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Everything posted by ladykiller

  1. Trolling around as usual....
  2. Cricket, I really don't care what goes on in this guy's field. I don't have a dog in the fight. The guy could be the nicest fella in the world, but if you're throwing festivals on your farm and the place is known (personally don't know) for this kinda stuff then you betcha someone is going to be watching especially if there have been multiple complaints. The law is what it is. I don't know what your link leads to because the internet filter here apparently doesn't like it. From what google indicated it was an article about LE wanting drugs to be legalized or de-criminalized. My personal thought on the matter is, I don't care. To each their own, but that being said, the law is what it is right now. Spirited conversation fellas. Everyone have a good night.
  3. Wrench, I was one. ten years worth. and yes there are a few bad apples in every bunch, but they're few and far between my friend. Like I said, right or wrong, like it or not.....should've known better.
  4. Easy there wrench, I don't care a bit if they were all running around with a lit doob hanging out their wazoo and a rock pipe in each hand. To each their own, but the property owner has to be smart enough to realize the risk that he/she was taking by either condoning the activity or looking the other way. He is responsible for the people on his property. It's my belief that a person can do whatever they want with their personal property, but the fact remains that we are a society of laws, and last time I checked drugs are against the law. Either keep your stuff on the down low, or face the music.
  5. Its common knowledge, or at least should be, that if you are allowing drug activity to go down on your property, you may have your assests seized by the federal government. Car, house, land, bank accounts, etc..anything that can be considered ill gotten gains from the illegal activity. This is a civil action and does not require a criminal case. Like it or not, right or wrong, drugs are still illegal, and allowing it on your property is not a good idea.
  6. Phil, I sent you an invite on FB for their page.
  7. The smallies is what made me look. Since then have seen more pics of pretty good sized trout!
  8. Patfish if you're a facebooker, the pics are on their facebook page. Have seen a lot of the trout pics, but can't manage to get them saved and uploaded here.
  9. Sorry, Phil! Workin' and typing at the same time. It's actually bass river's website.
  10. I see a lot pics of brightly colored rainbow trout from a particular canoe rental place on the Courtois' website. Are these trout coming from the Courtois, or another stream close by?
  11. yak, I live here in Jeff City and you need to bring a boat to fish it effectively. Pretty good bass lake and catfishing. A lot of crappie, but I haven't caught one out of there over 7 inches in about 10 years. Something's got the crappie stunted. Kyle
  12. Good to know! I can usually find a box here or there, but not by the case. Plus I've found a friend with waaaaay too much time on his hands, so he's pressin' out quite a few reloads.
  13. Some of it has to do with the overseas 'conflicts' as well. Anybody tried to by any .223 rem in quantity lately?
  14. I'm not saying it isn't fun, but it seems to me like a lot of effort and money spent for the actual amount of time it can be fished. Maybe our lake is not the perfect set up for it either. Hard to get to fish once they move deeper...
  15. The urban trout program is not all it's craked up to be in my opinion. I'm in Jefferson City about 4 miles from McKay lake which is stocked and I used to go try to hit it pretty hard after the stocking. You can only get a couple to maybe three good weeks out of fishing the lake. It freezes over and the trout are then unreachable because you cannot have a boat on that water. Once the lake thaws and the catch and keep season starts.....what's the point? I'd rather drive to Meramec this time of year and do some "real" fishing.
  16. Not at all, I received the info I was looking for. If I was trying to pass them off as from a legitimate source it would be a different story, but I was skeptical of them and figured someone here would be able to dismiss their legitimacy. I will post some bigfoot pics from here in Jeff City tomorrow......
  17. I don't doubt that...... just passing it along....
  18. I got these pictures from a buddy at work who got them from one of his deer hunting buddies......."Check these out........these were taken from around Edina, MO east of Kirksville. And they say there aren't any in Missouri."
  19. I went down on wednesday 11/19 and absolutely tore them up all day with only a few others around. Went back this past Sunday and only caught two, and they were outside the park. I figure that early in the week they still remember being caught over the weekend. I'll head back down next wednesday and test my theory.
  20. Well, according to my brother, McKay lake in Jeff City has been stocked and fishing well! Guess I'll have to play hookey from work tomorrow and see for myself........
  21. I had the day off of work and drove down and hit the park on Tuesday. Got to the water about 10ish. The water is still higher than normal of course, moving along, and slightly off colored still. Fish were hard to find and not in the normal holding spots, or maybe I just couldn't see them, but I managed to catch quite a few on the usual Montauk suspects. Bright glo-balls and heavy mini jigs seemed to do the trick. Mostly yellow and pink. Fished the fly area, the flat water behind the lodge, and down by the wire. Caught 3-4 fish in each area holding close to the bank or around other structure like downed trees. The fish that hit were hitting hard and with the extra current were fun to catch. Anyway, left with my four for the frying pan. The campground was virtually empty and probably saw less than 25 fisherman the whole time I was there. Sun was out and a beautiful day. Be going back asap.
  22. We only picked up a few on brush with no other structure around. The majority were all along the windy side of a dock really bunched up too. All we have caught are big fish this spring. I threw back 3-4 that measured 10-10.5 inches because we were catching the bigger fish.
  23. Went out Tuesday with my dad and put in at Kauffman Beach. Arrived and got on the water about 11:30. Water was a bit more clear than it was late last week, but about five degrees colder and about 46-47 degrees. We picked up a few on shallow beds in 7-8 feet of water and then hit a good bed next to a dock. All in all, we did well with the majority of the fish in that one hole and we were off the water with two limits by 3:30.
  24. Ive pulled my pup down there about every way you can go, and I've never had any problems. The Salem route is quicker. Hwy 63 is almost a straight shot from Rolla to Licking. Good thing about going the 63 route is the Little Piney.
  25. I know exactly what you're saying about the monsters at the wire. There's been two occasions where a hog has come out from under a log on the right right side if you're looking downstream right outside the park and slammed me. I wasn't really ready either time and they were gone back under the log before I knew what hit me. I always make a drift or two when I walk past now, but no luck since, however, they are still there. I can hear them laughing at me!
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