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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by flyfshn

  1. Have a 3 day weekend, so I have to take advantage of it. Going to Caridac tomorrow afternoon around 4.....hopefully most of them will be gone by then!!
  2. I was thinking about going on Friday or Saturday, but wondered how bad floaters would be on Sat.
  3. I'm all for it and would buy one. I think it is a great idea, but have no idea how you would get that approved.
  4. Received mine in the mail today and they look great. Can't wait to try them! MANY thanks to John for hosting!
  5. I have to jump on the band wagon and defend Leonard.....and Leonard, I hope you don't mind what I am about to say. We came down to Taney for the week of July 4th. I had seen Leonard's posts and sent him a pm asking for some advice on flies to use during the day and at night. He replied and asked if I was looking for a guide or just some pointers. I told him that I was just looking for some advice, so I could take my son and one of my daughters out and catch some nice fish.....I could not afford a guide right now because I have 3 teenagers and one of them was about to start college. Leonard told me that if my schedule was flexible, he would take us out one night and show us a few things about night fishing. I was reluctant becuase I did not want to take him away from a paying customer, but I did......and we had a BLAST!! I have been fishing for a little over 3 years and he taught us a lot.....and we caught a ton of fish! Every time the fish stopped biting, he would come over and tie on a new fly....and we would start catching more fish. We fished from 11:45 to 4am and he wore us out....He would have kept fishing, but our legs were numb! We had so much fun and learned so much, that I could not remember the names of all the flies we used (I normally use size 16-20 flies and the ones we used were MUCH bigger). I was like a kid on Xmas morning! ........so, I believe his fishing reports!
  6. Phil, not that I would want you to give away any secrets....but could you post a picture of what you are describing? I do better with a visual.
  7. McCloud, I hope you did not take my post as a slam against dough bait fisherman. I tought my 3 kids to fish with spinning rods and a zebco 33....and yes, one of them used dough bait that was given to him by a guy at Maramec Springs. My point was that I thought it was difficult to fly fish when I was there....but I was also just learning at that time. The cool thing about fly fishermen is that they will all share their knowledge with you. If you live near STL, you might consider joining Ozark Fly Fishers. They meet on the 4th Thursday of each month at Queeny Park on Weidman Road. I joined about 3 months ago and I learn something new at each meeting. They also have certified fly casters that will gladly work with you on casting. I sent centerpunch a pm a couple of days ago telling him we should hook up at Cardiac Hill sometime....you should come with us!!
  8. Al, do you typically fly or spin?
  9. Sounds like a productive Friday evening! Were you fishing upstream? What were you using?
  10. CP, I fished this park a couple of years ago, but everyone was using dough bait, which made it difficult to fly fish. Is there a fly fishing section?
  11. Well....how did you do? Are you the new 2007 Mr. Outdoorsman? Sounded pretty cool!
  12. Zach, check out Temple Fork rods, they have a Signature Series for $90 and a Professional Series for $130 and both are very good. If you want to replace the one you broke with something similar, go to Walmart in Branson (have not found them at any other)and believe it or not, they sell a similar rod (can't remember the name) for $20 or $30. It's not a kit with a reel, etc. just the rod. I bought a couple for my daughters to start out with and they're not a bad rod.
  13. I gave my son tics to tonights game and they were in the 13th row behind third base, but i called him earlier and told him he is not allowed to go anymore since this was his third game and they lost all three games!!
  14. My son is looking for a small truck under $6500. If anyone has one or knows of someone selling one, please send me a pm.
  15. hfdhoosier....I am definitely one of the fans that harasses others or throws things on the track (not that you thought I was). he is a good driver, but he whines too much for me. Did you get a refund since you did not get to see the race? Man, nothing like spending $ for gas and a hotel and not being able to see the race! That stinks!
  16. Have several Hobbs creek reels....got them at for $29 at BP and they work well. My son won a $200 Ross reel from Feathercraft 2 years ago and it is very nice! Don't think I could fork out that much money for a reel though....I would rater have a nice rod!
  17. My father-in-law got me started about 10 years ago and I watch it on Sunday after church if the kids don't have anything going on. A friend of mine rents a hospitality tent at the Kansas Speedway and I have attended the race there for the past 5 years....pretty cool in person. Since he has a hospitality tent, we are allowed to take tours of the pits. Was a DJ fan, but he no longer races that way he did in the past. I am a Jeff Burton fan since I work for Cingular/AT&T and they finally decided to sponsor someone that knows how to race. Sorry HFDHoosier....not a fan of the 24!
  18. Nice fish!!! We'll have to fish the meramec together sometime!
  19. Very funny Terry! No, it was next to the door and she wanted me to move it out of the way so she could go in, so I swatted it out of the way and it went right at her!!! I will be in trouble for that one for a long time!!
  20. Thanks for sharing Dano!!
  21. just came in from sitting on the patio and that is exactly what my wife did.....did everyone hear her scream?
  22. flyfshn

    Cards win

    How 'bout them Cards!! Won again today!!!
  23. Interesting! I generally visit daily for the fishing topics, but also enjoy the general conversation. What about adding a line for employment....seems many are looking for new jobs and folks could add a thread about a job they are looking for or those that know about jobs available at their place of employment could list open positions?
  24. That was good! Had to bookmark that site!
  25. Nothing specifically for me, but thought we should pray for those killed in the church in Neosho and the miners that they are still looking for in Utah. Thanks
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