I am wondering what has happened to Tanney’s really big Browns. Sure some Browns showed up this year, but the best I personally saw was in the 15 pound class. The best that I saw brought to hand was a female 14 pounds plus snagged out of outlet #2, and yes the dude took pictures after she was snagged and dragged to the bank. I think the lack of posts of the real thumpers reinforces my thinking. By thumpers, I mean fish in the 20 pounds plus class. I didn’t see them on foot or by boat. Did some escape up the fish ladder during high flows? I hope so, but I watched the ladder closely and I didn’t see any 20 pound class Browns in there at all. I’m curious what anyone with connections with the hatchery folks might have learned.
I’ve noticed this decline since the recent year’s high water events, with flood gates running and record flows. Before these times I could always count on seeing the real monsters, and normally having one or two actually hooked, only to have them beat my best efforts. On a side note, if I saw that I had them foul hooked, I intentionally broke them off. Even if I saw them take the fly, and I had them fair and square sometimes after rolling, jumping, rubbing on rocks, they ended up fouled, I broke them off. I digress, rant off.
What have the rest of you seen, what are your thoughts? We have seen some magnificent Rainbows return to the upper end, with a few probably having the potential of breaking the current state record. I am encouraged to see the thumper ‘Bow’s. I can’t help but wonder, what happened to the “thumper” Browns.