This may offend some...if so, just my opinion....I think the tournament fishermen (big & small tournaments) have had an affect on the bass population. I realize they "release" them after the weigh in, but I wonder how many survive after being kept in a livewell all day? Never could understand the tournament thing....race to one side of the lake, cast 8 rods with different things making 10 casts with each...if no fish caught, race to the other side, admire fish for 2 seconds, throw fish in livewell, repeat, etc. That is too much like work!
I agree that cedars will not help. Do they ever stock Table Rock? If not, why not take some of that money and stock some fish! I fished TR in the late 80's and 90's with my grandfather and caught numberous largemouth, admired them and then carefully released them back in the water