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Everything posted by Champ188

  1. Gonna be a fun 5 months leading up to the Friday after Thanksgiving (Mizzou vs. Arkansas) --- almost as much fun as the game itself. http://www.hogcall.com/funstuff/multimedia/music/Hog_Call.wav
  2. This is one of the most reasonable, level-headed posts I've seen on this topic in the past few weeks. And it has nothing to do with the last line. Well said, gitnby. And I couldn't agree more on tournaments being disallowed certain times of the year. I'd especially like to see them suspended during spawning time. Thanks for your insight and objectivity.
  3. Disagreeing with someone's beliefs/actions does not equate to belittling them. We have acknowledged time and again that anyone is perfectly entitled to keep a legal limit of fish. It just happens to be OUR belief that the widespread practice of doing so will cause irreparable harm to the fishery, and we are just as entitled to hold and state that belief as the catch-and-kill folks are to, well, kill their catch.
  4. dtrs5kprs answered those other questions quite well. ^^^ When I eat fish, and that is very occasionally, it is walleye. They are stocked in Table Rock. Bass are not. Catch and release is a hot topic, so people know when they post photos/stories about killing fish that it's gonna start a poopstorm. Rickf particularly knew this when he started this thread because he did the very same thing 2 weeks ago. As denjac said, he's just poking the bear. If you catch-and-kill guys don't like where these threads go, quit starting them. Kinda asinine to stir up crap and then complain about the smell.
  5. OK, that takes care of one guy.
  6. Wouldn't surprise me. He's hard to beat anywhere on TR and his son Kyle has turned into a pretty good sidekick. They're good folks.
  7. There are certainly a good many out there who just don't know any better. You can tell if that's the case fairly quick by their actions. And then there are those who just don't give a dang. You can also identify them pretty fast --- again by their actions.
  8. It would be interesting to hear Kelly Power speak to this. He has fished that arm of the lake for a very long time and knows it quite well.
  9. If you don't like it vonreed, go to another thread. You've stayed camped out on this one all evening just like you did for days with the other one that rickf started. You apparently like to argue. Those of us who support C&R are not going to stop championing our cause because you don't agree with it.
  10. Unrelated to this topic, tolerance for anything and everything is what has this great country going to heck in a hand basket.
  11. I am with Denny and Cody. I say we kick back and let him show his true colors along with all of his equally insignificant followers.
  12. Just for reference, this is a 3-pound, 10-ounce Kentucky. And it's probably even bigger now since I released it.
  13. Hey, quit making fun of Bill's spelling!
  14. Why no pix of the 3.5's? Did you fillet them on site?
  15. Can't get this kind of entertainment on the strip in Branson!
  16. Lots of big docks in that area, Steve. You can dropshot at depths of 18-28 feet from the bottom on out to the ends of those docks (no matter how deep the water, but keep your lure in that 18-28 range) with a small senko-type lure or finesse worm in a color like watermelon candy or plum. You can also pitch a Ned, shaky head or finesse jig into the dock slips in that 18-28 feet range. Or a spoon.
  17. That's exactly what I'm suggesting ... tell them what you think and --- if they pull that lame "I'm fishing a tournament" line --- that their status as a tournament fisherman doesn't give them any standing above anyone else. I've fished tournaments from the club level to BASS Invitationals and I have never, ever cut anyone off ... fellow competitor or bream fisherman. Yes, I said never, ever and I stand behind that. My dad taught me better. Furthermore, every tournament I've ever fished has had a sportsmanship rule that clearly prohibits that kind of behavior.
  18. Cool deal, flyrod. Thanks for sharing this with us.
  19. QB, you and I agree on most everything, but I have to disagree on this. Brennan had his 6-year-old son with him so he did the only thing he could have done. But if it was me and Donna, I would not have tolerated someone pulling up 20 yards in front of me. No way. No how. The reason these guys do this crap is because we let them. At some point we need to stand our ground and say enough is enough.
  20. I really doubt the fish notice "perfect" the way we humans do. That said, I'm pretty picky about perfect when it comes to buying off-the-shelf jerkbaits. At today's prices, they should be perfect. Still, I bet an imperfect home paint job would work just as well most of the time.
  21. The knifers should have a field day with this. You guys are welcome to do as you want, but I'm only passing specific info these days by PM. Nice graphic but we could still help the lady out without posting it out here for all the meathogs to latch onto.
  22. Actually, the 21-pound sack was caught by a single angler fishing the Jack Emmitt team tournament alone. Eric Olliverson.
  23. Took over 21 pounds (5-fish limit) to win the Jack Emmitt derby at Table Rock on Saturday. Winning weight was in the upper teens for Anglers in Action on Sunday. Pretty telling numbers it would seem.
  24. Yeah, Bill, that's a Gammy EWG No. 2. It has a bent leg. This was just an old Fin I had laying around that never really ran right. I've had a lot of success with Fins and the summarized version of my modifications to the bait include: Remove all the factory hooks and split rings Replace with smaller diameter rings Replace hooks with a No. 2 or 4 Gammy EWG on the front and a No. 2 Gammy EWG feather treble on the back. Put 2-3 Storm SuspenStrips on the belly portion at the veryIf back of the main section of the lure Put several coats of nail polish over the SuspenStrips (white polish if it's a white-belly lure; clear polish if it's a silver-belly lure) Do not try to heat and bend the bill of the lure. Some people have success with this, but usually you'll just mess up the bait. Hope this helps.
  25. I love it. Might even get a handshake from ol' Mark!
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