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Everything posted by Champ188

  1. Archdale nailed it with the video of Bill Beck. You'd save yourself years of trial and error by hiring Bill to teach you, if only for a half-day trip. He's as good a spoon fisherman as has ever walked, particularly on Table Rock.
  2. I was actually at work, too. Went back to work full time Monday --- at least until the end of the year and perhaps beyond that, if they decide to make the position permanent. The job is a blessing but I already miss the freedom to pick and choose my days to go fishing. What makes it worse is there's a 10-acre lake right outside the window of our offices and it was nearly white-capping yesterday. If the job ends Dec. 31 as expected, I'll proceed with my plans to start an instructional guide business next spring.
  3. At least all those boats can be Rangers now.
  4. Dang it, Larry, someone stole your prop.
  5. Our friend Pepe knows his business when it comes to plastics and jigs. Thanks for the fun video.
  6. Eight keepers is a "might as well have stayed home" night for Bo.
  7. So it would seem. It's all right there below.
  8. Good stuff, Edwin. And nice to see a post from you. Fairways and greens, pal.
  9. We're overthinking things, fellows. It's just that simple.
  10. That LOZ temp will be very valuable from December thru March.
  11. Kinda like on Wicked Tuna when they grab the greenstick line and make the baits/lures dance.
  12. This "merger" has been in the works for a few years. Johnny Moneybags knew when he acquired Ranger who their No. 1 dealer is nationwide --- Cabela's. Now he owns both the manufacturing and retail ends.
  13. Great job and a nice report. Fall fishing is definitely here.
  14. There's usually a little bit of truth in every legend.
  15. Cody, I told her when she asked me how the trip went, "Don't ask if you don't want to hear the truth." LOL
  16. Thank you, Ellros. That's high praise.
  17. Hey, ain't nobody's business but Donna's what's in my genes.
  18. Sorry, water temp was 78-79 everywhere I went. You'll have to ask her. But I believe the word starts with "w".
  19. Fished a couple of pet sections of the White River today. Despite having not a cloud in the sky (literally, all day), I managed 26 total with 7 keepers, best five of which would go 14-15 pounds. Having a decent wind helped, as did having it blowing on the shady bank from noon until I quit at 4:30 p.m. Started fishing at 9:00 and caught a couple pretty quick on the Plopper, including my second-best fish of the day at about 3.5 pounds. Also caught a couple on a shallow crank and one on a Carolina-rigged Centipede, which was the ONLY fish caught deeper than 6 feet all day. The rest came on 3/8-ounce War Eagle spinnerbaits in the Spot Remover and Purple Shad colors. Managed a few pics but didn't get the two biggest ones. Hard to handle the boat in the wind and take pics by yourself. Right, Bo?
  20. And even as much of a cat guy as I am, I hate having to chase that dude down and try to get him back in that bag!
  21. Good job, Bo. Gotta love those kind of nights/days.
  22. Just bought one of the good Cabela's inflatables. Trying to get used to wearing it full time.
  23. Well, I suppose the country could use a few new bass lakes (no stripers, steady water levels and limited tournaments) plus we could take all the money being doled out to illegal aliens and direct it toward needy veterans. Might even have temporary boat/truck payment assistance for those who lose their jobs.
  24. I wouldn't hesitate to throw a blade in that dirty water.
  25. Good luck at Pomme. Never been there but I hear it can be tough. And yes, the fall bite is coming. It's 46 this morning in Bella Vista. Love it.
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