that are used for email
  18. Thanks Dano! I have tied them in the past, but really did not know how to fish them....just put on an indicator and let them drift. Didn't realize they were supposed to stay closer to the top. Guess that is why I have not had any luck with them!
  19. What do you mean by regular stores? As far as I know, you can get them at any AT&T location or Apple stores. Where do you live? I can find locate the closest store for you and get back to you or call me on Monday at 314-650-0012. Headed to Arkansas tomorrow morning for the Conclave.
  20. Dano/KFF, do you use an indicator when you fish the soft hackle? Sinking leader or regular?
  21. Cardiac, that is an easy one for me....... I work for AT&T (Cingular).....I would recommend the I-Phone. If you haven't seen/tried one, stop by one of the stores and have someone demo it for you. Very nice device that does it all and the price just recently dropped. I do not work on the sales side, I work on the network, securing real estate for new cell sites. Sad, but I dont have an I-Phone yet....still using my blackberry, but eventually they will swap out our devices. When they first came out, they asked us not to purchase them for personal use because they were affraid Apple would not have enough! There are a couple of guys in our dept that have them now and they are really cool and easy to use.
  22. Wyoming, Montanna or Idaho, would be my dream trip!
  23. Oh that's right, they aren't! Why would you let Jockety go? Guarantee LaRussa will be next! Maybe Whitey is going to take over as GM??
  24. Try www.castawaylakes.com/FeatherliteFly.html....they have them for $15, but not sure what shipping would be.
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