I live in the St. Loius area and have been going to Branson for almost 20 years. Unless your comments about good food in Branson are deeply tongue in cheek, you obviously havent been there very much. Billygale's on 276, best breakfast in Branson. McFarland's in the I-Max close second on breakfast, maybe even a tie, and great country cookin' for lunch and dinner. Farmhouse downtown. good country cooking, and all you can eat catfish Fri & Sat. And it's good! Maybe it's up scale and atmosphere you're looking for. Never been there, but Candlestick should fill that need. Also the Keeter Center at the College of the Ozarks where you can get a meatloaf made with sirloin, wild boar, ham,and wild mushrooms for $16 if you want to spend that much on meatloaf! Billy Bob's is a great burger, but so is Dana's. At either place, don't order a double unless you bring the whole family to help eat it. And if you want a steak, IMO Montana Mike's is the place to go. Maybe some folks are used to thier their home restaurants or nationwide chains. I have worked out of town a lot, and traveled a bit, and I always look for the "local" places over the chains.