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Everything posted by flipper

  1. mabe they ought to figure out a better way to make a check??? said it b4 gonna say it again..............W R O N G!!!!
  2. Well ,I quess maybe I gave the wrong impression here. I was bitchin about the Tournaments. I don't care what kind ,brand, or paint on anyones rig. I got an old Winner bass boat that is scuffed and bruised but I still catch fish out of it. Havn't got much in it and owes me nothin. I am absolutely fed up with the touneys and the "players" TOTAL lack of respect for the fishery and the common ordinary guy fishing for the pure pleasure of God's great outdoors and wild life. I know these bring alot of revenue to the area and sort of respect that , BUT this many @ this time of year..imho.................................. W R O N G!!!!
  3. GOOD LUCK!! parking spots even @ a premium! absolutely ridiculous. just my 2 cents worth but I think this is WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. I totally agree!! spread 'em out a little bit. I resent the way the fish are handled in paticular I think game wardens ought to be present @ weighins and release. bet that would stop alot of this behavior IE; dumping the fish out.helluvalot of tourneys in just the last two weeks.
  5. I don't know who was in the everstart wrapped boat but it weas all over Kimberling / Aunts creek area all last week.
  6. yeah, I like old shaky too only thing I often have to cut the line cause they are hooked so deep. that just me??
  7. last two days 1/4 shaky head with the smoke with purple flake centipede been the only thing can get bit on 45 degree bank about 10 foot of water s l o w. not a blade guy quess I need to give it a try.
  8. 3/32???
  9. flipper


    I know how bad those hurt! My experiance is that those injactions have to be exactly in the right place . First time I had no relife second doc got it right no more problems unless I over do it . B.T.W. side arm cast don't hurt as bad.
  10. darn, I thought that was MY honey hole! lol, matter of fact that second fish I call him Chunky.
  11. sell this yet??
  12. The bowling alley in Kimberling City has a bunch of pics, and articles posted on the walls[pretty good place to eat and drink a cold one to b.t.w.]when I first came to this area you could see the church steeple under water from the new road cant now tho, prob. long gone.
  13. Sorry, that development will prob. never be much more than it is right now ,one major eye sore that will in all likelyhood continue to stain Tablerock.The developers sold the old growth timber that was on that property and ran. should be a crime imo.
  14. I know u say its never been used but doing the research it is also not available now. I think I'll have to pass unless you would take considerably less. that's what the new/ modern version of that goes for on ebay.
  15. how much w/o card??
  16. I might be intrested, how much??
  17. Thanks S&M, got it on my watch list. Now if i can get the bid!!
  18. My eagle 420 took a crap and am looking for a decent replacement for under 400 clams?? any suggestions will be GREATLY appreciated!!
  19. my grandad was bit on the little toe by a rattler back in the early sixtys. stepped out on the back porch at night to take a leak. He lived 20 min. from nearest hosp.The doc that treated him said if he wasn't as big a man as he was or longer getting care it would of killed him. Mom said his leg was the size and color of a stove pipe.
  20. option #2 a MUCH better choice imho especially if u towwing
  21. sort of a "wudda" "cudda" statment then.
  22. the "panty bomber" succeeded???? plot was foiled.
  23. aunts creek poor??? .........oh... yeh, thats right ,not good at all. lol
  24. hair dryer??
  25. my 480 did that, had a bad place on the cable . I spliced it and taped it real good. been working fine since.I priced a new transducer and they aint cheap 80 bucks shipped . 50 bucks 2 years ago.
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