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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by flyfshn

  1. Phil, since I am new to the forum, I did not realize that you pay $300 per month. Do you pay the balance after ads each month?
  2. Welcome Gary! If you ever want to fish together, send me a pm. Not as experienced as most of the guys on this forum, but I am hooked!
  3. One other thing you may want to try to ease your mind of whether it is ethical to practice catch and release is to remove (smash) the barb on the hook. It does less damage to the fish and make catching them more of a challenge! I have only been flyfishing for a couple of years, but I have not killed any that I have released.
  4. Welcome Altonite! That's funny Cardiac.....I thought the same thing!! Gotta love Fast Eddie's!!
  5. Ditto!! He took me and my son last month....caught a ton of fish and we also learned some new tips!
  6. Welcome stewcrew! This is a great website with a ton of info and some really nice folks!
  7. Nice.....how about posting some pics!! If was hard to see on your phone on Thursday night!!
  8. Is it as good as the one written by Chuck Tryon....have more info, etc?
  9. Check with Jeremy Hunt....I think he has a class each week on Wed. nights??
  10. Mannnnnnnnn I wish I lived closer!!
  11. I would think she is good to go as soon as she can sit up by herself....
  12. Congrats!! Did you buy her a little fly rod yet??
  13. My neighbor's wife traveled to Taney on Monday eve, called him tonight and said they have been generating for the past 2 days straight. I know you can't predict when the generate, but isn't that unusual (2 days straight)?
  14. Thanks Fishinwrench! It is a 2.5 hr drive for us, but since my buddy has a cabin and he now has the fly fishing fever, we have a place to stay. Brownieman, what flies do you throw? BrowningFisherman, ran into a couple of drunks too. I think it was a combo of fishing late and not knowing where to fish....but the hunt/exploring is fun too!
  15. Terry, Just joined OFF last month. They offered a fly casting clinic, so I attended and joined. Going to my first meeting tomorrow night! I will ask about it. Thanks!
  16. ......way too much time! I was waiting for it to wake them up or start the coffee!
  17. Many Thanks Cody!
  18. Thanks Dano! Can anyone attend? How do I get more info?
  19. Caddis, I know first hand that Leonard does....and boy do they work well!! We were sitting at a campfire in Salem on Friday night and 2 Armadillos (sp?) came waddling up behind us....never seen one up close and personal!
  20. Hey Terry, what is the Southern Council FFF?
  21. Fishinwrench, what flies would you have used (have only been fly fishing for a few years)? Yes we saw fish, but they were mainly darting from one hole to another. Gavin is also probably right....we fished it from 2-6 pm, probably did not travel down stream far enough and by then they were probably skittish. I really appreciate the help!
  22. A friend of mine and I stayed in his cabin in Salem on Fri/Sat and fished the Meramec at Short Bend and caught several fish. We decided to head to the Current on Saturday afternoon, since neither of us have fished it and have heard good things about it. We started at Baptist Camp and headed up stream, but quickly learned the water was shallow and we did not see any fish, so we turned back and fished a couple hundred yards down stream of the boat ramp. We used a green tungsten bead head nymph, crackleback and a red soft hackle, but we were skunked. Did we fish the wrong area - use the wrong flies - fish the wrong time of day?? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  23. John, that would be great! I will tie the lady bug flies since Steve Smith is tying the beetle.
  24. John, just read this today and saw that you closed it this afternoon. Would you keep me in mind if you do this again. I have been tying some black beetles and lady bugs that work pretty well, especially around trees and banks.
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