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Everything posted by Lshack2

  1. That is cool by me... Larry
  2. Im in and I'll tie the Green Butt. Larry
  3. I may have missed this earlier, but one of the other swaps we tied two flies per person... one to keep for a pattern and one to fish with...What did you have in mind for this swap? Any particular way that you want the flies shipped? Larry
  4. As far as materials, I would recommend that you start with the basic nymph patterns that are so effective in your area and buy specific materials to tie those flies. We all like to experiment with exotic flies but I would start with the basics that make us the majority of a trout's diet....In addition to the wooly bugger, you can add a scud and sowbug, with the major expenditure being the hooks like a TMC 2487 in size 14 or 16 and on Taney maybe a smaller size 18 or 20. Scud and sowbug dubbing is very inexpensive and you could tie them in tan, olive or copper with sowbugs in grey. This same hook you can tie the zebra midge (tungsten bead, wire ribbing & thread), and even San Juan worm with a package of chennile on the larger hook. Another inexpensive yet effective fly to tie is the soft hackle thread body, wire ribbing, dubbing and a partridge collar. It is a bit more challenging learn to tie, but once you get it once, it is like riding a bicycle. There are some good step by step instructions if you look on the forum, but most local fly shops can really help you get started. I've not been tying long, but it adds a whole new deminsion to fly fishing.
  5. I just saw the post and would like to partcipate if you still are open and need additional flies. I would like to tie a foam grasshopper pattern. Just let me know. Larry
  6. We have typically used a pretty small nymph like a 16 or 18 and tried various dropper lengths but it seems that 15 - 18" seems to work best out west. I agree that we generally catch more fish on the dropper for some reason. I have heard argued that single barbless hook means no treble hooks and it is legal to fish two flies in the C&R areas, but I don't think the game warden would see it that way.... Larry
  7. John, Do you ever use a hopper /dropper combo outside of the catch and release areas? I have fished out west with the big foam hoppers and trailed a pheasant tail or hares ear 18 inches below, but don't hear much about anglers doing that here.... Larry
  8. John, I took my 13 yr old son to Dry Run on the 2nd and he had a wonderful time. He landed a 22" pig rainbow and lost one bigger than than that got downstream before I could get him in the net. We switched up flies pretty freqently and did best on SJ Worms, Sowbug and a 14 soft hackle with a split shot fished under an indicator. There were several families on the creek, but everyone was curtious and seemed to have a good time. He probably landed 15 in a couple of hours and had several more hooked.... Larry
  9. I got mine today also and they look great. I am looking forward to the posting of the pictures. Caddis, what kind of biot did you use for the body on your fly? Larry
  10. Does anyone have any experience or recomendations for a 5wt or 6wt sink-tip lines? I do a bit of white bass fishing in the spring when they move up the White from Beaver and some smallmouth fishing on the Kings. I am generally throwing clousers or crazycraws.... Larry
  11. I'm in agreement to donate the extra set of flies as you see appropriate. Just appreciate you hosting the swap! Larry
  12. I live in Goshen and crossed the bridge today. Richland is up and beginning to clear about four or five trucks in the parking lot. The white is still chocolate milk colored but clearing some every day. I fished the day before the rain up from twin bridges and it was very good, but have not heard a report since then. Larry
  13. I have found that it works best to tie up several hooks with the eyes and let them dry overnight and then complete the clouser the next day. I use a drop of zap-a-gap about five or six wraps before I am done and it seems to do the trick. I also like to use red thread to tie in the eyes regardless of what color I use to for the clouser. Larry
  14. June 1st works for me. So are we talking about 19 flies (9*2 +1) each?
  15. I would like to paricipate if it is still open. I can tie a size 15 Green Butt Soft Hackle. Larry
  16. Thanks, I had him on the creek once before and he did get a bit frustrated trying to cast. We used SJ worms and squirrel tail nymphs and he did ok. I obviously was not rigged heavy enough and need the net from my boat vs. the one on the back of my vest. Thanks for the tips. Larry
  17. I am planning to take my 13 year old to Dry Run this weekend. He is relatively new to fly fishing, although has been spin/jig fishing his whole life. Any recommendations as to flies or techniques? Larry
  18. Thanks John, I really appreciate you sharing the recipe.
  19. Is the wing tied in a loop or straight similar to a serendipty? Larry
  20. I got mine in the mail today as well. They all looked good except the diamond midge (the fly that I tied). The glass bead broke during shipping causing the tread to begin to come undone. I hope that others don't experience the same.... Larry
  21. John, I finished my flies up this evening and will get them in the mail tomorrow. I am in addition to the BH Hare'e Ears, I put together a couple dozen Shrimp (scuds) of various colors and sizes to send as well. Larry
  22. Put me down for a couple dozen bead head hare's ear. I also have some extra spools of tippet that I will throw in as well. Larry
  23. Thanks jOrOb, that helps me a lot. If you could find a picture or link to post that would be great. Larry
  24. I fished last weekend at Rim Shoals on the white. I had serveral fish come up and look and a couple that actual struck at my while Pulse indicator. I tried a few drys like a hopper pattern, beetle, and a foam club sandwich to no avail. I fished a soft hackle and crackleback with limited success as well. I thought about tying a white foam beetle with a pearl body and maybe krystal flash legs but have not found a recipe. Any ideas?
  25. I fished Sunday afternoon and Monday morning in the catch and release area at the bottom of Rim Shoals. There was a nice caddis hatch in the afternoon on one generator. I caught several rainbows and an 18" brown on a crackleback and soft hackles. Fishing was really good the last two hours of the afternoon. I fished Monday a.m. on two falling gererators and found the fishing tougher. I caught all rainbows on various patterns including a sculpin streamer early and various 16 scuds, san juan worms, and # 20 zebra midges as it fell. I even caught a couple on a black ant dry but nothing consistant enough to be considered a pattern. Larry
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