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Fishing Buddy
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About Randall

  • Birthday 11/10/1984

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  • Gender
  • Location
    KC Mo
  • Interests
    huntin, fishin, camping, and lots of other fun stuff

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Mosquitofish (30/89)



  1. I won't deny the will... and I'd pay to see the confrontation.
  2. I would imagine they just play the helpful salesperson and ask what they need the hackle for to figure out which skin is right for their needs. The answer would be pretty indicative unless the lady knew about tying.
  3. I found out about the whole fad thing when I went to replace a couple saddles my dad's dog ate when I was back home. Had to resort to Bass Pro who actually wouldn't sell to salons or non-fisherman and was keeping their feathers behind the counter. It's great the fly shops are making a killing on this, but it just seems ridiculous to me.
  4. Great story! People guide the parks?
  5. I've stayed there several times and its pretty good. They always have had an open site when I went.
  6. Troutfiend, the Current is kind of a mess in the summer, but there are ways to get around it and still have some good fishing. Not many people put in upstream of Baptist Camp, so you won't deal with many canoes up there, although there will be plenty of wade fisherman. But if you are willing to fish early morning, or late evening, when the fishing is best anyway during the summer, you can fish anywhere you like without canoes bothering you much. Honestly, during mid-day in summer (when the canoes are thick) the fishing will be pretty slow anyway even without canoes, so it kind of works out. A typical mid-summer day on the Current for me involves getting up really early in the morning to fish, staying out until about 9:30, then going swimming, sightseeing, or otherwise killing time until about 6:30. Then I get back on the water and fish hard until after dark. Also if you can go on a weekday that will help tremendously. Agreed, and don't forget about the trico hatches either. You can get into some decent fish on top but you gotta get there early.
  7. Don't lie, you broke off on a chub because you don't re-tie your knots. Got the paper written so I may be a go for next weekend.
  8. Yeah... Washburn is a pretty good ways from KC though isn't it?
  9. Hoffman's final is pretty straight forward and BGF's was cake last spring... I pretty much checked out after the MPRE and still got a B.
  10. Float tubes are super easy and you can get them pretty cheap... forego a night at P&L when the student loan money comes in.
  11. Warren County, about an hour west of St. Louis
  12. I did once a few years ago with no success. If you get them in the fall, clousers and coyotes might work pretty well, kinda the same idea as throwing spinnerbaits or swimbaits when they move shallow and feed heavily.
  13. Shot a big doe second weekend of rifle season with black powder then got a chance to go back out Christmas Eve in the snow. Didn't bother with the morning hunt so I walked over to the stand around 12:30 or 1, hadn't been in the tree 30 mins when a nice 8 walked by at about 20 yards. All I can think is that my climber sounded like a fight or rubbing. Good thing there was snow on the ground or I never would have found him, went 50 yards before I found a drop of blood, maybe another 50 after that where I found him... no exit wound. I was still sweating like mad from the walk/climb to my stand then I had to drag him out. He also had a thick orange goo at the base of his antlers - maybe tree sap from rubbing on cedars?
  14. Streamers just turn me on... after watching the fish in my avatar crash a zoo cougar it was in my blood. Hoppers rock too but big nasty streamers just make me all tingly.
  15. One of the best fishermen I've ever seen and an all around class act. Great video bud.
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