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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Gatorjet

  1. I'm going to be at Lilley's Aug 12-15. I'll have all my trout stuff, but thought I would go down lake and try for the bass I have herd so much about. How far down lake? Bull Creek or farther? What would be a good way to fish for them? I'm sure early/late, hope it's not pea soup fog until 11 AM like when I was there in June.
  2. I live in the St. Loius area and have been going to Branson for almost 20 years. Unless your comments about good food in Branson are deeply tongue in cheek, you obviously havent been there very much. Billygale's on 276, best breakfast in Branson. McFarland's in the I-Max close second on breakfast, maybe even a tie, and great country cookin' for lunch and dinner. Farmhouse downtown. good country cooking, and all you can eat catfish Fri & Sat. And it's good! Maybe it's up scale and atmosphere you're looking for. Never been there, but Candlestick should fill that need. Also the Keeter Center at the College of the Ozarks where you can get a meatloaf made with sirloin, wild boar, ham,and wild mushrooms for $16 if you want to spend that much on meatloaf! Billy Bob's is a great burger, but so is Dana's. At either place, don't order a double unless you bring the whole family to help eat it. And if you want a steak, IMO Montana Mike's is the place to go. Maybe some folks are used to thier their home restaurants or nationwide chains. I have worked out of town a lot, and traveled a bit, and I always look for the "local" places over the chains.
  3. I have replaced my aluminum impeller with stainless steel so I want to sell my used American Turbine "A" impeller. It is in good condition with only a few nicks. It was re-surfaced last year by Gator Boats in Cuba MO. Asking $100
  4. Hey Phill, Nick and I are going to fish the tournament. The wives are comming and spending all our money in Branson while we fish. See you in the morning. Will fax the entry, or just give it to you in the morning. Won't be down 'till late, staying in town and using up some of my LaQuinta free nights. SeeYa, Bob
  5. I get on line when I get a chance. Most of the time just read fishing reports and some of the posts. Working out of town so much, I should get a laptop so I can keep up. I left the keys with you in the office. About two-hundred feet with the power trim all the way up. The gas tank is about full, have fun!!! Remember that with a jet no thrust-no steering. When you get off the throtle it goes where it was last pointed. I'm probably not going to make it for the Masters, have to be in Bloomington ILL. that Sunday night. I don't want to drive back to St.Louis, and then another 200 miles to bloomington. See you for RAW for sure, and going to try to make the Team tournament this year. Bob
  6. Hi. My name is Bob , and I have been fishing the Rogers Adventure Weekend (RAW) Tournament for the last 15 years. My son Nick has been my partner for the past ten years. With finally listening to Phil's advice, and learning to fish a jig and float, we have started to finish in the mony the last couple of years. That isn't the important part of this tournament for me. I think I "win" every year because I spend a great time with my son! The RAW tournament is great fun because it is more like an annual reunion. It is by invitation only, but there have been years that we have had more than 150 entrants. Many have been there since the beginning. Although I only see most of them once a year, I look at all of them as welcome friends that I am glad to see. Although I don't get to fish as often as I want to, I look forward to comming down to Branson, and Lilleys' Landing as much as I can. With retirement looming in the next couple of years I may finally get to spend as much time there as I would like to. I want to wish a great New Year, and Good Fishing to Everyone!!!
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