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Everything posted by Bman

  1. Hey Rick, I believe you are right! That male 'Bow I released last fall was hanging out with a huge female, I belive she went at least 20. I had her on for a few quick seconds. I hope our paths cross on the water soon.
  2. Yep, At the Rolla store. Ya ever notice the name on that truck on the cover?
  3. Scott, I will PM you. the River Pro has low hours on the meter, and many extras. Very gently used, no dings or dents, it does have the "hard bottom" package installed.
  4. The perfect boat for the “new” boulder infested upper trophy section at Tanneycomo. For sale a gently used 2009 RiverPro / 186 LoPro / Dual Side Console jet boat. A short list of the boat’s features: Powered by Mercury 200HP OptiMax SportJet (INBOARD). Heavy Duty Bottom, (skid plate) MinnKota Maxxum Pro Trolling motor MinnKota on board battery charger / 2 bank @ 10 amps per bank Optima Blue Top Group 31 Deep Cycle Batteries Humminbird Fish Finder 778c Custom Fit Boat Cover Includes much more For more info see their website http://www.riverpro.co/186LoProDSC You Tube Video's
  5. The perfect boat for the “new” boulder infested upper trophy section at Tanneycomo. For sale a gently used 2009 RiverPro / 186 LoPro / Dual Side Console jet boat. A short list of the boat’s features: Powered by Mercury 200HP OptiMax SportJet (INBOARD). Heavy Duty Bottom, (skid plate) MinnKota Maxxum Pro Trolling motor MinnKota on board battery charger / 2 bank @ 10 amps per bank Optima Blue Top Group 31 Deep Cycle Batteries Humminbird Fish Finder 778c Custom Fit Boat Cover For more info see their website http://www.riverpro.co/186LoProDSC You Tube Video's
  6. Ray, I have one as well. Like yours, mine is complete with my hand written notes inside.
  7. Groan... more stuff for the Biggens to break me off on!
  8. Atta boy Leonard! You're a talented Trout teaser.
  9. Time to get a jet sled, and a trolling motor with a break away.
  10. Why don’t they spread the rocks across the outlets to fan out the discharge of water, thus eliminating the chute!
  11. Phil, Thanks for checking into that.
  12. I can’t help but wonder why higher temps set back the big Browns and not so much the big Rainbows. I’m no expert on the subject by any means, but it’s always been my understanding that Browns tolerate higher temps better than Rainbows. I noticed the water temps this year up at the Dam were running about 58 degrees. The run this year was the run of the big Rainbows IMHO.
  13. Now that would would never happen around here would it?
  14. Hey Rick, Your remarks have been my thoughts, and fears exactly.
  15. I'm with you there Ducky, let's hope so.
  16. I am wondering what has happened to Tanney’s really big Browns. Sure some Browns showed up this year, but the best I personally saw was in the 15 pound class. The best that I saw brought to hand was a female 14 pounds plus snagged out of outlet #2, and yes the dude took pictures after she was snagged and dragged to the bank. I think the lack of posts of the real thumpers reinforces my thinking. By thumpers, I mean fish in the 20 pounds plus class. I didn’t see them on foot or by boat. Did some escape up the fish ladder during high flows? I hope so, but I watched the ladder closely and I didn’t see any 20 pound class Browns in there at all. I’m curious what anyone with connections with the hatchery folks might have learned. I’ve noticed this decline since the recent year’s high water events, with flood gates running and record flows. Before these times I could always count on seeing the real monsters, and normally having one or two actually hooked, only to have them beat my best efforts. On a side note, if I saw that I had them foul hooked, I intentionally broke them off. Even if I saw them take the fly, and I had them fair and square sometimes after rolling, jumping, rubbing on rocks, they ended up fouled, I broke them off. I digress, rant off. What have the rest of you seen, what are your thoughts? We have seen some magnificent Rainbows return to the upper end, with a few probably having the potential of breaking the current state record. I am encouraged to see the thumper ‘Bow’s. I can’t help but wonder, what happened to the “thumper” Browns.
  17. You two big dudes ought to take up fly fishing for Tarpon!
  18. What was the length/girth of this fish. Awesome fishing by you and your brother this season!
  19. I've always wanted to touch a 20 pound plus fish at Taney! But not this way! My country friends call it a TROUT line.
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