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Everything posted by Gatorjet

  1. I guess the alcohol that was most likely involved didn't kill the parasites!
  2. Nice looking rigs! For plastic boats with the motor hanging off the back and a prop under it. LOL Seriously, looks like a lot of boat for the money.
  3. Interesting that someone from Kansas is so concerned how the MISSOURI Department of Conservation spends Missouri tax dollars! As far as Taneycomo goes, when Table Rock was built, the cold water coming into Taney made it possible for us to have a great Trout fishery, and I for one am glad of it.
  4. OK, it's not April 1!!! Not to be confrontational but, the 303 British bore bullet diameter is .311 while the 30 06 is .308. The British round in a rimmed cartridge with a rim diameter of .540, the 06 is rimless with a measurement of .473. Not only would that conversion be completely inaccurate, but probably dangerous. The only British enfield conversions I'm aware of are the P-17 enfields, and some of the stronger SMLE Enfields re-barreled to 45-70. Is it possible that what your grandfather had was a US Model 1917 Enfield, which would have been chambered in 30 06 originally?
  5. Great report, and Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. Looks like things are going to be different next week then the last couple times I've had down there. Maybe a chance to try something new I've been thinking about.
  6. Hey, you the same MOBass I talked to on the Tracker forum when I was looking at Tracker Jets? Might have been cheapshooter back then. As you can tell, I went with the Gator instead. Try some Little Jakes Spin-A-Lures down there. They have always worked well for me. Gold in dark light, silver if it is bright. If they are running water, just drift with them, reeling just fast enough to tick the bottom. That works with Rapalas and other minnow type lures as well. Let us know how you do. I'll be down there next week Thur-Sat.
  7. Quite the contrary Phil. Your reports are always very interesting and informative. I have just in the past few years started to put to use what I have learned from you at your place, at the seminars up here, and from this site. I think it has all made me a better fisherman. Thanks Phil, and keep it up!
  8. Does it seem that the scuds are getting bigger, and more plentiful than the past several years, or have I just not noticed them as much?
  9. Still keying on the #10 gray scuds, sounds great! Be down next week, might just have to dust off my old flyrod if they arn't running water. Shuffling with the trolling motor? Just kidding LOL.
  10. I might try to come down there for this if you flyguys don't mind a boater/spinfisher in your midst. Probably just drive down in the morning, weather permitting (and New Year's Eve permitting!) I'll know more closer, but if I do come I'll bring some "Gator Bob's" authentic Cajun Jambalaya!
  11. Google Turkeys eating quail. Every story is consistent in that there has never been any study to prove the rumor that turkeys eat baby quail. These are all studies by several different states wildlife departments. I agree that it is a lot of other critters, and one of the worst in more populated areas, domestic cats let run.
  12. Congratulations Scott! A fish of a lifetime. That is part of the greatness of Taneycomo, when you hook a fish it could be a monster trophy anytime. That had to be the one that Nick broke off in that area last February during R.A.W. LOL
  13. Nothing wrong in being observant of what is going on around you, or being observed if you aren't trying to hide something. In my opinion, the restricted area above Fall Creek should be catch and release entirely. Go up there to have some fun, take pictures, measure your fish and have a mock up mount made of your trophy if you catch one. They don't cost any more than killing the fish, and with the proper measurements and pictures they are very true to life. If you want "skillet" fish, stay below Fall Creek. Although, I personally like to see a minimum length down there to, maybe 12 or 14 inches.
  14. Where does this get together happen?
  15. 303 British or 303 Savage? Not the same round, make sure of which he needs. 303 British is for the British Enfield service rifle, 303 Savage was chambered in the Savage 99 leaver gun.
  16. From my last trip there 2 weeks ago, and from most of the posts on here, I don't think there was much of a brown run this fall. Probably due to the high water most of the time. We did do well drifting #10 gray scuds on drift rigs from Lookout to Short Creek. Also quite well on white 1/8 oz PJ's jigs. A lot of Rainbows, a few really nice ones 15-18 inch size, but no browns. Targeting big fish like that on Taney is something like Muskie fishing. You might go for days without even a hit, but when it does come it could be a once in a lifetime fish! Good luck!
  17. Don't be afraid of the Lee brand of reloading equipment. They have everything from the basic single stage presses to multi stage turret presses. I have been using Lee equipment for years. Good quality and reasonable prices. Cabella's at the Mills have a better reloading department than the Bass Pro in St. Charles. There are several good books to get you started, and catalogs from Midway USA, and Graph & Sons are both good places to check out what kind of equipment is out there. I have been reloading, or more properly, handloading, for more than 30 years. My bench has been shut down the last few years because of a basement remodel I did and didn't set it back up yet. I even have bullet casting equipment to pour my own cast bullets. It is a great hobby in itself, and allows you to do more shooting. Be careful, follow recommended loads from loading manuals, and pay close attention to all procedures and you will have a great time.
  18. Got deer season coming up, then Thanksgiving. Going to be there for the Branson Christmas thing Dec3-6. There just might be a Gator sighting on Taneycomo that weekend!
  19. OK, so by flies only do they MEAN flies only or artificial only like the trophy area at Taneycomo?
  20. Hey Bman, when you gonna be down there again?
  21. Is that the "inside scoop", trout will be stocked by Wedesday?
  22. Exactly why I stopped fishing the parks over 20 years ago!!!!! Congrats on a great fish!
  23. Nope, just called the MDC fish stocking hotline, no mention of the trout stockings yet.
  24. Wish everybody would stop talking about Monkey Island, That place isn't any good. There's no fish there. It's the worst place on the lake to fish. People need to stop wasting their time there!
  25. There's always Busch Wildlife! Oh Oh, we don't want to get that one sturred up here to!!! LOL
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