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Everything posted by Fozzy

  1. Showroom quality 2000 Viper Cobra 18 foot boat for sale, 2001 115 Mercury SS prop. Minn Kota MAXX 74 pound TM, 3 new batteries about 3 months old New onboard Bass Pro shops Battery Charger Gel Coat = Glittery blue whole boat. Always Garaged as soon as the days fishing trip was over, boat was stored inside. Gel coat and boat looks good enough to sit on the Bass Pro Shops floor and still would look great. Boat only fished on open water lakes and never been in the rocks... Always sealed Gelcoat with Protec fiberglass sealant. Boat has a Boarding ladder on the back to take a swim with. Custom fit cover for the boat, not hardly used ever expect overnight camping. Boat never has been tourney fished or "ran hard" 96% of the time i run about 3500 RPM and 28-32 MPH in the boat... No digi cam sorry, but boat looks new. Deck setup is similar to a Champion 181 or 186. Oh yah Dual console boat. Great and big livewell 30 Gallon i think with removable divider. Lights in rod boxes and livewell for night fishing. Asking $9000.00 Trailer is good with new tires and new bearings. No scratches on boats Gel Coat. Selling the boat due to fact I'm not fishing like I used to...
  2. I'm just saying basically I don't see how we can keep the spread contained.....Lake of the Ozarks, Taney and bull shoals have them.... I know most anglers won't do nothing about it....and unknowingly spread them. However, to me it seems even with due dilegence, they will spread! I'm really concerned on what will happen to our lakes and fishery...
  3. I'm sitting here thinking, I live up on Pomme De Terre Lake. So far no rumors of Zebra Mussels here, or Table Rock, or Stockton yet... I just got done running my Open bow boat on Pomme for the last time before winterizing it for the winter. I will fish the rest of the year with my outboard bass boat. I'm sitting here thinking, most boaters & anglers lift their motors up and alot of water is left in the cooling systems of a boat right? Most raise the motors up while on the trailer in the water and leave it up till they lower it at the next lake! Doesnt' that leave water in the engine?? Say you boat on Taney then goto Pomme...(etc) An Inboard/Outdrive Car engine Open bow boat would have alot of cooling water left in the block. I see several of those on Bull Shoals & Taney running around...I assume they get a motor filled with "larva" and BANG more infected lakes. I am really really worried and saddened by this turn of events. I dont' see any way that they are not going to fill every lake down here... Any thoughts?
  4. I second the Trout comment...I caught tons of trout in Ruark Cove this week on Jigs and small spinners, power baits of course...... It seems to me they were getting out of that super fast 4 generator current in the main lake....but who knows...
  5. I want to thank you for the Great reports you put in here, takes alot of your time.... I don't get to fish stockton as much as I should...but i really Love hearing your detailed reports...plus your tips/safety things are great... Thank you for your efforts....very much appreciated...
  6. Glad to hear somebody is catching some white bass.... I can't wait till they start thier runs in the big lakes....
  7. Yah that was me Blue cobra boat 115 Merc....I wish i lived in branson as much as I love to fish Taney....
  8. I agree Sunday i was fishing powerbait around the Island, and i was catching Bigger & more quality trout that i have in years here... The fish seemed to be in better health, and they definately fought harder. They were 14 -15 inch size...
  9. Went up in ruark cove I didn't catch any whites...a few 12 inch largemouths and many rainbow trout on roadrunners and small spinners. Several trout seen swimming under the boat....There may be some whites up there...wish i could've caught a few... Anybody else catch some?
  10. Go COLTS......Thank god the Patriots got beat....I'm so sick of that team .....Nice to see somebody else get into the big game. I'm happy for Chicago, however was pulling for New Orleans....i figured they couldn't beat Chicago at Soldier Field in the weather. Should be interesting...
  11. Hey will they keep TR above 916? or what do they normally do? I would like to see the lake at least normal pool all summer! So your saying they will release all the water and let bull shoals get High again, a few years ago i remember it was 20 feet high....course that is a long way from that now.....it would be nice to seee Bull Shoals 5-10 feet high....
  12. twosets, i love that idea that would work as well.... I just feel there should be more "restricted" areas on taney to let the fish "grow up" more... I am a big bait fisherman myself, but i would like the challenge of catching a bigger rainbow where they are harder to catch.... I think the challenge of it would be great....They need to "restrict" more water if they classify this lake as a "trout park" as well!
  13. Got a question, why does the MDC not create a 2nd area on Taney where live baits are restricted with the same Slot limit as in the first 2 miles of the dam to Fall creek? I am a boat fisherman on the lower lake from fall creek down... I'm afraid to run my boat up past fall creek due to shoals etc. I'm sure alot of boat anglers feel the same. I know that a trophy area in branson would be off limits due to anglers wanting to keep everthing they catch; however, How bought one say downstream of Tanglewood resort say to upstream of Rockaway beach? Ir seems that this stretch of water doesn't get the pressure because of being downstream of the resorts in branson/hollister and most anglers Drive their boats towards branson to fish. Somewhere where there isn't alot of resorts, but maybe you could grow some bigger fish. I myself think there should be a restricted area....say 2-3 miles of lake that you have to fish like you do above fall creek. You would have to educate the public and post signs all over the lake, but i think the public would support it. I notice the angling pressure lessens as you head to rockaway (downstream of Tanglewood lodge), why not make a 2-3 mile trophy area??? The same restrictions as upstream of fall creek? Wouldn't this be good for the trout population? Wouldn't some bigger trouts migrate into the Non-protected area to be caught by "Bait" fisherman? I just think this would be a great idea for Missouri Dept of Conservation.
  14. A few weeks/months back there was a topic on Fishing Hot Spots maps, the company interviewing anglers & owners on Taney. Any word on the release of the map? I myself look forward to the release will definately get one.
  15. Ok thanks for the tips i will try them....
  16. Fishing from a Boat, trolling for Trout today, caught several Rainbows and released them on lures. How do you hold these fish? A Largemouth, you grab the mouth of course, don't dammage the Slime on the fish. These Rainbows are slick as eels! You get a 10-12 inch "Stocker" fish and they flip around....i never grab them under the gills. I feel bad when they hit the carpet in my boat cause i know i'm dammaging the slime protective covering. I get them released, but you can't hold them... Would a "Fish glove" they sell at BPS help? How do you grab them so they don't Flop all over? What am I missing?
  17. I don't agree at all with the people that don't love the lakes on the White, we have one of the best Fishing/Boating/Recreation coridors in the USA. Trout fishing 12 months a year. Bass fishing etc.... The lakes are fantastic.....sure they could've made one Giant lake there but I am pretty happy with what we have...
  18. I'm not an expert at walleye, but at Stockton lake I second it, good lake to try. Around the State park boat launch cove is a good place to troll rapalas or wiggle warts I've caught a few walleye doing that. Course you catch white bass, crappie, etc... Stockton has a big population of walleye. Around the dam and the 215 bridge is good.
  19. Just wondering what the Number reading of "normal pool" for taneycomo. You call the generation #...i know 915 feet is normal for table rock, what is Taney's normal #? What is the minimum it has been and maximum on the readings? just wondering?
  20. The pattern generation wise before the last few days has been 1 generator on for a few hours then rest of the time zero generation. Temps seemed to be in the mid 60's water wise in the up above the bridges & up to fall creek (boat fishing with bait). Done very good fishing wise during this time. Then suddenly they ran 4 generators...fishing went from excellent to horrible. Nobody else was catching either. Around the bridges, the Island, cooper creek area etc.... Tried it again in those spots the next day again = no luck, skunked. I noticed the water probably is in the 50's then Drove the boat the other direction the next day from branson to rockaway beach area...water probably was 60's or so, some cold but not as much. There i limited out on trout in 1 hour or less. Some very nice ones... Friday fished that area again at rockaway, stuck my hand in water, must have been in the 50's like the upper lake, again No bites, Skunked! Is this a thing to watch in this lake? Does the temp change "shock fish"? I saw a few guys in creeks fishing where warmer water mixes with cold water, (and out of the current) and they were doing good....catching fish. Any opinions?
  21. Hey guys thank you for the tips, i'm heading to BPS to get some rapalas as suggested above! I wanna catch another one...i think they are a very nice looking fish, and hate to say it but far more "mean" than a rainbow. Seems like they fight alot harder, maybe it is just me... thanks for the tips
  22. I've caught tons of rainbows on powerbait, a few on little cleos and very small sinking trout color rapalas (about 1 1/4 inches long). I have only caught one brown trout in years of fishing there a nice one 15 inch was promptly released. Brown trout to me are a better looking and far 'Mean'er fish than a rainbow. I don't think they will hit power baits... So what do you throw to catch them? Can you throw standard bass style crankbaits? Like a shad rap say a medium sized one like for bass? Light line? Just wondering...it seems the browns are very rare either that or very very smart fish... Would love to catch a few more...
  23. I think it would be nice to have a video cam corder with you when you saw these guys doing wrong doing. If they only had a camera shoved in their face...or even a flash camera!! If i was a poacher i think i would get scared straight rather quick! Of course i know that isn't practical...but would be a good detourant! Could you imagine having a guy snap a picture of you "say i'm turning your face into the game warden you poacher" etc.....it would scare a criminal to death!
  24. Yes i saw the boat around Scottys heading under the last bridge going towards branson landing area (under the bridge) over the 4th....i was wondering the same thing what are they doing here?
  25. With all the boats from other states i see being towed down Highway 65 to branson, it will eventually end up in table rock and our other lake treasures....would only take one person to spread them to our lakes... that is the big worry to me about them....
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