Well, Tony & I were out again trying to catch a few fair weather bass. We started on bank behind K-dock hoping to get a few casts in and back out before getting shot at or something. Well we got out but an angler fishing a tournament had a bit of a time. His motor went down earlier in the day and with barely any trolling juice left he decided to try to beat the bank on back to the ramp. As tony and I pulled away we saw you know who pulling a jon out. He proceeded to harrass the heck out of the poor guy by doing donuts and charging back and forth missing the boat by inches. He followed and continued till the boat was out of sight.I have some pics but need a cable for my samsung before I can post them.
That guy is nuts. There is seriously something wrong with him. Is that legal? He needs a straight jacket and a padded cell! I mean, he yelled at us but what he did to the other guy was downright dangerous. I think the fishermans name was Harold. We met him back at the ramp and he was Hot to say the least.